I see Im not wanted here

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31 October 2006
So Cal
Many of you dislike me for a thread I started last week about what I did to help my friend. Honestly, I dont care of people on the internet dislike me, it means nothing to my future. I was looking for a community that I could join that understood me, and even if I did something stupid they could give me advice instead of constantly attack me make a mockery out of me. I do find my own actions before immature, but what I find even more immature is some of you prime members fighting fire with fire. I have given up on my search for an NSX, it is such a wonderfull and amazing car. I have test drove 6 so far and I fell in love after the 1st but never found the right one for me. This probably will be my last post on prime so say what you wish about me. I will probably go for the next best thing, an s2k.
wish me luck!

farewell prime!
You're not buying and NSX because of people on an internet site? If you become an owner, you'll be spending most of your time behind the wheel, not behind a keyboard. Heck, there are many, many owners that have no idea that NSXPrime exists and enjoy the car for what it is, not who else has one or what website they frequent. Continue your search...........
I assume you're referring to this topic, which I never bothered reading before now, and about which I will not comment.

All I can say is, if you have decided not to buy a particular car simply because you were offended by what a handful of its owners said on the internet, all you are accomplishing is denying yourself something that might make your life more enjoyable, and that is very foolish indeed.
Yeah don't generalize everyone because some people disagreed with your actions. I don't have anything against you but you should have known what was going to happen from your post. Most of the guys/owners here are generally older and maturer. So that post may be more amusing on Honda tech or ClubRSX versus here. Otherwise don't feel you need to give up on getting a NSX because of internet posting. Either way good luck.
<snip>... and even if I did something stupid they could give me advice instead of constantly attack <snip> farewell prime!
Originally Posted by queenlives
you pm'd me
Originally Posted by NSX_BOB
Can you edit your post with my contact info? That really was uncalled for.
when i viewed your initial apology to prime, i deleted the info as requested, then replied to your pm:
you apologize, i removed the details from my post.

prime is a pretty good community. we are all ages, have many different life experiences and often work together to help one another. you haven't asked for my advice, but i'll offer it, anyway:

if you want to be a part of the community - rather than a flame-target - remove the offensive images and make a sincere apology to prime members. not a big fluffy apology, just say, "i'm sorry i've offended people here. i appreciate your feedback and have removed the offensive posts."

then step back from prime for a few weeks and just observe / lurk. the reason you might want to do this is pretty simple: the nsx is a quality - but unique - car and you never know when you'll need a prime member's help in some unforseen way. (i suppose there could be another: with the information you've posted to prime, you could well be turned in to law enforcement and from there, a personal shit-storm could ensue.)

as one of the poster's said, we've all done things we wish we could do-over: this could be one of yours, so give it some thought.

good luck.
your response
I accually already apologized, did you not see the post? Look you can edit that post you made or not, now it dosent make much of a difference. I apologized and people commended me for it. If your looking for a personal apology? I wont do that, I spologized to prime and its members in genral already.

you brought it on, yourself, so quit with the wounded duck routine because this one's got that act nailed: http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=82704
Remember you're not the only one here that pulled out crazy stunts like that...the only difference is they didn't broadcast it to the whole world by posting it here...I might have done something more stupid things - I regret it but I chose to keep it to myself....A real man takes responsibility of his own action..and by people here flaming on you so be it....that's the consequence of you what you did...you have to accept it - and if you feel apologetic - then apologize and put it behind you...move on...you didn't hurt or stole from anybody so keep your head high - no big deal - no need to give up on your dream...
Try posting the same thread on www.s2ki.com I imagine you'll get a similar reply, then over to the Corvette forum..........

Keep trying until you get a forum that accepts it and enjoy driving your..............

I don't even know what forum would accept that as acceptable behaviour.
So either take the advice above and learn or............ ??
Try posting the same thread on www.s2ki.com I imagine you'll get a similar reply, then over to the Corvette forum..........

Keep trying until you get a forum that accepts it and enjoy driving your SRT-4

I don't even know what forum would accept that as acceptable behaviour.
So either take the advice above and learn or............ ??

Don't you worry. It was my perception that you were soliciting a laugh by posting the referenced story. Well you did succeed with some and with others that made it known you did not. Oh well! Life goes on.

I have driven an NSX for 6 years without even joining prime :wink: It is a great resource for any owner, prospective owner or enthusiast. On a related note, so is S2Ki.

