How to raise funds for an NSX

19 November 2004
How did some of you younger guys afford your NSX? I know there are alot of people my age (19) with Supra TT's, some of them heavily modded. Most claim to have raised the money themselves. I figure that there will be roughly the same amount of younger NSX owners due to the cars' similar pricing (OBD1 NSX). I am currently in college. I worked a lot during high school to get my 2 cars that I currently own. I use a Z28 valued at about $6500 as my DD, and my VR4 3000GT is valued at around $12,000. Now that I am in college and grades matter, I have quit working altogether. It seems to have paid off. My grades have gone from a 2.5 (I was working 40 hour weeks) to a 4.0. I have tons of free time and am frequently bored. However, I cannot get a job to fix this because 1) All the jobs up here are taken 2) My schedule, although being very open, is very odd...I do two hour-long workouts a day and my classes are spaced about 2 hours apart. This leaves little time for a real shift at a job.

Any recommendations of ways for me to raise funds for my dream car? I am looking for 91s in the $20-25k range. I will be selling my 3000GT soon, at which point I'll have around 10 grand to raise. I'm in no huge hurry--I would like this to take about a year or less. I'm not exactly patient either though, and haven't been listening to certain people telling me to wait until after college. So, how do you young guys get your money?
My friend, delayed gratification is key. Don't worry about the money now. Just do well in school as you are doing already. Get the skills now and make the money later. If you try to get a job now for the NSX, you might end up getting a crappy NSX and crappy GPA!
Hey nice name, it's mine too. I understand what you're saying about delayed gratification, but at the same time I have the urge to go blow a ton on lottery tickets! Haha.
Someone on another forum mentioned "internet jobs" to me. I have no idea what exactly that means, but apparently I can log in or out at anytime as long as I meet the required hours. This would be a great workaround for my schedule and probably not affect my GPA whatsoever. Apparently he wasn't talking about making a website and selling ads, or anything really technology related. I think he is talking more along the lines of those pay-you-to-do-surveys companies. Now, I realize those are scams and you only get ENTERED into a DRAWING to receive the amount of money advertised per survey, and I would never register for one. But it was said that there are legitimate ones out there. I have no idea what they would be paying me for, but apparently these things exist. Anyone have any idea what these are?
I'm in the same boat you are, my friend....desperate. I really want to get rid of my Integra and hop into the 98 NSX-T 6-speed of my dreams. I still keep saying to myself...wait, get out of college, get a good job, get a house, and pay off the tuition bills and loans before, but DAMN....I just want one now! Will one of you buy one for me? :D
WOW you're still in college and contemplating a 98? That's big bucks compared to my lil' ol' dream 91. How are you raising the cash? By the way, I'm not going to have any loans to pay off, and pretty soon I'm going to apply for scholarships since my grades are good now.
AutoEuphoria, maybe we can offer some of the richer folks on here our services. We can live in our own individual sheds in their backyards and toil in the fields for them all day, while taking online classes and completing our education. That is, if they buy us our own NSXs. Voluntary slavery? For this car, yes. Lol
i'd also think a bit about not just the initial purchase price, but in case there's maintenance to be done, or something breaks... you sound like you have a reasonable head on your shoulders.. hmm..rare for a 19 yr old, but not unheard of.

But, that being said, the question comes to how you are going to raise $10k without a normal job? here's a suggestion. The fall semester is almost over. get a more normal school schedule, no big breaks between classes for the spring semester, then you can work part time waiting table (15-20 hr/week) and make decent $, as long as you limit your self to nicer restaurants.. or you can be like me, delay that gratification for a long time, wait till you make $15,000 a year, and buy whatever the hell you want.
Time for some sanity, my friend...since nobody else is stating the obvious.
You're getting an education, which is the first step.
The you should buy a house, one of the best investments around. Then you should put a little away in a 401k for a start on a nest egg, when you start working.
After this, you can consider a nice shiny NSX. You have to take care of the necessities before you can get the gravy...know what I'm saying? Otherwise, you aren't gonna have enough to eat, never mind retire on.
Take it from me, a working doctor who is doing the above and waiting patiently for his NSX....
PowerKurve said:
How did some of you younger guys afford your NSX?
So, how do you young guys get your money?

Come on, folks - This has been discussed here many times before. Do a search first. You'll turn up topics like these:
Haha, I see why you dubbed yourself the forums nazi now. Those other posts will provide some good reading material for me, though. Now, honestly, when one graduates college, do they really have enough money to BUY a house? I mean, if I sold my 3000GT and kept only working summers, I might have 20k by the time I graduate. As far as I know, that's not really house-purchasing money. Yes I know, it's called a mortgage, but that would be alot of financed dough with a downpayment that small. Don't get me wrong, I am not arguing with you guys, I am just trying to figure out from those older and wiser than me how to go about doing things without screwing up. Maybe the quickest way for me to make (or lose, but it's just sitting in my bank account) money would be the stock market. Anyone have any tips on how to go about getting started in investing? In business classes, they taught us all the basic strategies (I turned 50k into 90k in 6 months in our simulation woot woot) of investing, however they neglected to tell us where to go to buy or sell stock. I'm a bit.....confused. My mom is a financial nightmare, however, and I have no dad to ask these questions to, haha.

