I can't figure out Ebay...

6 December 2006
N. California
I have been looking at NSX Ebay listings for a long time and I'd say that 95% of them don't meet the reserve. Do you guys feel that this is true? I suppose it's still great advertising and I bet that most people buy the cars at a lower price then the reserve after the auction is finished. Just some random thoughts..:)
I would not be surprised that the seller's buddy is also bidding it up.
I have been looking at NSX Ebay listings for a long time and I'd say that 95% of them don't meet the reserve. Do you guys feel that this is true? I suppose it's still great advertising and I bet that most people buy the cars at a lower price then the reserve after the auction is finished. Just some random thoughts..:)
Still looking at NSX's for sale?

Are you trying to find a Long Beach Blue Pearl? You know you want one. :tongue: :biggrin:
Still looking at NSX's for sale?

Are you trying to find a Long Beach Blue Pearl? You know you want one. :tongue: :biggrin:

LMAO! Yeah, I'm looking for a LBB so I can use it as my beater car!:biggrin:
Naww ....that never happens on Ebay....:cool:

I love when they come with a second chance offer right after the bidding is closed.

That is not unusual, though. My software automatically sends a SCO to the second highest bidder, if certain criteria is met.

As for a car, that does seem a bit suspicious!
I use to own/operate an interactive car dealership with my brother. We sold on autotrader and ebay. We lost a ton of money :(. For starters at any auto auction cars sell for a tad above wholesale as dealers will sell them for retail. On ebay... it is really hard to get above wholesale for anything. Then ebay buyers typically back out or deals fall apart. It was very common for us to have to relist a car 5-6 times b/c the buyer couldn't get financed, the car would never hit reserve etc. I think it's the nature of ebay being an auction site. It is very common for dreamers to say.. "well at this price I can afford this nsx instead of a civic"... when they have no clue that the car is only at a fraction of it's value. So they start bidding and end up trying to over buy... well I said 10k for this NSX and I can go up another five... i think it's worth 50 so I can maybe get it for around 20 since this is ebay and it's an auction"... Then after they are up another five they are like.. "well I can go up two"... soon they are over their head but way under you're reserve... if if they dream really big/have no vlue what they can afford... they end up winning the car they can't get financed... but what happens in most cases though is that the car never hits reserve b/c you've got some bone head thinking he can buy a 50k nsx for 20k and skip buying a civic. Autotrader typically offers more serious buyers but ebay ads buy more attention... problem is it isn't the right kind of attention often times so you end up wasting a bunch of time on the phone with someone who seems to be a serious buyer... only to find you might have turned away serious buyers b/c you thought the car sold but it turns out it sold to someone who has no way to buy the car but really loves it. Just b/c car doesn't hit reserve though doesn't mean it'll sell for less than the reserve. Typically they'll be relisted later or sold through another venue where there are more serious buyers. I think another issues is ppl will watch items... even when they have no intent to buy... then they think they'll get the deal of a lifetime so they end up bidding an say an M3 even though they have no idea what it is and no idea what it is worth... and their attitude is "I want a mercedes but if I can get a BMW for less that'll work". They aren't serious buyers. A serious buyer typically knows exactly what he wants... he knows what it'll cost to obtain... and he is out trying to find the car he wants and he is looking more in his back yard so he can easily inspect it and buy it if he/she decides they want it. I say all that but I've sold 65k M5s before on ebay... sigh unseen... had someone wire me cash for the car even though they never spoke to me on the phone... and I slapped them on an exotic transport and shipped them across the country and never spoke with the buyer other than eml... so you just never know what'll go down on ebay... so maybe the seller is dreaming too if that makes sense. That was the one thing that kept us at ebay... The thought that it only takes the one right person to come along.. they have to have the car... the use the buy it now... wire you the money and arrange to ship it to themselves and never even talk to you. Talk about painless transactions...