I am 15 & gettin an NSX!

7 July 2003
Yup thats right! As soon as my parents win the 200+ million dollar lotto I am gonna get an NSX. I can't wait.
No but seriously, how did you guys get your NSX? The NSX is my complete dream car. I want to feel the roar of the engine as the glass canopy in front me unfolds to reveal curvy roads and when I take those roads I want to feel how the NSX handles them as if they had never been there. But there is only one problem. How and the hell do I afford one when I am out on my own? What do you guys do to get them. Did you get lucky and inherit money? Steal them? (I am good at breakin into cars. lol) Go to college and get a good job? If so, what job?
Oh and by the way. I am new here. Just thought I would introduce myself. My name is Justin, I am 15, and I am a future NSX owner. (hopefully)
Welcome! This post should be in the prospective owner forum though, Justin. Hope things will work out for you, and you will pick one up eventually.

Learn how to use the search function on the forums. Search the off-topic forum and you will find several previous threads about what NSX owners do for a living.
Justin320 said:
Go to college and get a good job? If so, what job?

Yes, you should plan on going to college and getting a good job. For the next few years you should just think about which college fits you best; your college counselors at school can help. Once you are going to college, you will think about what to major in. Eventually when you get done with college, you'll be thinking about a job - and you should consider a career that you will enjoy, not just one that makes you money. There's plenty of time for that. Right now, concentrate on doing well in high school and preparing yourself for college.
College? College is just an overated bandwagon... And I'm on it. :D

But seriously high school is a very important stepping stone to college and to the life after. Don't blow it like like I did. :( But I sure hope I can turn that around at UT this coming semester.

What up Justin..

Right when I read the post I said to myself.."damn, here comes another spoiled kid." After reading, I have realized you are very insightful. I'll try to give you some assistance here:

1. Stay focused. Never let anyone tell you you can't do something or achieve your goals. I read it somewhere, thought it was catchy.. "Goals are just dreams with deadlines"

2. Do well in school, this is obvious..but these days its pretty hard to realize how important it really is. I can assure you that your education will equal money in the future. I remember being your age and dreaming about exotics..(haha I dreamed for years before that too)..for me it just served as an inspiration for the future.

3. Nsx..Gosh you just can't go wrong ahahha:D :D :D

Best of luck,

Re: Re: I am 15 & gettin an NSX!

and you should consider a career that you will enjoy not just one that makes you money

Justin, I have a career that started as my favorite hobby (in fact, I started doing this stuff when I was younger than you are now), makes me a lot of money (enough buy a new NSX), but then forces me to work such long hours that I have very little time to enjoy my NSX (I'm at the office right now, a little after 11pm on a Sunday on July 4th weekend)!

Fortunately, I do enjoy what I do. But I enjoy driving my NSX even more. I don't know what my point is...I'm babbling because I'm really tired and haven't gotten much sleep over the past few weeks. :eek:

All I can say is good luck. My NSX dream started when I was around your age...and took me a little more than 10 years (and a lot of hard work) to achieve. Driving my brand new NSX off the dealership was an amazing moment that's impossible to describe. And every time I sit behind the wheel, I feel that all of my past effort has been more than justified.

glad to see young entyhusiasm for the nsx.

i was exactly the same way.
the nsx came out when i was in highschool and just got my license! it was of course way out of my budget, but i always knew i had to experience it. it has never let me down.

it makes it worth the wait.
You may want to contact Midnight Raven. You two share a lot in common :)
There is one thing in common among us NSXers is that we are all very fortunate to be able to afford such a car. I had to study and work very hard for many years before I got mine. Formal education is probably the easiest route to get to where you can afford one. But whatever route you choose, you HAVE to work very hard and be very focus at it. As rich as Bill Gate, I am sure he is working harder as ever.
Golden Rule

Hello Justin,

Sounds like my goal when I was younger, around 13 when I started learing to drive (getting my parents' parked car and drive it to the front of the mall's entrance!). I just brought a fairly new 1997 NSX 2 days ago.

One thing I remember when I was younger, looking at the nice car posters, one poster stood out which an image of several nice cars in multiple garages. On top of the poster, there was a statement, which reads: "JUSTIFICATION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION".

Stay in school and do well, get a job you like and hopefully make good money. The NSX should come fairly soon after that!

Good luck.
if it is not a gift, and god love ya if it is, then there is no right answer to this.

About two years ago I heard on NPR i think it was, that the average income for a doctor was 198k a year. Is this a lot, or only making ends meet? Figure in insurance costs, overhead for practice, nice house and nice mortgage, et cetera and disposable income for cars and such starts to go down really quick.

