Hummer meets Civic...!?!


Gold Member, Moderator: Marketplace
12 August 2003
Austin, Republic of Texas
hmmm... I came across this on the Hewlett Hummer web-site (Austin area dealership). It's a bit late- so I can't come up w/ any witty annotations to them.
How about.......

The Perils of Driving a Slammed Civic:eek:


And you thought your Civic was lowered before!:D
they are usin a wire to keep the HUMMER from rolling over, how silly

and I cant believe that soldger is acutally recording it !

and, is it me or does that car look a little bit bigger than a CIVIC

ill get my camera and take a picture of every HUMMER H1 broken down on the sreat because of countless reliability issues.
ohh and I forgot to say this

cmhs75 said:
they are usin a wire to keep the HUMMER from rolling over, how silly

You sure? That looks like an antenna to me (not that it really matters), either way that Civic is screwed :D
Jonathan said:
You sure? That looks like an antenna to me (not that it really matters), either way that Civic is screwed :D

yep, Im posative about the wire. Just look at the rear tyre and you will spot it and folow it back to the end of the hood of the HUMMER

no mistaking it, The HUMMER would have rolled if it wasnt for the wire

and look at the wheels of that CIVIC. Could they at least save those!! :confused:

these guys must really hate CIVICS. Or didnt like Fast & Furious
well, if you are saying it is a fake (the wire i presume?) then why is the fire engine there with lights on? I'd assume they put the wire there to prevent a roll untill they get someone to back the hummer down.
cmhs75 said:
yep, Im posative about the wire. Just look at the rear tyre and you will spot it and folow it back to the end of the hood of the HUMMER

no mistaking it, The HUMMER would have rolled if it wasnt for the wire

and look at the wheels of that CIVIC. Could they at least save those!! :confused:

these guys must really hate CIVICS. Or didnt like Fast & Furious

I have had my Hummer H1 at that angle before and it did not roll over. I have a picture, but it is on my phone and I cant get it on my cpu. You seem to have some misguided info on the Hummer(reliability and capability). Have you ever been offroad in one? How about even riden in one? I can assure you that the Hummer in the picture would have been fine without a wire. As a matter of fact you can clearly see that the wire is not present in the first and third picture. I am certain they used the wire to lift the Hummer off of the Civic to get it out from underneath. What other vehicle can you think of in stock form that could be in this type of collision and not be damaged in the least bit?

You claim "countless reliability issues", could you please list at least one so I can make sure mine is not in danger of breaking down.:rolleyes:
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I have had my Hummer H1 at that angle before and it did not roll over. I have a picture, but it is on my phone and I cant get it on my cpu. You seem to have some misguided info on the Hummer(reliability and capability). Have you ever been offroad in one? How about even riden in one? I can assure you that the Hummer in the picture would have been fine without a wire. As a matter of fact you can clearly see that the wire is not present in the first and third picture. I am certain they used the wire to lift the Hummer off of the Civic to get it out from underneath. What other vehicle can you think of in stock form that could be in this type of collision and not be damaged in the least bit?

You claim "countless reliability issues", could you please list at least one so I can make sure mine is not in danger of breaking down.:rolleyes:

well to tell you the truth, i have been in a HUMMER but never drove it on or off roud.

your right I might be misguided about the reliabilty issue. You see my friend which hates computres wanted a HUMMER H1. So, knowing that im a car nut and a computer nurd, he asked me to dig some info about it. I only searched this web site from CARREVIEW:

but about the capability of the HUMMER. Im not misguided. My father use to work at a desert oil field and the his company was using a fleet of HUMMER H1's. They even came with a highly trained off roud specialist just to fully demonstrate the ability of the HUMMER. My father still talks about it up to this day ( but I think he was exaggerating when he said the HUMMER can go down a 90 degree slope with out a scratch). But surllly even the mighty HUMMER H1 will bow down to the laws of physics.

but anyway, id love to be proven wronge about the HUMMER's reliability issues. So if you appraise the HUMMER, ill take your word for it ( of course ill have alot of expaining to do with my friend, but hell I guess I would deserve it )