How to threat a Porsche!

I didn't understand the point of the whole thing. At first it seemed he just wanted to destroy a car he didn't like. But near the end it kinda seemed like an advertisement for the durability of Porsches. :confused:

Anyway, he did what he set out to do, and it was interesting to watch. :)

I wouldn't have been as confused at his disgust (and the film would have been shorter, probably) if he used an American car... just as long as he didn't set his sights on destroying a vintage musclecar!
Although I admit this video was entertaining to watch, it makes me sick nonetheless. Though i am sure that Porsche was in poor shape, and probably not worth the money needed to repair it, I object to the deliberate destruction of such a fine automobile. I would have gladly taken that Porshe and driven it until the wheels fell off. Instead it gets crashed repeatedly, burned and generally abused to an undignified end. Stick to driving fast cars fast Tiff, enough of this mindless destruction.
Needless to say, I was very impressed with the durability of the 911, well structurally at least. Damn near bullet proof. I mean, repeated collisions with a house and a piano dropped from 10 feet and it still runs. The EVO can't even make it 5 months without getting rust.
Hmm, isn't this about the same as trashing the back end of a Camaro? Only things to hurt in the nose of the porsche are the rad and battery. That said, those steel panels are tough... impressive.
The General said:
Although I admit this video was entertaining to watch, it makes me sick nonetheless.
Yes, fascinating in a morbid kind of way. Why couldn't they have used an Aztek instead? :D
CokerRat said:
Hmm, isn't this about the same as trashing the back end of a Camaro? Only things to hurt in the nose of the porsche are the rad and battery. That said, those steel panels are tough... impressive.

That is an air cooled car so there isn't any rad to hurt. The new ones are a diffeent story though.