I am 15 & gettin an NSX!

Man, all I really wanted when I was 15 was Donkey Kong....;)
Alykhan04 said:
I wish I could have worked for my NSX, but unfortunately (not really) my dad bought me mine before my 16th birthday. I know....I don't deserve it.

Midnight_Raven said:

I envy you so much, man you must of been a very happy kid at the age of 16.

My colleague bought his son a brand new NSX as his 1st car as well. I don't condone what he did, but if this is the way he chose to raise his kid, so be it. I don't have the right to tell him otherwise.

I actually spoke to his kid a few months ago and he told me his greatest fear was not being able to sustain his current "high" standard of living after he is out on his own. He's afraid that the NSX will be the best car he will ever own. He's afraid that he might be driving that NSX for the rest of his life cause everything else he can afford will be a step down.
jlindy said:
Man, all I really wanted when I was 15 was Donkey Kong....;)

and today's kids play Gran Turismo, Need for Speed etc. and imho, this is how they find out about cars like the NSX...
RyRy210 said:
He's afraid that he might be driving that NSX for the rest of his life cause everything else he can afford will be a step down.

I don't plan on buying another car. If I do, it'll just be another NSX. I know I don't deserve the car but I'm not taking any of it for granted, I know theres a million kids who'd want to be me right now, and I'm not cocky about it. My dad just happens to be wealthy, and you can say I'm spoiled but thats fine, because I know a spoiled kid is someone who can go out every night, has no curfew, can do whatever they want, can get however many tickets they want, and can do stupid stuff like drugs and get in trouble for it. In fact, I had to sign a contract with my dad. My gpa has to be at least a 3.8, I cant get one ticket, cant stay out late, and oh yeah...my room's gotta be clean ;) . If I dont do any of those, I get my car taken up for 3 months at a time. And to the guy that said he envys me for having an NSX at 16, you should instead envy everyone else on this forum, because they earned it, not me.
Alykhan04 said:
I don't plan on buying another car. If I do, it'll just be another NSX. I know I don't deserve the car but I'm not taking any of it for granted, I know theres a million kids who'd want to be me right now, and I'm not cocky about it. My dad just happens to be wealthy, and you can say I'm spoiled but thats fine, because I know a spoiled kid is someone who can go out every night, has no curfew, can do whatever they want, can get however many tickets they want, and can do stupid stuff like drugs and get in trouble for it. In fact, I had to sign a contract with my dad. My gpa has to be at least a 3.8, I cant get one ticket, cant stay out late, and oh yeah...my room's gotta be clean ;) . If I dont do any of those, I get my car taken up for 3 months at a time. And to the guy that said he envys me for having an NSX at 16, you should instead envy everyone else on this forum, because they earned it, not me.

You know, that is a cogent, intelligent, and well thought out reply.. most kids your age (I'm as old as dirt at 30 i guess) would basically say yeah i'm not spoiled i deserve this blah blah blah blah blah blah blah (which is all any one who's paid their dues in life sees at this point of the message). I have a friend, since high school, parents LOADED. Bought him a red porsche convertible, multiple houses (to rent out i guess), gadgets, ets... got over a grand a month in allowance in high school...back when a grand a month meant something :D :D but what the hell, it's their money...they've earned literally every penny, started out dirt poor... so spend it as you want..
I envy everyone your right, but I envy you more cause of how lucky you are, that you got your dream car so early in your life. Not everyone has the opportunity to get a NSX at an early age and even some that do probably can't because they might die in a young age before they have a chance to own one, or they might not every be able to because of there disabilities. At least now you have the opportunity to drive your dream car and will not have to worry about not being able to in the future because of injuries, death, financial problems, ect.

That is why I envy you not because you got it for free because you have the secured opportunity to own one in your life. I still don't have that, that is why I envy you. :)

Do you understand now. Hopefully I can live long enough and be lucky enough to be able to own one in the future. That is why I'm working so hard in school and stuff so I can get a better opportunity of owning one.
Alykhan04 said:
I don't plan on buying another car.

If I were you, I wouldn't plan on buying another car either. Give that job to your father!:D

By the way, what did you get on your 16th Birthday? Was it brand new? Gift or not, who cares. If your dad has the money and wants to get it for you, go for it.

The real issue here to me has nothing to do with money, it has to do with maturity and responsibility. Most 16 year old boys are not ready for a car like that. The NSX wasn't built to drive slow and a driver with little or no experience behind the wheel is a dangerous combo. Just think about how many 16-18 year olds get a crotch rocket and crash it or die because they are pushing the limits of a machine they are not ready to handle. My friend in high school did and he died. If you understand that, I think you will be ok.

By the way, I don't really buy that whole "don't be envyous of me because I didn't earn it" crap. I'm sure you don't stay up at night feeling a bit guilty about driving it. Also, spoiled kids don't have to stay out late, do drugs, get bad grades, or even not appreciate their situations to be spoiled. Spoiled just means you get what you want, when you want it, and your picture may be next to the word "spoiled" in the dictionary...it's not a negative thing.:cool:
Well, at 15 I picked up an NSX brochure in a shopping cart left by someone. As I push the cart back to the store (worked as a bag boy) I start looking through the brochure and dreamed of driving it one day? I committed to myself that I will get the NSX one day. 2.5 years ago at 24 I picked up my NSX...:)
hope that proves to you 2(Justin and MidnightRaven) that you can get your dream car in reality.
jlindy said:
The real issue here to me has nothing to do with money, it has to do with maturity and responsibility. Most 16 year old boys are not ready for a car like that. The NSX wasn't built to drive slow and a driver with little or no experience behind the wheel is a dangerous combo.

I think you nailed it ! Although I'm happy for our 16 year-old friend, I would strongly advice him to go to one or two driving schools (or even autocross events!) as soon as possible. This would help him to learn the specific character of a mid-engine layout. A car (such as the NSX) with low polar moment of inertia + having the engine weight behing the Center of Gravity, could spell disaster in the hands of an unexperienced driver.