How much would you pay for a good condition 1993 CTSC?

29 October 2006
I have found a 1993 NSX with a Comptech Super Charger on it. It seems to be in good condition with 100k miles on it. How much would you pay for it? How much is the supercharger worth above and beyond the value of the car? CTSC costs about 10k plus 1.5k to put it on. That is 11.5k into the car. Is it worth 30%, 50%, 10%, 70% (the supercharger that is) of retail (11.5K)?

I have not driven the car yet or seen the car. I have only seen pictures.

How much of a difference does the CTSC make over the stock configuration? I am talking about horsepower, and the subjective, visceral driving experience.

The stock nsx is worth around $30k, assuming full service and good condition - the CTSC, used, is worth around $6k, and the installation would cost you another $1-2k on top of that cost. The question you need to ask yourself is: if you were to buy a non-supercharged nsx would you install a CTSC? If you would install a comptech supercharger anything under $37-38k is money in your pocket, if you would not install a CTSC the car is not worth $37-38k for you, so you will need to find a value you're happy with.

It's not a matter of what the car is worth, its a matter of what the car is worth _to_you_
I just picked up a 92 With a CTSC on it. I had driven about seven non SC cars and was still happy with the output of stock compared to my former M3.
But I think the fact is How do you like to drive? I think that compared to newer cars the NSX will keep you looking for a little more power Mods, Mods, Mods. If you have the oppertunity to pick up a SC car and get it for 6K over what you where thinking of spending, Run for it dont walk its the last mod you will ever have to do. It should have headers and exhust as well $$$. I love the power. I have about 312 to the rear wheel Its fast and I love it. very matched to the car.
I would say about $34k-$35k is fair. I sold a 97 6spd for $33 with 100k miles for about $33k earlier this year. also my friend bought a 95 with about 30,000 miles w/ a CTSC for about $41k.
My questions would be when was the SC installed? How many miles on the engine post SC? How hard was it driven? Depending on those answers I would make my decision as to whether or not I was interested.