How to sue BestBuy, please help!!!

30 October 2000
Houston, TX
This is going to be slightly long winded, but I need to vent and need advice as I'm EXTREMELY furious. As most of you know, I don't go into much personal detail online, but I'm so angry and I really need some help.

Here's the story. Almost a year ago, I purchased my very first house, by myself. I had it built the way I wanted it and all went fairly well. A week prior to closing, I walked into my neighborhood BestBuy, bought a refrigerator, and a nice LG washer/dryer pair.

The 2nd or 3rd day after closing, the first thing to enter my house was the refrigerator, a nice Saturday morning, as I recall. A few weeks later, I started noticing coming home late, water on my floor. I ended up calling BestBuy down the street and we had a nice conversation. I explained some details and we concluded there was "air in the lines" as the house was brand new and I had an advanced water filtration/softener system. I was told to "give it a few weeks" to go away. I gave it 2 weeks, called the store back, was directed to 1-888-BEST-BUY and then an appliance specialist.

Speaking to the appliance specialist, I was told, you are now past your 30 days BestBuy warranty, you need to contact the manufacturer, Whirlpool. My immediate reaction was why, I called BestBuy about this within 30 days and was told it was normal and would go away. It has not, and now you are blowing me off and not taking responsibility for the defective refrigerator.

Skip ahead a few weeks, BestBuy tech comes out on a Saturday, looks at it, orders a part. A few more weeks go by, he comes back to install part, realizes part is wrong and he needs to order another door. The model is no longer sold, so they will have to make it. Ok, 6-8 weeks. 3 months later, I get a call, we have the door, when can we come install it. Set up a time Saturday, tech is a no show. Call Monday and we are on again for next Saturday. Again, no show. Call Monday and they reschedule again but our schedules don't line up. This goes back and forth and then the door disappears. The will have to order the door again, 6-8 weeks. No, I visit the store and talk to the store manager, and after raising my voice for 30 minutes, he agrees to have the refrigerator replaced. They will contact me. No such luck. I call and call, nothing gets done. Store manager is no longer there. Call customer service, raise my voice, give attitude, get to a "supervisor" that is a customer service specialist. She tells me that she will have the issue resolved in 2 weeks or it will be replaced. I get her name number, etc. etc. 2 weeks later, I call her several times. I finally get her and I'm told she can not replace it, I have to wait. Of course I'm furious and I call the store, customer service, everyone to complain. I'm put off for a few more days, then finally I get a call, the door is here. Ok, so they come out Saturday to install it and it's the wrong door!!!! I call Whirlpool and they come out and look at it and tell me it's the wrong door, we can order you another one, 6-8 weeks.

My problem is my warranty expires in 2 weeks. I do not want to go over a year with this issue. I call BestBuy and voice my frustration. I'm told they can only replace it if Whirlpool authorizes it. I take their legal information, because I'm ready to escalate this matter.

I call Whirlpool and they tell me they are not responsible for BestBuy's error in putting the wrong door on. They tell me good luck, byebye.

So, now I'm so frustrated, I want to take legal action, because I believe in what's right is right, and what's wrong is wrong. I have never asked for a replacement until 3 months ago when waiting for a new door started getting old. I asked for store credit, so I can go to BestBuy and spend more money and buy and replacement. I've been shot down, lied to, and I feel extremely disrespected.

If I was better off, I would do something outrageous to catch some media attention. Give out CircuitCity gift cards or something.

Please help, I feel like BestBuy has taken advantage of me. I just want what I paid for, a working refrigerator. Is that asking too much?
I guess I don't understand? Who is responsible for the problem? Was it an installation problem on the part of BestBuy? Was it a problem on the part of your unit? Why would BestBuy be responsible for replacing a door?

Sorry, but please help us understand.
BestBuy sold me the refrigerator. They have a 30 money back guarantee. Within 30 days, I contacted them regarding this issue. They have since lied to me, as stated above and drawn this out for 11 months! Whirlpool will not help, BestBuy is who I paid, BestBuy is who installed the wrong door, BestBuy has been my contact, so as far as I'm concerned, it's BestBuy that should correct this, as the refrigerator was brand new, purchased and delivered by BestBuy.

