If only it were that easy. There's not a lot to go on here. I believe there is enough O2 in the NOx # to bring HC well into passing territory. If your cats were 100% efficient you would have passed. Stock cats are probably at least 80% efficient...but that still isn't enough to conclude anything. The cats reduce emissions but they're also bandaids that can cover up symptoms of a problem, such as a misfire.
If you at least had a scanner you could determine if the ECU has control of the air/fuel. The HC's being that high makes me question whether the ECU is in closed loop, but I honestly don't know. If the ECU is in closed loop, then look for things beyond its control...(e.g. bad cats, clogged EGR passage, etc). If the ECU is in open loop, then suspect a bad input or something. A scanner will also give you coolant temp.
Just a thought: hope you didn't heat the engine up *too* much. If the coolant temp gets above a certain point the car will run rich to try to cool itself down, in addition to produce more NOx.