How much more would you pay for your choice of color?

How much extra would you pay?

  • None. $0.

    Votes: 11 24.4%
  • $2000

    Votes: 13 28.9%
  • $4000

    Votes: 15 33.3%
  • $6000

    Votes: 4 8.9%
  • $8000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $10,000 or more

    Votes: 2 4.4%

  • Total voters
8 March 2006
This is a question I am curious about as I was just speaking to another member.

Lets say you are in the market for a 2005 NSX.

There are two more rare colors that were introduced for 2002. That is Imola orange pearl and LBBP.

How much more would you be willing to pay for one of the more rare colors? Like these two and maybe white if that is what you wanted?

The guys that own these colors list them quite high. Sometimes as much as $10,000 over what a more popular color like black or silver sells for.

My question is, would you be willing to pay that kind of premium for the more rare color? Would you take the less rare color and a suitcase with 10K cash in it or would you splurge and get the rare one?

If you won't pay 10K extra, how much extra would you pay? 2K? 4K? 6K? 8K? Or 10K+?

I am very curious about this. All kidding aside I truly like Imola, that was my first choice, but I went with my second choice which was the silverstone/silverstone combination. The imolas are so rare, I know if I ever switched I will have to pay a premium. But how much is the question... How much more is the more rare color really worth to you?
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Not much or any personally. Just wait and look for the color you want and hopefully the market doesn't price you out of it. If it did repeatedly, then I guess you'd have to pony up or settle.
Luckily my favorite color is black, but I'd say usually up to 5% premium for me. If I was into more unique colors, that percentage might increase but black is common enough :)
I'm surprised of the number of people that wouldn't pay a dime more. Yet if you follow market pricing, there does seem to be a gap. What I am not sure about is the actual selling price versus asking price. I'm almost glad that I have a more common color because if I had a real rare one I'd be more hesitant to put miles on it or modify it. Now I drive the car. I still garage it, put it away for winter, do ridiculous levels of maintenance, but I do drive it. My mind does wonder sometimes what it would be like to own an imola. Would I really like it a lot better? I love it in photos. Or would I miss having my less juvenile silverstone. LOL. Sometimes you don't know until you have owned both. Maybe I need a second one. LOL
I personally think it has to do with Mileage and Condition... Dave youre more than welcomed to come to NY and take mine for a spin... :)
I'd pay 2-4k for the *right color.

And yes, you are absolutely correct there is a HUGE gap in between colors (especially in 02-05).

White, LBBP and Imola seem to fetch significant more.
Although if I was after an 02-05... I would shop price and/or mileage and condition as Arista5 Mike said.
Before I purchased my Imola, I wasn't dead set on getting one. It just happened to work out like that. Would I have paid "extra" for it? Definitely not. My choices were LBBP, white, and Imola. I did consider Spa Yellow, Rio, and also black. LBBP was actually my first choice, but they were hard to find and priced at that color "premium" which I wasn't willing to pay.
I would pay more for the color that I want....not because of the rarity. Color is so subjective...

I wouldn't buy a rare Imola color....I think it's ugly in my opinion. Therefore, I wouldn't bother looking at such ad.
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All things being equal (ie; same condition, mileage, previous owner, etc) I would have happily paid an extra 2g or 3g if I could have found my exact car in LBBP. Not so for any other color. Something about that LBBP that is magnificent.
All things being equal (ie; same condition, mileage, previous owner, etc) I would have happily paid an extra 2g or 3g if I could have found my exact car in LBBP. Not so for any other color. Something about that LBBP that is magnificent.

Yes. I agree. Some people compromise on color because they got a "good deal." Big mistake and possibly living life with regret....
Ok most people are saying none at all or a few K max. But I'm seeing these three colors of LBBP, IOP, and white as being listed for sale waaaay out of line versus black, silver, red, etc. I'm seeing price differences of 10K plus for the same condition cars. Are they selling??? I guess it only takes one buyer. I'm in the same boat as most of you guys... I'd go condition and mileage first, then a few extra thousand for color... I can't see myself paying $10,000 more. But I'm not dreaming, if you follow list pricing, it's been happening.