In the meantime, any of you NSX owners up north need a shiny 4WD sports car for the winter? I'll trade ya...
Well, without saying too much, I have the money now...I just want to wait until I fulfill some of my life goals before I bought it.
PowerKurve said:
Hmm, it might help me if 1. I had the money and 2. I had my life goals set. Being 19 sucks. Ahem.

Funny, I bet a good number of us older guys who have the money and the life goals set (and some of them reached) would say they would love to be 19 again (if only for a little while)! :biggrin:
Shumdit said:
Funny, I bet a good number of us older guys who have the money and the life goals set (and some of them reached) would say they would love to be 19 again (if only for a little while)! :biggrin:

Man, that is sort of what I was just thinking.
Education, job, home, family, toys. That is the way I do it and it has worked pretty well for me. The last thing you want is to slide backwards in life. Build the foundation before you shop for toys.
Cairo94507 said:
Education, job, home, family, toys. That is the way I do it and it has worked pretty well for me. The last thing you want is to slide backwards in life. Build the foundation before you shop for toys.
I couldn't agree more.

That's the way I did it. The NSX is my 4th concurrent vehicle (after my daily driver, the family hauler, etc), and it holds a special place in the garage. :smile:

I had a 240 SX sports coupe as a sole vehicle in college, and it was not practical since I couldn't really carry many friends/items. Having a practical vehicle first isn't the most exciting thing, but it's the smart thing.
Yeah, that's what I'm doing now. I have a kind of fast car (my Integra), but then I have my xA...the daily driver...seats 5 and has as much cargo capacity as a Jeep Liberty almost. After next summer I'll be selling the Integra to help pay off some of the student loans. Once those are paid off, and I have a nice career started, and hopefully a home of my own somewhere...that's when I'll make the buy. I just know it'll feel better then than now.
Cairo94507 said:
Education, job, home, family, toys. That is the way I do it and it has worked pretty well for me. The last thing you want is to slide backwards in life. Build the foundation before you shop for toys.

Cairo has got this right boys. Plus, you don't even want an NSX until you have a garage to park that baby! Also, be sure to price your car insurance before even considering it.

I remember when I was 19 and a complete car nut and wasting 1000's of dollars on junk. Smartest thing I did was buy a Honda civic and drive it for 10 years while I waited and got the education, job, house, family, etc.

I actually think I am going to sell the VR4 AND my Camaro, and buy a reliable econobox for under a grand, then use all the money I get from the sales to invest and get an NSX in a year or two. However, I will make sure that alot of that money stays invested. Anyone have any advice on how to turn about 17 grand into 20-25 grand in a year or 2 while having money left over for an IRA or something? What stocks are doing well?
Well, I think the general rule is that if you invest in some sort of healthy stock plan or mutual fund (you should consult a financial advisor for this) that your money should double in 7 years. That's just the sort of trend that I was told, anyway.
Hello!! Like others have said, make sure you get your grades and everything first. Having just graduated from college 2 years ago I can tell you that the grades really matter if you want to get a job that pays well. Keep in mind that you have to be able to afford to keep the NSX once you buy it, so you will need that job to do it. Just be patient my friend, and you will get an NSX eventually. Hang in there. :smile:
I hate to tell you that if you are on a tight budget NSX isnt for you. Mechanical service is very pricey. It isn't like your normal Acura. Any experience NSX tech will charge you the amount they can reasonablilty charge.

I just got a 91 but I'm not in my 20's. I have a steady job and a home. I actually use a equity line of credit to purchase the car. This way I can write off the interest and get some back.. Also it may help me lower my tax bracket. I think if you can finance it this way it is good because you own the car and that if you feel that it is too burden to your pocket you can sell it at anytime. Bank finance or Lease you are pretty much stuck to the payments. P I A to payoff the car before selling.

Seriously.. 25K for a NSX is not a very good example. I think my NSX will total out to about 26-27K after major services and paint job. But I got it from my brother that gave me a good deal.

Also consider if the car need servicing and body work there will be down time.. hopefully you have a beater as a daily driver and not use the NSX to go to school, market, mall and movies.

Good luck.. Yound guy with a NSX can be a lot of fun tho.
Marry rich!!!! Or, donate sperm or plasma!!!! Just kidding. Get your education. Get a job and save. You'll have one soon enough.

PS They had posters up that said they were paying $75 a donation for sperm when I was in college. Didn't know anyone who ever did it to see if it was for real or not!! I doubt it.
Just do it!! :smile: