How paranoid are you guys about getting your NSX stolen?

4 September 2005
Vancouver, BC
Just curious about how paranoid everyone is about getting their NSX stolen? What type of security do you have in place? I was meeting up a few friends for a few rounds of exciting badminton and saw an NSX parked away from the entrance and other cars. I would do the same too, to avoid door dings. As I drove past it, I saw two wheel locks on it. Inside, he/she also has a crazy club on the steering wheel. I personally don't have the patience to put them on and take them off each time I go out.


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that's why we have insurance. but to put locks on every wheel your asking for trouble,

some kids walking by may think man this guy is OCD about his car lets KEY it. or lets flat all the tires.

that's extreme. get a good security system and go live your life. the " what ifs" will only reduce the amount of time your on this earth.
I don't worry about it. I just take ordinary precautions. Lock the doors, park in sensible places, etc.
Yeah, that person seems to be going a little to all out with protection. I bet this poor person had a car or two stolen from them in the past. Also, of course we have insurance but it must feel horrible having your baby stolen and just gone from your life. I know if someone stole my car I would be heart broken and it would be impossible to replace (1 of 2 ever made).
I am more afraid about it being vandalized than stolen.

This seems to be the case. If you have aftermarket wheels, then the wheels will be a priority to steal. I don't think the NSX has much to "move" over to other cars. Therefore, the blackmarket isn't too strong.

Integra Type R will get stolen probably 99 out of 100 times before the NSX because the parts fit nearly every Civic and Integra from 1992-2000.

I know that when I get an NSX I will finally feel much more comfortable driving it to the mall or leaving it in an area that I can't see it. People may vandalize it just to be "haters".

A good solid alarm and faith is good in my opinion.
that's why we have insurance.
True, but I'm sure a lot of us including myself, do not simply want a check from insurance as we feel our cars are darn near irreplaceable. I don't want a big fat check from insurance, I want MY nsx. It's not like I can take that check and go out and buy another low mileage pristine 1992 GPW NSX tomorrow...I'm sure the OP feels this way and others do too.
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When I lived in a big city with a car theft problem I used a steering wheel lock... but my parking spot was also visible from the street. Nowadays I live in the suburbs and I just lock it.

Honestly a manual transmisssion is the best theft deterrent. Most car thieves can't drive stick.
I have weird dreams all the time about it getting stolen. And for some reason in all the dreams my cell phone won't work or no one answers 911, or they put me on hold.
If I were a car thief I would yawn at that stock Nsx lol. I would go for something with rim, bbk, suspension... stuff that I could sell.
As stated above I'm not really worried about my NSX getting stolen but I'm really worried about someone keying it or dinging it. Cars don't get stolen very much where I live. I imagine that if it was a more common occurrence I'd have a different out look.
Not at all.
Not many of the parts fit on any other car.
And people selling here have to post the VIN of the expensive parts.
It's not an issue that I'm aware of.
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How many of you leave your top off when running into a store?

I do it when I can see the car from where I'll be sitting... like in a restaurant, etc.
Wow, I guess I'm in the minority here and the opposite of you guys. I live in a great low crime city and I still worry about it getting stolen and don't worry about it getting vandalized.
I have my own safety precautions to prevent it from getting driven away, but nothing stops a tow truck.
How many of you leave your top off when running into a store?

I do this. I just park next to a BMW convertible with the top off or a Mercedes AMG something. Those badges are much more recognizable and desirable to steal.

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Also! I learned that despite the fact the "Security" light is not flashing when you lock up your car with the top off, it is still actually armed. Figured this out over the weekend, embarrassingly.
More worried about the car getting key'ed than stolen. xD