I only mention the above as a point that there are no 'get rich' educations out there anymore. Get the education, find what you like to do(in either order), and prioritize your expenditures. The average nsx owner i suspect(anyone have stats out there?), makes some sacrifices to own an nsx. Check the faqs, i seem to recall that acura/honda stated the average income of new nsx buyer has 200k household income.

Im taking the long way to my point, but for me personally the nsx is a third car which is enjoyed more for its third car status. Had I bought the nsx as a primary driver I would have wound up trading it for a more practical daily driver. But then again, room for work stuff, wives, and kids has always been part of my plan even when i didnt have these things. Back when i was 25 and a social worker i COULD have afforded a 30k nsx, but NOT a nice house(or much of any house), not a party dating lifestyle(unless she paid for drinks/dinner), and not the annual tires and maintenance.

So im spouting IMO here, but a decision today is paid for every day for years to come. For me, burying yourself in a used nsx is NOT worth the cost long term unless you have the ability to enjoy significant disposable income and put away at least 10% of what you make towards your future. At the end of the day, you pay to play, and the only smart investment of time/money is other people and yourself. The nsx is only a car. Blasphemy, i know. But a nsx will not make you happy if the sacrifice of ownership is too great.

geez, i just fell off my soapbox. soorrrryy bout that.
huckster said:
if it is not a gift, and god love ya if it is, then there is no right answer to this.

About two years ago I heard on NPR i think it was, that the average income for a doctor was 198k a year. Is this a lot, or only making ends meet? Figure in insurance costs, overhead for practice, nice house and nice mortgage, et cetera and disposable income for cars and such starts to go down really quick...

That's close to the the figure for my office payroll. I wish that I had a take home salary of that much.
huckster said:
About two years ago I heard on NPR i think it was, that the average income for a doctor was 198k a year. Is this a lot, or only making ends meet? Figure in insurance costs, overhead for practice, nice house and nice mortgage, et cetera and disposable income for cars and such starts to go down really quick.

That figure is for income from the practice, which means that practice-related expenses (malpractice insurance, overhead like rent and office salaries, etc) is deducted before reaching that point.

Obviously, since that's a median, half of doctors make more than that, and half make less. Some specialties tend to be much higher (e.g. anesthesiology), and others tend to be lower (e.g. pediatricians). And it will vary around the country based on cost of living, etc.

huckster said:
Check the faqs, i seem to recall that acura/honda stated the average income of new nsx buyer has 200k household income.

No, it's much higher than that, up around the 400K range. In fact, the first year the NSX was on the market, they couldn't determine the median income, because more than half the buyers checked the box that said "250K and over". They later modified the survey to break that category down further.
huckster said:

Check the faqs, i seem to recall that acura/honda stated the average income of new nsx buyer has 200k household income.

Off topic, but I assume that this stat is based on the buyers who purchased their NSXs new?
Tiger740 said:
Off topic, but I assume that this stat is based on the buyers who purchased their NSXs new?

For the corrected number in my post above, that's correct. And it's intuitively obvious that the median income would be significantly lower (still fairly high, but significantly lower) for all owners than it would be for those who bought new.
No, it's much higher than that, up around the 400K range.

Wow...that's a shocking median. Actually, I'm still stunned by the 200K figure. I guess I REALLY bucked the trend when I bought my 2000 NSX-T new. Heck, I don't think I'll ever be able to make that kind of money in a single year (unless I go start my own business). I'm just an artist! :eek:

I was 16 when the NSX was released in 1991. The first time I laid eyes on one I fell in love. I will never forget that day. I stuck with my goals and have worked my ass off and now have owned my dream car for two years. I guess being 26 wasn't that young for finally purchasing one, but my parents didn't win the $200 million dollar lottery and I did it myself:)
Alykhan04 said:
I wish I could have worked for my NSX, but unfortunately (not really) my dad bought me mine before my 16th birthday. I know....I don't deserve it.

Hey Alykhan04, I can help you ! Why don't you give it to charity (for instance... me !) and work to get yours ? I could use another NSX :p
Education is the way to go. Not only do you get an NSX, but also the ability to communicate effectively (at least that is the goal).

Another important thing can be to figure out what makes you happy and spend you money on that. If you save money on the things that don't matter to you it stands to reason that you will have more money for the things that do.


FWIW, I got my NSX at 26 as a second car, due primarily to the fact that my name is now Esquire.
Hmmm...Justin hasn't posted since starting this thread. I wonder if he's even bothered to read our replies.
Hi Justin,

Its M_R and just like Tiger740 said "I'm a young, but no way in heck getting a NSX soon, kind of guy". :D

Yeah I'm 16 and working hard, planning going to college, then getting a good job. Just like everyone on this topic has been saying. Good luck on your dream on owning a NSX and I hope you do the same for me.


I envy you so much, man you must of been a very happy kid at the age of 16.