How to dump your girlfriend

I call it survival of the fittest in action. Natural selection operating on the human gene pool. I see it all the time - people riding without adequate protection; empty-headed females hopping on the back of a bike with no clue whatsoever as to the competence/skill/idiocy of the rider. I have NO sympathy for these dumb@sses at all.
Any information regarding what happened to her? Think she dumped him afterwards?
loNfastNSX said:
Damn NSXWIND!!!! Its only been a few weeks, give it time :p Thats nuts, I cant believe that guy would put his girl in that situation. Dumbass!!!!!!

I just finish loosen the bolt on NSX's door, I'll post "How to dump your wife with NSX" :D
I just finish loosen the bolt on NSX's door, I'll post "How to dump your wife in NSX" :D

LOL.. I don't know about you but I think losing a door on the NSX for this is too high of a price to pay.. may I suggest a beater car that you could pick up for about 500 bucks to loosen the doors on? :D
blknsxnoc said:
LOL.. I don't know about you but I think losing a door on the NSX for this is too high of a price to pay.. may I suggest a beater car that you could pick up for about 500 bucks to loosen the doors on? :D

Don’t worry Jeff, with my wife's life insurance I can afford a NSX door. :D
Regardless of whom is the dumbass the girl has got to be hurting. Major OUCH!! A friend of mine in Hawaii witnessed a motorcycle accident a long time ago where a girl had her boobs ground off. The stupid boyfriend was showing off to his friends and lost control of the bike in a slide. He was wearing pants and a jacket, she was wearing a tank top and pants.
Hey Ken, err... I didn't quite mean it that way, but you're probably spot on there. :p

While the stupidity of this girl (and her bf) is undisputed, i still feel sorry for her. Those injuries will scar her for life. I had someone close to me in a Bike accident some years back and they were on crutches for 6mths, and the scarring is still very evident even today.

...but still... man i'd love to own a bike. :D
I think you are right on that and if that is really her, I am sure she anticpated this kind of injury to happen at some point. Here is a picture of her in action and notice here safety gears.:D

prova4re said:

NeoNSX said:
Hey Ken, err... I didn't quite mean it that way, but you're probably spot on there. :p

While the stupidity of this girl (and her bf) is undisputed, i still feel sorry for her. Those injuries will scar her for life.

I absolutely feel sorry for her. Her boyfriend is a complete a**hole. Probably both are equally stupid. As for scarring, my sister was in a bike accident with her butthead b/f back in '70 and still still wears the scars today. What a shame.
jgtcnsx said:
be an asshole to her so she breaks up with you

That won't work. Everyone knows that women love assholes, and the worse you treat them the more they are attracted to you. There's a good reason why the old saying goes "Nice guys finish last".