how NOT to release a leopard...

Note to self: Don't poke a stick at things that can kill you with one swipe.
Hehe, he was screaming like a little girl.
Why couldn't he be more patient. Maybe the vid was edited, but still. Poking it with a stick annoys me. Big Cat 1, Ranger 0.:biggrin:

How fast did it move! Wow.

Hehe, he was screaming like a little girl.

I think it was a girl behind the camera-person.

Normally cats aren't that aggressive. That was funny...maybe less stick poking while it's in the cage. I think it's hilarious that it went after him while he was in the truck!
I saw the greatest special on a family who rescued, raised, and then released (with great wisdom and care) a beautiful Black Leopard. I believed it to be a Panther at first... but if you have a chance to watch, it's pretty phenomenal..... (*baby tyke'z name is Eddy )
Animal Planet :: TV Listings :: Growing Up "My Own' Lil' Leopardess" :smile:

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I saw the greatest special on a family who rescued, raised, and then released (with great wisdom and care) a beautiful Black Leopard. I believed it to be a Panther at first... but if you have a chance to watch, it's pretty phenomenal..... (*baby tyke'z name is Eddy )
Animal Planet :: TV Listings :: Growing Up "My Own' Lil' Leopardess" :smile:


good to see you here again... seems like it's been awhile. i couldn't get the animalplanet link to work so will hunt for the video; like your own leopardess... cute :)

happy holidays :)
Would have been better if the cat took the stick and poked the ranger with it until the ranger got out of the truck. the the cat drives away in the truck leaving the ranger in the wild.
I saw the greatest special on a family who rescued, raised, and then released (with great wisdom and care) a beautiful Black Leopard. I believed it to be a Panther at first... but if you have a chance to watch, it's pretty phenomenal.....

Technically, there is no such thing as a panther, it's a generic word that can be used to describe a number of different cats and has no place in zoology. BTW, if you're into large cats, I cannot recommend enough checking out the Exotic Feline Rescue Center in Center Point, IN if you're ever in the area. Joe Taft, the guy who runs the place, is an amazing individual. My wife and I stayed there back in 2002 (nothing like being surrounded by lions roaring and keeping you up all night) and I recently visited again in Feb 2007. In 2002, he had rescued a baby black leopard (Brumby) that my wife and I pet through a fence (without permission but the cage was right outside the house we stayed at and we were stupid enough to chance it after seeing how the cat treated Joe when Joe was inside the cage with him). He sure got big!! Anyway, the cat is still apparently very friendly but I'd never attempt to pet him now!!!

I saw the greatest special on a family who rescued, raised, and then released (with great wisdom and care) a beautiful Black Leopard. I believed it to be a Panther at first... but if you have a chance to watch, it's pretty phenomenal..... (*baby tyke'z name is Eddy )
Animal Planet :: TV Listings :: Growing Up

The whole "Growing Up..." series on Animal Planet is excellent. Every story is a heartwarmer, filled with cute baby animals. Set your TiVos...
how NOT to release a leopard...

This is how you release Leopard: