Are your battery terminals corroded? I've had problems in the past with cars not starting because the terminals are too corroded. When you turn on the ignition, do all of your electronics in the car work properly? If your stereo and everything work properly, but when you try to start your car it just clicks or makes no sound at all, or everything (including the stereo, and other electronics) just go dead, it could be that your terminals on the battery are loose or corroded enough to let enough power through to run your radio, but not your starter. If they are corroded, disconnect both leads and soak them in a water/baking soda mixture to clean them. If your car cranks, but does not start, it could be that your fuel pump shutoff switch was tripped somehow and needs to be reset. In your trunk, there is an automatic switch that shuts off the fuel pump Incase you are ever hit real hard in an accident, but sometimes they trip by themselves (happened to me once). If this is the case, you can check your owners manuel to see where the reset is to the switch (usually in the trunk or under the driver's dash) or you can call a dealership and ask them. If your car cranks, but does not start, it could also be a blown ignition fuse. It could also be a factory anti-theft system or an aftermarket alarm system that tripped when your battery was weak. Sears Automotive will diagnose most major battery and alternator problems and tell you exactly what's wrong for about $10.