How to raise funds for an NSX

Just do it!! :smile:

thats my style. :cool:

here is some thoughts "ok, i bought one, so i have to take care of payment, if i have to take care of the payment, i have to work , if i want to work to get money, i need a education (for decent job) if i need an education i need to go to school, if i go to school i dont have time to work to make a payment..........i should sell back my NSX.." <= back to the begining.... :mad: =>not me.

what i think is, u can sell both of your cars and loan some money and TRY having one. if you cant take care of it, just sell it back. get some selling and buying cars experience too. :smile: i think im drunk? :eek:
AutoEuphoria said:
Well, I think the general rule is that if you invest in some sort of healthy stock plan or mutual fund (you should consult a financial advisor for this) that your money should double in 7 years. That's just the sort of trend that I was told, anyway.

I wish this was true but in real life a "healthy" (the key is how healty you want it too be) stock plan won't give you more than 5% on the long run.

That needs about 15 years before doubling. If somebody has real and healthy a way to get the double in 7 years I am all hears! :D

That would mean retirement in 15-18 years from now :p :p :p ;)
seeds of luv...

Doc C said:
...PS They had posters up that said they were paying $75 a donation for sperm when I was in college. Didn't know anyone who ever did it to see if it was for real or not!! I doubt it.

hmmm... My college roomate went that route for beer or weekend money... I believe it was bi-weekly or monthly, and the compensation seems on par w/ what is stated above. "Literature/visual" was provided & a glass of complimentary fruit juice upon departure.

I chose to landscape & mow lawns, lol.
Do you guys find that weird at all, though, that your sperm is used to fertilize women and your biological kids will be running rampant? Or do they used it for some other purpose? It just seems so....wrong to me. But we are talkin an NSX here.
LOL!! This is all very humorous, but you should not have to donate anything in order to afford an NSX. It is not any fun to own the car and then have to go donate whatever you are donating to get your money to pay for it. You will have more fun if you just wait until you can really reasonably afford the car.
you will always find the few rich kids who have 40,000 dollar graduation presents...

me, I have to earn every penny I will ever have...and I like it that way, sure I want one of these, but no car is worth ruining my credit forever, and not affording it when I could easily wait a few years... BTW< I am 20 and in my 3rd year at Kent State for visual communication and design. I'd love to do freelance work and barely eek out an NSX... but I'd rather enjoy it later in life... as I plan to :)

just wait... having a super-sportscar when youre 19 or whatever is too dangerous... no matter the situation... so just get thru school and do it the right way :)
How about this...

BTW PowerKurve... I will do an even swap with you... You can have both my NSX's if I can be your age again... Heck, I'll give you my house as well! I'm 35 now but would give everything I've got to be 19 again but I would like to keep my experience if you don't mind... Being 19 again could then be useful :wink:

I know this may sound a bit like a sketch out of Monty Python "The Three Yorkshiremen" but... you say... "I use a Z28 valued at about $6500 as my DD, and my VR4 3000GT is valued at around $12,000" :eek:

Look I do not feel sorry for you. 2 Cars.. A VR4 and Z28... You poor thing! When I was at university I had a bicycle! And had to work all weekend just to pay rent and food!

Don't be in such a hurry! NOT getting EVERYTHING we want all the time is character building! Trust me!
Just work hard in school. There will always be used NSXs, I would not settle for an NSX just because its within your budget.

The maintenance on an NSX is cheaper than other sportscars in its class, but it is by no means inexpensive. You also have to consider the cost of ownership in the long run. A timing belt service is not cheap.

Probably long before your time, but I was once a member on 3si.

My friend did a big no no and bought a brand new NSX for his son on his 16th birthday, now he's basically slacking because he has no motivation to do anything in life. Well, he's a trust fund baby anyway, but still, its good to have goals and dreams.

Just work hard, the NSX will eventually come.