how old are you guys???

how old are you NSX ownders???

  • 20-25

    Votes: 24 33.3%
  • 25-30

    Votes: 21 29.2%
  • 30-35

    Votes: 18 25.0%
  • 35-40

    Votes: 9 12.5%

  • Total voters
By the time I am twenty I should have enough money to buy all of Honda. Then I will post the poll: "How old were you when you bought your first car company."
PHOEN$X said:
I'm dirt poor. :( In fact I don't even own an NSX. I'm really a retired 70 year old living alone in a trailer park. ....

<B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B> is just being slightly modest...
besides, good things said about yourself always sound better from someone else... so here goes...

<B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT> is actually God's gift to women.</B> But rather than wasting his years selfishly parading around with any woman he desires, he has given up his life to helping others. That's right, he isn't just Bachelor of the Year for his incredible looks, charisma, charm, sophistication...the list goes on. When he is not busy dedicating his life to helping people at work, he works as a volunteer for needy children. He owns an NSX simply because when he originally donated it to a charity, they gave the NSX back to him for his life-long commitment to helping others. It was a heart-wrenching and emotionally charged event.

<B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B> is a prime example of the goodness found in humanity, and a rolemodel for every NSX owner.

...I'll have to finish there... excuse me... i'm feel nausea... :D
smonop said:
None of the above: 43....

And I have a question: How many of the 18-20 year olds are using their own hard earned money instead of inheritance or receiving the NSX as a "family" gift ?

My family was totally against me buying a NSX. I had to work 3 jobs through high school to afford my NSX. I have always wanted one since they came out in 1991 when I was 7 years old. Working for minimun wage for 4 years really sucked, but everytime I turn my huge silver key and hear the engine behind my head it puts a huge grin on my face!!
NeoNSX said:
<B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B> is just being slightly modest...
HAHAHA! Thanks for the laugh Neo! You could be a famous fiction writer with that kind of imagination!


None of the above.

Then again, if I were 25, or 30, or 35, I would have to figure out how to vote twice, since two responses would be valid.

Great poll...
The REAL nsxtasy said:
Then again, if I were 25, or 30, or 35, I would have to figure out how to vote twice, since two responses would be valid.
That sure sounds like the nsxtasy we know and love! :D
25 here. Took my dad's advice and went to college, got a job and bought one. Could anyone ask for a more simple formula?

J. (in Phx).
I wonder how the "youngest NSX owner" poll would match against the "I still live with mom" poll? I get the feeling the shallow end of one would directly mirror the deep end of the other... :p

I will openly admit that the 16-19 year old guy that has purchased an 03 in cash, has been living on their own for 5 years, is taking care of their parents (rather than vice versa) and DOESN'T deal dope, is impressive :D BUT... I get the feeling that the total number of those guys is roughly 0. (Hollywood celeb lurkers not withstanding, of course) ;)
25, and still waiting for an opportunity to buy an NSX.

I'm working on opening a new business venture which should lead me towards my goal of purchasing an NSX.
I got my NSX at age 26. Not too bad, considering it was not given to me. A law degree and 2.5 years working as an Attorney allowed the purchase. Not running out to buy another BMW or trade in the 325i for an M-car also helped. Buying a condo a year ago was a wash, as the DP hurt at first but now the equity and refinance help my financial picture.

Materially speaking, I have no complaints.
