How Much Are NSX Parts Worth??

Originally posted by nsxtasy:
I notice that when I make a joke about "rice", Chris and George get their panties all in a knot, but when Mike says something about "pimp body kit", no one takes offense.

Thanks, guys, for making it so obvious that you're just looking to flame me, and that it has nothing to do with the comments themselves.

The topic in question is here:

Judge for yourselves.

G Dummy~

Faster than stock.
:D :D :D
If I owned a highly-modded, pimped-out r_cey-looking ride


Manuel, it still sounds to me like attempts at selective censorship masquerading under the guise of political correctness.

As it says on the Ben's Racing Page":

"Disclaimer: This is page is NOT a hate-monger or racist page. The purpose of this page is to be a straightforward humerous page using wit and not pretty boy graphics to poke fun at Rice Boy cars. If you have a problem with this, go blow it out your Rice Tip. Otherwise, thanks for stopping by!"

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 20 December 2001).]
Ken, can I call you a stupid idiot if I have the following disclaimer?

"When I call Ken a stupid idiot, I do not meant to offend him. The purpose of calling Ken a stupid idiot is to be straightforward humerous using wit and not pretty boy graphics to poke fun at Ken. If you have a problem with this, go blow it out your ass. Otherwise, thanks for stopping by!"

If you are ok with that, then I am ok with you using "rice" in the other topic.

G Dummy~

Faster than stock.
:D :D :D
George and I are just going to have to agree to disagree on this issue.

The term "rice" is commonly used to describe cars which have been modified primarily for looks and NOT for performance, and variations are also applied to their owners/drivers. While the modification craze started largely with Japanese compact cars, nowadays the trend and the term are both applicable to many American and European compact cars as well; thus, the cars MAY OR MAY NOT be Asian-branded cars. Similarly, the drivers of these cars MAY OR MAY NOT be of Asian ancestry.

Thus, in my opinion, THERE IS NO RACIST CONNOTATION IN THE USAGE OF THE TERM "RICE". I realize George disagrees with me on this, and Chris and others may, too. So be it.

We have had many discussions here regarding the desirability of these and other modifications. While they are not for my taste, I realize that aesthetics are strictly that - a matter of taste, and opinions will vary. Some of my early posts may have included strong opinions, but I think you will find that more recently, my posts have generally adhered to a "to each his own" philosophy. Occasionally I have thrown in a joke or two... and again, these are just that - jokes. Most of us here enjoy the ability to laugh from time to time. I for one would hate to see that ability taken away from us out of fear of censorship by the adherents to a strict policy of "political correctness".

George and I have disagreed on the whole topic of racism, as well, in past discussions on the e-mail lists. In those discussions, George has stated that NSX owners don't care about racism because they live in all-white suburbia, miles away from ethnic minorities or lower-income housing. This doesn't match the many NSX owners I know, who, by and large, "look like America" (or, at least, look like the top half of America's income distribution, who can afford one) and many of whom live in major cities as well as in towns known for their ethnic and economic diversity. However, even more than their inaccuracy, the reason I most objected to George's earlier comments along these lines was that they consist of the same kind of prejudiced stereotyping that is often used by people who I consider racist, who often claim that those of one particular heritage all share some specific (and usually undesirable) characteristic. I find such an act of making broad generalizations and stereotyping people because of their ethnic background to be absolutely abhorrent, and this is why I have objected to George's repeated cries of "racism" in the past. Despite the desires of most of us, prejudice and bias persist in our society, and the use of the same tactics of stereotyping by those who claim to speak against racism does not help advance the cause of equality.

I would like to add one last comment on this topic from a member of these forums, which is humorous as well as indicative, I think, of the ability that we have to view this topic with the proper mix of respect and perspective and, yes, wit. Because it was sent in private e-mail, I won't identify him unless he wishes to state his claim to it. As with my other humorous comments, it is provided with the hope that we can all smile at ourselves, while giving serious thought to an issue that deserves it.

"Just color me riceist.

Last, but not least, just in case anyone has forgotten why MYNSX created this topic from which we have gone off on this tangent, ...

I figure 1/2 off is fair for both parties involved vs. nickel and dime the buyers and sit on a product to long.

I agree.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 20 December 2001).]
rice rice rice rice, damn i love chinese food and now i'm hungry. if anyone has a racial problem with that i'll kick their white suburbia butt because that stuff rules.

but what do i know. i'm just a white, suburban, over thirty, rice eating, nsx driving sort of guy.

on a serious note, im new here. were any of you serious?
I believe that Chris (ScienceofSpeed) and George (maomaonsx) were serious - in fact, a little bit too serious for my taste. But I consider racism a serious and important issue, and that's why I don't take such accusations lightly.
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
I believe that Chris (ScienceofSpeed) and George (maomaonsx) were serious - in fact, a little bit too serious for my taste. But I consider racism a serious and important issue, and that's why I don't take such accusations lightly.

Hey...I'm buddies with Chris and George and Ken...

Guys...Ken is NOT a racist or biggot or anything like that AT ALL...he just has a sardonic sense of humor. :-) Like me...hehe...

That was me..."Just color me riceist. :-)" ... because I use the phrase "rice boy" or "rice-this and rice-that" often, in fact...and I'm Asian myself. Is it "ok" for myself, an Asian, to use the "r-word"? But not for a white-boy from New Jersey to use it? It's like saying that African-Americans can call each other n*ggers but that other people can't use the word at all. I have Jamaican and African-American friends who use the n-word to describe ghetto-*ss people...both black and white. Actually, when they talk about ghetto Caucasian guys who pimp out their rides, the proper terminology is "wh*gger".

Have you guys ever heard the saying that "the only people you can curse at and verbally abuse and get away with it without getting a 9-iron whacked into the side of your head are: your family and friends"? Because I think it's true...and we're all friends here, are we not?

Since I'm Taiwanese, and I pimp out my ride, some of my friends say that I "t*gger-out" my ride...terms of endearment, I think...because I like Whinnie The Pooh (and Tigger Too!)...

Anyhow...last words on this one: Ken is my buddy, and he's NOT a racist or a biggot...the term "rice-boy" is commonly understood in the auto-enthusiast world to describe those individuals who add aftermarket parts to their vehicles which serve no performance purpose, but only for aesthetic reasons...but will make up a performance-related reasons for adding the's called BENCHRACING!!!

Peace and Flurries... -Andie
You guys have been drinking too much egg nog. When I first looked, the original post of this thread was about the value of used NSX parts. Last I checked it is a room full of children in a racial shouting match. Play nice, or else I'm gonna kick your asses.
FWIW - I am not comfortable with (and do not find acceptable) the use of pejorative terms (racial and ethnic slurs), even when they are used by members of those groups and even when they are used in jest. I think those words are best left in the past, as their continued usage (even in this way) seems too much like perpetuating their negative stereotype.

I just don't consider "rice" to be one of those terms.
I'm of the opinion that a "word is just a word"...and what's most important is what the intention of the person saying those "words" really is. So whether it's the r-word, the n-word, the xyz-word...doesn't mean a darn thing to me if I know someone is just joking around with friends. OTOH, if I know someone is not joking, but really is using certain words in a bigotted manner...that will get me a little upset. Then again, if I know that person is a complete idiot, I just chalk it up to ignorance and pity them.

On the subject at hand: I may need both front fenders in the near future...mine are cracked.


[This message has been edited by HomeDepotNSX (edited 21 December 2001).]
Well... That's definitely a place where the suspension will reach full compression. But you cracked the fenders??? Ouch!

How much are NSX parts worth?