What's wrong with the door? I do not know exactly, but it leaks water. I was told it was a little flap inside the door, then I was told the whole door needs to be replaced.
Hey Zishan,
This is Steve, the guy on the black Ninja sport bike on the Austin drive a few months back. This sounds like it has evolved in to a no win situation unfortunately. If the warranty expires and you don't have any concrete reasoning as to why they would still fix it, I'd try to get a (free) quote as to the repair cost and weigh that against just buying a new one and estimated legal costs if you were to go that route. My father is an attorney and without consulting him he'd probably label this case as nothing more than a grudge match at this point. What that means is that the original purpose of trying to find justice degrades to an ego challenge and the lawyers are the only ones who win. 50% of his cases whether as an expert witness or as a client's attorney usually erode to that point.

Lastly, how much is all this stress worth? Maybe it's not a bad idea to start looking at a better fridge you wanted in the first place. That or stick the busted one in the garage and turn it in to a beer fridge.
If you have evidence in writing from both BB and WP, invoice from BB's tech with the wrong part number installed, than you may be able to do some thing by contacting the better biz bureau.

If you don't have any of that, view as a lost and move on. Not worth it.

There is a reason why Best Buy is only in the business of selling, not servicing.
NSX meet at Best Buy???? ALL OF US!!!!!!!! :cool:

Im down.:wink:

That sucks bro. So I guess last weekend after I left your crib, wasnt such a great day?! Sorry to hear about it... Beautiful house though!!!
Well, hopefully there is a more reasonable approach than this, but -- here's an all in tactic.

Type up the letter (very brief) explaining the problem and personally naming the Best Buy people that have dropped the ball. THEN take it to the nearby Circuit City, have the manager sign it. Then bring it to Best Buy and tell them that Circuit City is paying you to have the ad published (with your permission) in the local newspaper since it will help them.

Keep the poker face strong when they offer to immediately replace your fridge.

I am confussed as to why BestBuy would be responsible for a defective product for the frig and needed to replace the door? They just sold you a unit. The unit was defective when the mfg produced it. Seems like BestBuy was the go between. I would look to the company that produced the unit to make good. Just my opinion.

Good luck.
Call the credit card company and see if they have any suggestions. You may also be able to buy an extended warranty for the fridge through Best Buy before the one year manufacturers one expires. Then once it is in effect you can bother the fvck out them and get a new one. If all else fails and you don't want to go to small claims court, I'd take it back them during a busy saturday afternoon and dump it right in the middle of the store. Fvck em!
Call the credit card company and see if they have any suggestions.
IIRC, most credit card companies offer problem resolution services but only if you notify them (the credit card company) within 60 days of the transaction. But heck, you've got nothing to lose by calling them.

You may also be able to buy an extended warranty for the fridge through Best Buy before the one year manufacturers one expires. Then once it is in effect you can bother the fvck out them and get a new one.
Great idea!

Small claims court is a great way to go, especially if you have full documentation. So is the Better Business Bureau, already suggested above. These are low-cost/no-cost ways to force a resolution, and most businesses don't want to go to court and don't want to have a negative report filed with the BBB.
1. Heck in CA Small Claims is capped at $7,500 now; unless this is a monster frig, that should cover it. It sounds like you have some great documentation as to all of the steps you have taken and suffered to try to allow them to correct this problem. I think I would file it in Small Claims and tell your story. Usually the person with well documented history and reasonable steps to try to resolve the issue, wins.

2. Here in the Bay Area we have a TV News Station (channel 5 I think) that champions consumer issues just like this and actually does a news story on the problem and then pretty much intimidates the company into a resolution to avoid the negative publicity they would suffer if they did not resolve the issue. Do you have anything like that where you are?

3. I do also like the extended warranty issue which would prevent the warranty from expiring and then you would have someone actually responsible for fixing problems. This is my least favorite option though as it requires you to pay BB more money.
Cairo has a great idea Z.... Hmmm... who do we know that works for news media in the Houston area???? :tongue::tongue::tongue:
Guys, thanks for some of the great advice. I came to a friends house and I was explaining the situation to him. He is no lawyer, but pretty intelligent and advised contacting a local TV station. Cairo confirms this great suggestion.

When I said sue, I meant small claims court. I am not trying to get something for nothing, I assure you. I'm only asking for what I paid for. And I would be more than happy to pay the difference for a replacement. It's the principle at this point. I believe in right and wrong. And the way I've been treated is wrong. I've tried looking at this subjectively and still feel I have done nothing wrong. I've given BestBuy more than enough time. I've been extremely patient with them, and have been more than friendly on the phone until lately.

I will look into contacting the local TV stations, my question now is, if I decide to go to small claims court, who would I serve? I believe it is the registered agent. How can I find this information?

Thank you again for the guidance and support through this trivial, yet frustrating matter.
actual agency...

From Best Buy literature:

Unresolved complaints concerning a provider or question concerning the registration of a service contract provider may be addressed to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations...

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations
P.O. Box 12157
Austin, Texas 78711
(512) 463-2906
(800) 803-9202
thats a bad story, ims orry that all happend i would be extemely pissed as well, ive never had any problems with best buy and have always been pleased with their customer service/products/warranty honorship/best buy extended warranty.

i hope this works out for you and you really stick it to best buy, you should get a new fridge and something else to make things right from best buy, like another appliance or something.

actualy my only grief with best buy is that they did not hire me after my interview, bastards!
Re: actual agency...

From Best Buy literature:

Unresolved complaints concerning a provider or question concerning the registration of a service contract provider may be addressed to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations...

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations
P.O. Box 12157
Austin, Texas 78711
(512) 463-2906
(800) 803-9202

Thanks so much. I will make some calls tomorrow.

Btw, I purchased the fridge on my BestBuy credit card. I doubt they will be willing to help me out, but I may put in a call to them as well.
I once had a problem with Circuity City and a refrigerator. Long story short, I wrote their corporate office a complaint through their website. The store manager called me back the next day, gave me a huge discount, wanted to pay for a round of golf that missed for a delivery, and just tried to make everything right.
Did some digging around and found this information I'd like to share for future reference/search purposes.

Best Buy Co., Inc.
7601 Penn Avenue S.
Richfield, MN 55423
(612) 291-1000


Brad Anderson CEO/Vice Chairman/Director -
[email protected]

Shari Ballard, Executive Vice President, Retail Channel
[email protected]

Kim Motz at 612.291.5332 Shari Ballard's assistant???
[email protected]

Bruce Chatterley, President and Chief Executive Officer
[email protected]

Steve Delp, Chief Operating Officer, Magnolia Audio Video
[email protected]

Brian Dunn, President and Chief Operating Officer
[email protected]

Julie Gilbert, Senior Vice President, Retail Training
[email protected]

Jena Lund, Julie Gilbert assistant at 612-291-4030
[email protected]

David Hemler, Senior Vice President, Best Buy for Business
[email protected]

Paula Prahl, Vice President, Public Affairs
[email protected]

Lisa Smith- Best Buy Vice President Customer Care
[email protected]
612-291-5421 Office

Sean Skelley, Senior Vice President, Business Group Leader,
[email protected]

PR number at (612) 292-NEWS

Susan Busch, 612-291-6114 Director, Corporate PR
[email protected]

Dawn Bryant, 612-291-6119 Manager, Corporate PR
[email protected]

Mark Paragi
Senior Executive Resolution Specialist
Best Buy Corporate Campus
(612) 292-0077 Direct
(952) 430-7033 Fax
[email protected]

Investor Contacts: Jennifer Driscoll, 612-291-6110 Vice President, Investor Relations
[email protected]

Charles Marentette, 612-291-6184 Senior Director, Investor Relations
[email protected]

Carla Haugen, 612-291-6146 Director, Investor Relations
[email protected]

Richard Schulze
Founder and Chairman of the Board

Bradbury Anderson
Chief Executive Officer and Vice Chairman

Allen Lenzmeier
Vice Chairman - Corporate Strategy and Services

Brian Dunn
President and Chief Operating Officer

Robert Willett
Chief Executive Officer - Best Buy International

Brad Anderson CEO/Vice Chairman/Director -
[email protected]hari L Ballard Divisional Executive VP - [email protected]onald D Boire Executive VP/Other Corporate Officer [email protected]
Brian J Dunn President/COO - [email protected]
Thomas C Healy Divisional Executive [email protected]
Susan S Hoff Senior VP/Other [email protected]
Darren R Jackson Divisional Executive VP/CFO [email protected]
Ronald James Director
[email protected]
Joseph M Joyce Senior VP/Assistant Secretary/General Counsel
[email protected]
Elliot S Kaplan Director/Secretary [email protected]

Kevin T Layden Geographical President/COO
[email protected]
Allen U Lenzmeier Vice Chairman/Director -
[email protected]
Michael A Linton Divisional Executive VP/Other Executive Officer
[email protected]
Philip J Schoonover Divisional Executive VP
[email protected]
Richard M Schulze Founder/Chairman of the Board/Director -
[email protected]
Greg Thorson Divisional Executive VP [email protected]
Mark Paragi
Senior Executive Resolution Specialist
[email protected]
Jill Nezworski, Senior Executive Resolution Specialist,
[email protected]
Tony Mason, Senior executive resolution specialis
[email protected]
Judy Telschow, Senior Executive Resolution Specialist
[email protected]
Elizabeth Sevcik Bradbury Anderson's assistant
[email protected]
Damn bro,

I'd go BBB and Corporate on there asses. Corporate with most major companies do not like media in a bad way. Trust me, I have seen this. Last thing is to make a fridge solution into matters larger than life for them. I look at it this way:

Contact BBB and Corporate, lets say everyone on your list you posted. Even if they don't matter.