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Yes. I agree. Some people compromise on color because they got a "good deal." Big mistake and possibly living life with regret....

Well 3K gets you a good wrap and you have $7K leftover still sometimes if you decide not to pay the premium.
Dave also consider the mileage.... if its a 1 to 1 compare then no not $10k or even close.... BUT if you lets say have a mid mileage(40k?) car and step to a ( under 15k ) low mile one with a rare color... then the price difference is subjective to the exact difference.

for me if i had a 8k mile silver and side stepped to a 8k mile IOP then no 10k is not worth it.
Yeah mike I get that. I understand why you did what you did and don't think it was a bad move in any way. You had a rare opportunity from both sides that made a smooth transaction. I'm just trying to get a handle of what most people would do if all else was equal.

Although even with mileage... I get the 18K versus 8K on an Aston or a F360. It's because mileage on those cars means a possible nightmare... But on a Honda built NSX, sometimes I have trouble understanding why someone would pay a lot more for a 5K difference in miles. Again, I'm speaking generally. Knowing your details, I'd have done exactly what you did.
You also have to consider years and such too. People that paid 70k for their car may be more inclined to pay 10k more than lets say someone that paid 30k for their car.

If that orange color was available to me at the same condition car at what I bought mine for at a little more I'd buy it. Now you people have me thinking of getting a full paint job next time my motor needs work "hopefully never"
Dave, are you telling us you're considering side stepping into a LBBP :D

I can dig it...
You also have to consider years and such too. People that paid 70k for their car may be more inclined to pay 10k more than lets say someone that paid 30k for their car. "
^^ Agreed.
If someone were to offer me two comparable vehicles (mileage, year, condition, maintenance) I would certainly be willing to pay a bit more for the preferred color. I would probably limit myself to a 7% increase.
$30,000 -> $32,100
$40,000 -> $42,800
$50,000 -> $53,500
To me that seems acceptable, pay a bit more to get what we want.
I would pay 2-4k more. Doesn't make sense to me to pay 10k extra. If I had more money then sense maybe it would
I didn't say it does. But you have a whole lot of colors to choose from. Plus having the extra cash in your pocket is nice. Don't worry I won't do an imola wrap. LOL
Yes. I agree. Some people compromise on color because they got a "good deal." Big mistake and possibly living life with regret....

+1 I would pay 3-6k for the right color. As stated earlier white, blue and orange are both rare and desirable so they will sell for more. My first NSX was only half the equation as it was "rare" but not overly desirable (Green/Tan/Targa). I got a great deal on that car and enjoyed it over my two years of ownership. However, not a drive take place where I did not wish I had purchased a similar condition white car that was for sale and $5k more. Now I have a MC car that I am very happy with even having seen it next to LBBP. I have a keeper without any regret.
This is good to know, my car is still going for a premium lol.

Whats your guys take on repaints? Mine was hit in front and scuffed bumper so repainted it. Some ppls care about repainted cars.. IMO, I'd rather get a clean repainted car than a scuffed oem paint one. So if I ever sell my beauty don't try to low ball me with an accident front bumper repainted hahaha
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This is good to know, my car is still going for a premium lol.

Whats your guys take on repaints? Mine was hit in front and scuffed bumper so repainted it. Some ppls care about repainted cars.. IMO, I'd rather get a clean repainted car than a scuffed oem paint one. So if I ever sell my beauty don't try to low ball me with an accident front bumper repainted hahaha

Just in case you decide to get smart and edit or erase your post.

Now your future is in my hands. I can edit too.... But the question is do I want to.... In other words... Do I see any "incentive" if you catch my drift.

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Say... Is that your girlfriend in your avatar? Perhaps she should ask me to edit :D
This is good to know, my car is still going for a premium lol.

Whats your guys take on repaints? Mine was hit in front and scuffed bumper so repainted it. Some ppls care about repainted cars.. IMO, I'd rather get a clean repainted car than a scuffed oem paint one. So if I ever sell my beauty don't try to low ball me with an accident front bumper repainted hahaha

Bumper respray is not tht big of a deal and is pretty common these days. Different story if one or more panel have after market paint correction..
Make sure you have pictures and documentation on the "bumper" respray, so you can prove it wasn't an "accident".