How to handle speeding tickets?

Originally posted by Bruce:
... I recently won a decission over a CHP officer who allegedly cited me for doing 99+mph while testing a Modena. The Judge grinned as he ruled me "not guilty". But I pleady guilty on the "no front plate" violation because...
Some of you may be thinking I was lucky to get off. But I wanted to emphasis my point... I never exceeded the 55mph posted speed limit! There was no reason other than "no front plate" to pull me over. An attorney said he could get the charges reduced, but he would just be defending me for his fees not because he believed I was innocent.It was a ridiculous and unbelieveable charge, which is why I took this upon myself to fight. Just as the officer did, they both prematurely and wrongfuly assumed I was speeding just because the type of car I was driving.It was not luck that took the pictures, it was not luck that I took measurements and made calculations, it was not luck that I prepared and properly crossed examined the officer, Again, if not for the information and "tutorial" link above I highly doubt I would've won.
Originally posted by johndoh:
Mucklestone and Mucklestone, attorneys at law. Haven't used John yet, but Jeannie's been great help. :P

I've used James Mucklestone with good success. For a $500 flat fee he drove to Bellingham (an hour drive from his location) twice. Unfortunetly the officer showed up in court. But after arguing with the judge for nearly a half hour, Mr. Mucklestone succesfully prevented the officer from getting to utter a single word and I ended up winning! I was very impressed and felt I got my money's worth. Based on what I saw in court, had I tried to represent myself I would have surely lost. I would recommend him to anyone in Washington state who doesn't live in a majority city such as Seattle.

There was no plea barganing used. These attornys use nothing but the law to get the case dismissed. You don't even need to attend court, and I atteneded only out of curiousity.
Awhile ago, there was a guy that sent an email to the PNWNSX group, a really long and detailed up write up of what the lawyer did to get the speeding ticket dropped. Was that you by any chance? If so, do you still have that write up because I'd like to get a copy of that email. My harddrive crashed a few weeks ago and would like to get another copy on file.
Originally posted by johndoh:
Awhile ago, there was a guy that sent an email to the PNWNSX group, a really long and detailed up write up of what the lawyer did to get the speeding ticket dropped. Was that you by any chance? If so, do you still have that write up because I'd like to get a copy of that email. My harddrive crashed a few weeks ago and would like to get another copy on file.

Yeah that was me. I'll see if I can find it and shoot you a copy of it. I'm really suprised how few really detailed traffic court stories are available on the net.