All kidding aside, seems like you did an excellent job. I know nothing about insurance and mods.. but obviously you are pretty good at fabricating parts for your car. Good job!!
slebidia you had me until you said "tap". I've never even thought about doing that before. :biggrin: I guess I've never worked with metal. I'll leave this to the more adventurous people.
Thanks for chiming in with more info Ross. That's something I would never expect a vendor here to do. Most of the time they try to protect their interests or keep things to themselves but you said "hey if you want to try this, here's what we've learned" which is awesome.![]()
I'm doing some exhaust and diffuser work so I decided to do this mod while I had everything apart. It's pretty amazing how much weight is saved and, as Billy said, it's past the rear axle so it matters even more.
It was an easy project mechanically speaking but all the precise measuring almost drove me nuts. Afterall, if you don't get the mounting holes aligned properly you will have a misaligned bumper cover or simply a bumper that won't properly mount to the car. Either would annoy me to no end.
I made a slight modification in that the license plate bracket on mine sits a bit higher by 1/2" because I haven't decided on a diffuser design yet and didn't want the license plate to sit so far down (I hate that about the USDM plates). I also do not have access to a tig so I bolted this bracket to the beam by tapping M6 holes. As an aside, I tested how much torque would be required to strip out those threads... I went up to 45 ft/lbs and the thread still held. Pretty neat. I did also use loctite on the bolts just in case.
I suggest this mod to anyone who's into DIY projects but buy the STMPO piece if you haven't got the patience.
The pic below is before I drilled the access holes for the styrofoam.
..however the money you save by doing this will cost you much much more if you ever get rear ended. Since the insurance will probably find out you tampered with a safety device and they could claim that there could have been less damage than really occurred. STMPO sells a similar device and I certainly hope that all the guys running those on the street aren't planning on committing insurance fraud if they ever get in an accident.
I would put a disclaimer saying "off road use only" or some such thing at the beggining of your post.
I am doing this this winter. I think if you fill the bar with crazy stuff insulation which expands it will add signicant strength to the bar. If its enough to make a difference in a wreck i am unsure.
Also when its apart i plan to rig up a hidden hitch like they have for porsches.
I will have to try to understand this trailer issue. I am talking a very light trailer to haul wheels to the track. The porsche folks have been doing this for years. I have been on the of their sites showing diy for bumper hitches and the beam looks similar to the one on the nsx. On the other hand, i do not want to damage anything or see anyone get hurt...
A few more safety items I've removed.
Go to Metalsupermarkets. Pick up one section of 3 inch square tubing .120 wall thickness 56 inches long.
well I did that and 56 inches is OK, but now I've done it I'd recommend 62". This would ensure the bar spans the whole styrofoam length. See image attached for visual explanation
Longer than 56 is ok if you trim the square bar to accommodate the curvature of the foam. Alternatively, you can shave down the foam. I looked into making it longer too but I didn't want to do either of the above.2nd that- i was wondering why is looked a bit short.
Did you ever get your Straight and get these made ????
Still waiting