How to remove upper dash trim?

12 August 2004
Does anyone know how to remove the upper leather/vinyl dash "trim" that runs all along the top portion of the dash, close to the windshield? I attached a jpeg that should point out what piece I am talking about.

It rattles/squeaks like crazy and I want to see if there is something I can do about it. I am sure it is this piece that is making the noise because I can just shake it with my hand and it makes the same squeaking sound. I did a search but could not find much info. Any input would be awesome, thanks!


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That trim the arrow is pointing to is actually part of the dashboard. However, in my car, the squeaking came from where that trim lays on top of the defrost panel - that is a separate piece. The defrost panel is made of hard plastic and when the vinyl dashboard (including the trim) moves slightly over it, it squeaks.

To get rid of the squeaking, you most likely need to get something between the dashboard trim and the defrost panel. I did it the hard way. I used a chalk pencil to draw a line on the defrost panel along where the dashboard trim lays on top of it. I then removed the dashboard and could see what portion of the defrost panel is covered by the dashboard and what part is exposed. After you've removed the dashboard, you have access to the bolts with which the defrost panel is mounted. I removed the defrost panel, put some black felt on that portion that is covered by the dashboard, remounted it, and installed the dashboard again. That got rid of the squeaking for good.

A simpler but perhaps not as permanent solution would be to squeeze something between those two pieces without removing the dashboard. I wouldn't use silicone spray because the petroleum-based propellants could damage the plastic. Some Honda Shin-Etsu grease (part number 08798-9013) might do the trick or maybe you could even get some felt in there with everything in place.

In case you don't have the service manual, you can find a copy in the Wiki section of NSX Prime: In the body section, you can see the steps required to remove the dashboard and defrost panel and how the pieces fit together.

Good luck!
Skyline15 interesting that your post popped up this a.m. when I checked Prime -- I have the same issue you do.

A couple of days ago I did what Greenberet suggested with the Shin-Etsu (although in a somewhat half-assed fashion -- did not remove dash). I did my best to get some Shin-Etsu under the entire length of the raised piece of the dash on both sides -- i.e. where it meets the defroster garnish and the side you see as you sit in the driver's seat. I can report that the rattling/squeaking has abated somewhat -- I'd say its 50% better -- but not all gone.

My guess is that the noises I have coming from the dash are same what you have and what Greenberet addressed -- most prevalent on broken concrete surfaces (we have plenty of that in Michigan with the lunar landscape condition of our roads). My noises are more of a popping/rattling variety as opposed to squeaking. It is really very annoying and is so inconsistent with the otherwise solid feel of the car. I have tried on various occasions to get rid of this problem short of dash removal but have been unsuccessful thus far. IMHO, based upon my efforts and those of a couple of buddies who are far more mechanically inclined than me, I think that that only way to get rid of this problem once and for all Greenberet's method -- you really have to remove the dash -- admittedly a major (and perhaps as the medical folk say, "contraindicated") undertaking for those of us who are not mechanically skilled.

Greenberet, wondering how long it took you to do the dash removal/reinstall and the complexity of same. My plan is to have an experienced Acura tech do this job over the winter and am just wondering what to expect in terms of his time. Too bad you are not in my neck of the woods -- would glady pay you to do the job given that you have the necessary experience -- LOL!

Best regards,
^^^ Jeff, just get a louder exhaust...............problem solved :wink:

Good discussion, thanks for posting!
what year is your car?

mine is a 1992 and it has a few squeeks, I just ignore it I dont even notice it now. but I have tried to address it when It started. but gave up.

one day when i remove my dash to do my AC overhaul I will address it then

but age give these cars some funny noises. LOL
Brian, you are killing me :smile:. Trust me, the louder exhaust is in the works. However, its one of my many character flaws -- just can't stand rattles in my cars. Wife's /10 Volvo S80T6 is tight as a drum and my /06 TL has had all rattles exorcised by Mr. Mike. I know that the dash rattles shouln't bother me as much as they do but IMHO it cheapens the entire experience with the car -- this is a true supercar/exotic and one would expect (and perhaps tolerate) a rattling dash on a 10 year old American sedan, not a car like the NSX. I think it worth the time/expense to try and eliminate the noise. Sorry for the rant. :smile:
just can't stand rattles in my cars.


I took out the dash years ago so I can’t remember exactly how long it took. But it was many, many hours. Look at the Service Manual to get an idea what’s involved.

Since the whole point of the exercise was to eliminate squeaks and rattles, I took my time and was very careful. I put additional cable ties around wiring that seemed like it could potentially make a noise if left as is. I checked to make sure all screws and bolts were tightened to spec. I put felt on the defrost panel but also in some other areas where it looked like it could do some good in the long term. When putting everything back together, I took extra care not to damage any clips, guide pins, etc. If I had damaged something or not properly tightened a screw, I probably would have caused a new rattle during the “fix”.

Whoever takes out the dash should treat the car as if it were their own. The best way to ensure that, of course, is to do it yourself!
I fixed this squeak years ago by stuffing a paper thin piece of packing foam sheet (don't know what it's called, but it's white) between the two pieces. I did this from under the dash (my squeak was on the passenger side)... I had to take out the bottom of the glove compartment to get to it. Took about 15 minutes to fix. Still good ten years later. Just used a tiny bit of the foam sheet.
I had a similar squeek on my 95 NSX. I worked on it and worked on it but couldn't make it go away. Finally, I discovered the real source of the was the glovebox!

Open your glovebox as you drive down the road. If the squeek stops, that is your problem!

Turns out one of my three rubber "bumpers" along the top of the door was missing. These bumpers are in place to eliminate squeeks between the glovebox door and the dash when the glovebox is closed!

Very simple fix. Go to ACE Hardware and get three rubber "bumpers" similar to the ones already in place. Replace them and off you go!

I spent hours and hours trying to track down the squeek since it sounded like it was coming from the dashboard itself up near the window. This is all it was!