See what happends after persistance.

If all else fails go media and cut your losses for the time being putting a square R2D2 back in the house and using as someone suggested garage space for supplies we could use in your garage on a chill out day when I am there =)

Sorry to hear about this. Seems like more and more retailers are becoming sellers and try to pass the buck on customer service to the MFR.

Seems like they have several Senior Executive Resolution Specialists on that list. Maybe we should bombard them with emails...
Bombarding by others not a party to the transaction will be counter-productive.

I also don't think it's helpful to send an e-mail to 15-20 different people.

I've been in similar situations and I've sent a letter/e-mail to the CEO. I usually get an appropriate response from someone else, like their "problem resolution specialists".

If I were in your situation, I would try sending an e-mail to their four resolution specialists, with a cc: to the CEO.
Wow Zishan :cool: the internet,,,upper management can't hide anymore:eek:
don't count on the extended warranty to be your silver bullet

Hey Z. A letter sent to Best Buy from the TX Attorney General's office might be enough. File a consumer complaint online. Since you already have a detailed account, you shouldn't take long:

You could also send your story to

The warranty running out in two weeks does not get Best Buy off the hook. The issue was reported (and remained unresolved) under the warranty period, so they are obliged to fix it. However, like others said, the extended warranty is an interesting angle, but considering how much of a hassle this has already been, I wonder if that would only complicate matters:

Since the issue was there under the original warranty, the party who handle the extended warranty (which may not be the parties involved thus far) might consider the whole thing a preexisting defect. Potentially adding another service company, a third party insurer, another department of Best Buy might not be so good - I could easily see a situation where nothing is done except the pointing of fingers.
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Most credit cards offer extended warranty for up to one additional year. If yours has that option (this assumes you didn't use BB's credit card), immediately jump on that as well. I have found American Express to be the best when it comes to disputes - not that I have had many :wink:

I wouldn't worry with BBB for now - I have found them to be totally useless at least here in CA; they couldn't appreciate the issue even when the vendor agreed in a meeting with them that they will take responsibility for the mistake!! Immediately send a letter to the CEO, with a copy to their public affairs as well as customer care VPs.
If I were in your situation, I would try sending an e-mail to their four resolution specialists, with a cc: to the CEO.

Hi Ken, I agree. I was thinking the same thing. I'm preparing a certified letter to send to corporate, and will email the resolution specialist at the same time.

Wow Zishan :cool: the internet,,,upper management can't hide anymore:eek:

I am pretty laid back 99% of the time. But I've had enough, and I'm a man on a mission. :wink:

Hey Z. A letter sent to Best Buy from the TX Attorney General's office might be enough. File a consumer complaint online. Since you already have a detailed account, you shouldn't take long:

You could also send your story to

The warranty running out in two weeks does not get Best Buy off the hook. The issue was reported (and remained unresolved) under the warranty period, so they are obliged to fix it. However, like others said, the extended warranty is an interesting angle, but considering how much of a hassle this has already been, I wonder if that would only complicate matters:

Thanks Ojas for chiming in. The warranty deadline should not be an issue. But, I had to draw the line somewhere.

I will definitely contact the Attorney General's office.

Consumerist is where I got most of the contact information.

Most credit cards offer extended warranty for up to one additional year. If yours has that option (this assumes you didn't use BB's credit card), immediately jump on that as well. I have found American Express to be the best when it comes to disputes - not that I have had many :wink:

I wouldn't worry with BBB for now - I have found them to be totally useless at least here in CA; they couldn't appreciate the issue even when the vendor agreed in a meeting with them that they will take responsibility for the mistake!! Immediately send a letter to the CEO, with a copy to their public affairs as well as customer care VPs.

I would, but yes, I used my BestBuy creditcard. Mastercard has great customer service. I now wish I had used them for this purchase.
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