I got a question on a no front license plate but my car is registered out?

29 July 2005
North Dallas (Richardson), TX
I just recent received one the past weekend. My car is parked and the officer just wrote a ticket and clip it on my windshield. What an a$$!

My question is: Since I'm from TX and my car have a TX plate. Do I need to pay for it? If I do decide not to pay for it and the car will not be registered here in Cali will I have problem renewing my registration in TX? Last, if another officer decided to run my plate and I'm guessing it will show up for something here will my car get towed? Thanks :confused:
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I would take the ticket to the police station and discuss it with them and if necessary, temporarily mount the plate on the front to get it signed off. Its never a good idea to ignore tickets.
I would take the ticket to the police station and discuss it with them and if necessary, temporarily mount the plate on the front to get it signed off. Its never a good idea to ignore tickets.

Alright...I might try that. Thanks for your help. This sucks... :mad: Any idea on how to temporarily mount a license plate? Zip Ties?
Alright...I might try that. Thanks for your help. This sucks... :mad: Any idea on how to temporarily mount a license plate? Zip Ties?

That is what I was thinking...
Why I love kansas, no front plate required!