How many bought their NSX in a color they didn't want?

The stars aligned just right for me. Right color, right year, and right time. Some times you just get lucky. The right time part was the tricky one.
Hey guys,

It just occured to me - that some of us got cars that weren't our first choice of color but we bought it anyway because of other reasons - maybe we should now consider trading cars with each of those that would like the color the other guy has.....just a thought. Some folks here love silver and I do to but I'd like to have white too. Just a thought...
I originally wanted black/tan (found one 98 w 48k), but then found a red/tan (2000 w 4k). It was a no-brainer for me as the 2000 red was practically showroom new ~ 4k on the odometer and not a rock chip. Now, I'm really happy I got red as other wise I would get those "that's a beautiful Ferrari" comments. :rolleyes:
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Hey guys,

It just occured to me - that some of us got cars that weren't our first choice of color but we bought it anyway because of other reasons - maybe we should now consider trading cars with each of those that would like the color the other guy has.....just a thought. Some folks here love silver and I do to but I'd like to have white too. Just a thought...

Sounds like insider trading to me! LOL

Its not a bad idea.. except you spend so much time getting the car just the way you want it and have heard people say they buy others and it just isnt as great as the first one.