HSC Prediction Game

gheba_nsx said:
at that price and weight I would very like prefer the next year one! :D

It's really not that far off. Think about it, Honda is bringing an up to date supercar and the NSX is 14 years old. So if the currant 14 year old NSX is about 2900lbs despite its age old design what do you think a design that's 14 years ahead in technology would do? Honda can easily pump out 400HP out of a 3.5L V6, no sweet. And, they would make huge money saving because it would basically be a retuned RL engine. The weight is reachable, just look at the basic 911, it weighs in approximately the same and it's made of steal! If Honda can't reach a target weight of around 2750 with a small car like the HSC running a V6 engine with RWD, then they should exit the supercar market and stick to lowly accords and civics instead. I might have been to optimistic about the pricing though. In reality, it should be above the 75,000 USD, but you never know what might happen. After all, this is a car to replace one that has been running for 14 years. They either do a decent job or kill this segment and be done with it.
I thought the 911-996 weights about 3000lbs in the base form. 2750lbs would be an AWESOME weigzht for the next NSX... I estimated about 100lbs more (and I would be happy about it!).
gheba_nsx said:
I thought the 911-996 weights about 3000lbs in the base form. 2750lbs would be an AWESOME weigzht for the next NSX... I estimated about 100lbs more (and I would be happy about it!).

I meant that its weight was close to the currant NSX weight not the upcoming NSX

2900lbs ~= 3000lbs, but the NSX is aluminum and the Porsche is steal, construction technology can really cheat the laws of physics
I seriously doubt it will be above 400hp. The press release from honda says excess of 300hp...so it will in the 300's not 400's.
My friends brother (works for honda here in Japan) knew nothing of the specs, said only those around the particular development section knows. He conjectured that the price would be around 10,000,000 yen. (around $91,000 American)
heard from an acura rep a few #s. Not sure how accurate they are.
HP-"just over 300 hp"
Wt="about 200 pounds lighter than current version with less alum (maybe more composites??)
Price-"around 50k" (maybe that means base price of $59,999??)

take it for what its worth
rodH said:
heard from an acura rep a few #s. Not sure how accurate they are.
HP-"just over 300 hp"
Wt="about 200 pounds lighter than current version with less alum (maybe more composites??)
Price-"around 50k" (maybe that means base price of $59,999??)

take it for what its worth

07 skyline GTR is going to have around 400~500hp, and the TOYOTA super car is going to have 400hp. There is no way the next NSX will have "just over 300 hp"
3.8l V6
415 HP
3.6L V6
380 HP
2980 lbs
$84,995 USD

For my bonus points, I'll guess Brembos, exposed front lights, LED tails and keeping the trademark integrated spoiler. No more black tops :( No more tape player :)

PS - I think model year should be in the guesses too!. I'll vote 2006MY.
OK, I got my info mixed up, the ONLY detail I have regarding the NSX (this is from a very high up employee, btw) is that it will be around $50k. Sorry for the other mis-info
rodH said:
OK, I got my info mixed up, the ONLY detail I have regarding the NSX (this is from a very high up employee, btw) is that it will be around $50k. Sorry for the other mis-info
Is that the new NSX for $50K or the HSC for $50K?
H-ybrid S-ports C-oupe

Hey nsxr's I just joined the site & wanted to add my 2 cent$.
H-ybrid S-ports C-oupe. I think honda will show off their tour de force,"the new nsx" with hybrid teq , possible awd, and or the trick torque transfer system from the RL .
Re: H-ybrid S-ports C-oupe

j three said:
Hey nsxr's I just joined the site & wanted to add my 2 cent$.
H-ybrid S-ports C-oupe. I think honda will show off their tour de force,"the new nsx" with hybrid teq , possible awd, and or the trick torque transfer system from the RL .

HSC = High proformance Sport Concept
cmhs75 said:
if it's coming out at he year 2007 then:

1. 4.0L V10
2. 500HP
3. 2900lbs
4. 90,000US$

cmhs75 is the only person to guess V10. He got the price right too (according to Honda's prez). He might have the year right too. Does he know something we don't?
nicholas421 said:
cmhs75 is the only person to guess V10. He got the price right too (according to Honda's prez). He might have the year right too. Does he know something we don't?

I believe all of his predictions are good except for the size of the engine. A V-10 with only 4 liters of displacement doesnt sound good. I would expect at least 4.5 liters of displacement.
nicholas421 said:
cmhs75 is the only person to guess V10. He got the price right too (according to Honda's prez). He might have the year right too. Does he know something we don't?

I look at this way, ALL of you were wrong, with the exception of cmhs75 :biggrin: :wink:
nicholas421 said:
cmhs75 is the only person to guess V10. He got the price right too (according to Honda's prez). He might have the year right too. Does he know something we don't?


I'm just your average NSXPRIME dweller, nothing special about me. I'm not working for Honda or any other company that could get me inside information.

My guess was just an educated guess based on what the trend was like back when the original thread was posted and my own dream specifications. I guess I got really lucky.

By the way, as I remember it, this thread was created so the winner would get 5 US$ from each participant. Well, since I live thousands of miles away from most participants and I really couldn't care less about making money, In case I really do win, I want everyone who will stick to his promise to donate his 5 $ to NSXPRIME. I sort of promised that I would donate something to NSXPRIME but later on discovered that it would be impossible for me to do so unless I actually mail the money!! So I hope this makes up for my promise in case I do win.

And I really really really really wish Honda will stick to their word and produce a V10 NSX.
cmhs75 said:

I'm just your average NSXPRIME dweller, nothing special about me. I'm not working for Honda or any other company that could get me inside information.

My guess was just an educated guess based on what the trend was like back when the original thread was posted and my own dream specifications. I guess I got really lucky.

Or so, you would like for us to believe.............