Success with finding your NSX or S2000. You can't go wrong with either :smile:
nsx_bob.... as sort of mentioned in your now INFAMOUS thread.... i'm sure by now you understand why the community reacted the way they did... while the responses might have been harsh... honestly i think they would have fired off just the same to anyone who posted it up... i can even gaurantee that had i posted it... i'd be asking for it...

so don't be surprised by the reaction of the community... and don't take it personally... look at it as i said before... a learning lesson... i agree, instead of an ambigious apology... use THIS thread to post up a apology to prime... chill out for a bit, browse, keep searching for that dream nsx... and slowly get your feet wet again...

no ONE here, and i can probably say this with confidence, will hold you against your actions or that one post forever... give it time...

and LASTLY... why the hell give up on the search for the NSX if you say you love it so much... what others say or react shouldn't deter you from that! keep searching... patience tends to lead you to the perfect one... trust me... you say you'll go with SECOND best... and trust me... you'll never be fullyl satisified... you'll keep regreting it...

no one ever said you're NOT wanted around here... and post your thread on ANY forum, and i'm sure you'd get the same reaction... swallow your pride or ego (if its that) and just be humbled by the situation...

you're ONLY not wanted here if you CHOOSE to not want to be here... best wishes!

I had never seen the post you were talking about untill today. I have nothing against you and i don't dislike you. Do not let these guys dictate what you do in life. If you want an NSX than get one.

Now i will say something about the other post. The guys replying to the post kept mentioning that NSX_ BOB was acting childish. I myself have never seen so much childish name calling in a post before. It made me ashamed to read the replies some of the people posted calling him names and posting personal information when such things are uncalled for.

I have been a member of prime for a short time but i love the site and i enjoy communicating with prime members. You guys need to think about what you are going to post before doing so. Posts like those just make the site look bad and i don't think Lud wants that.
Forum Rule 4. FLAMES ARE NOT TOLERATED. Rational, polite, and constructive discussion and debate are welcome. Flames, bashing, personal attacks, or immature attitudes are not. If you have a problem with another member or something they have posted, work it out with that user in PRIVATE or just ignore their posts. If the situation continues, contact the administator. Flames and personal attacks on the message board will result in deletion of the offending messages and possibly suspension or revocation of posting priviliges without warning and at the administrator's sole discretion.

Anyways, if replies like that start getting more frequent then i will be another person getting a little scarce around here.

Don't even trip, I would of done the same for my homie, and don't even worry about other peoples opinions. They would have propably done the same thing if it was their friend.

People are so quick to judge and spit negativity, when if they were there they would of done the same thing.

So take this as a compliment NSX_BOB you are a true homie!

And from a person that hooked up prime members to your Club with VIP Admission to Free Valet. Shame on you prime members for hating!

Come Back NSX_BOB, forget the Haterade its a free country! :biggrin:

Don't even trip, I would of done the same for my homie, and don't even worry about other peoples opinions. They would have propably done the same thing if it was their friend.

People are so quick to judge and spit negativity, when if they were there they would of done the same thing.

So take this as a compliment NSX_BOB you are a true homie!

And from a person that hooked up prime members to your Club with VIP Admission to Free Valet. Shame on you prime members for hating!

Come Back NSX_BOB, forget the Haterade its a free country! :biggrin:

not too sure if that's really the advice you should be giving our friend... and let alone prejudge everyone by saying EVERYONE would have done the same thing... we'd ALL help friends out... no doubt... but where we draw the lines of what we'd do for them differs...
NSX Prime's "Dark Ages". As one leaves, two more insolent dolts pop up in their place.
not too sure if that's really the advice you should be giving our friend... and let alone prejudge everyone by saying EVERYONE would have done the same thing... we'd ALL help friends out... no doubt... but where we draw the lines of what we'd do for them differs...

Im just trying to help. But seriously if you had a chance to help your friend you would. At it was at a spur of the moment thing. No harm no foul.

And seriously this forum is pretty damn good, I came from Honda-Tech...and man its not even close.

But I agree JDM, i have family in the force so crying wolf I really dont condone. But im just saying I can never turn down a friend in Need. Same for fellow prime members, I am here to support and help my family, friends and prime members.

I really enjoy and respect everyone's opinions would it be positive or negative.

Thanks Prime!:biggrin:
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