I need help in the Phoenix AZ area

20 April 2000
Minot ND / Las Vegas NV
Hey guys I need your help. I've been talking to a guy from Phoenix AZ and hes selling some 22 inch rims that I'd like to buy for my suburban. Well I'm not the kinda jackass to just send that kind of money to someone with out visual confirmation. So can someone meet with this guy and inspect the rims and tires for me? I need someone with basic wheel and tire knoweledge and a eye for spotting damage. ie dents, curb rash, scratches, tire punctures, etc. I also would like a person with a digi cam so he can send me back pics. I'm willing to pay this person $50 for their time, I know it aint much but shit its better than nothing. E mail me if your interested in helping me out. I'm only asking my fellow NSXers cuz I trust you guys.

[email protected]


[This message has been edited by PUREVIL (edited 04 March 2002).]
I'd be glad to help you (no charge ) The problem is I do not know how to download pics' yet from my camera (I'm a little slow going).Possibly ask Mark B. if he's not too busy to help."I am not offering his help"but being he's in PX too possibly this guy (if he wants to sell them can swing them by his shop for inspection???Being that you are a fellow to this site.
Other than that I can give you a visual only at this point.
Just a thought..

Thanks for the reply, if you could pass this info to the gentleman you were speaking of I'd appreciate it. Also I feel that I'd have to pay someone because they are doing me a favor, and I appreciate anyone taking time out of their busy schedules to help me out, ya know?

One thing about the pix, you wouldn't have to upload them to the site just e mail them to me. Thanks
why dont you call Marks shop and see if he can help and if so,call the rim guy and tell him to bring them to Mark for final inspection ...

OK this is a stupid question but who is Mark? How can I contact him? I've been a member for a long ass time but I never heard of anyone named Mark? Oh wait I think I know who your talking about RM Racing Mark?

Thanks a ton for helping me out. If there is anything I can do for ya you let me know. But its going to be kinda hard since I live in ND! HAHAHA Again thanks for all your help.
I could use a Ferrari Modena,Yellow,no paddle shifter please.2001 will do.Low miles 5-6k,preferably coupe.Dont worry about the mod's ,I'll take it from there... :)

Yes ,but not all at once.They have special finance programs with lower interest rates available for qualified parties as yourself.
:) :) :)
I'll start moving the stuff over in the garage(lawnmower,weedwacker,tools etc...)
Just get me the specs on the exact amount of space I will need to allow (hieght,width,length)..
