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How long should I wait ..........

19 January 2003
after I have returned parts to a vendor before being concerned that I don't have my refund? It's been about a week since the vendor received the parts and I know the vendor is around....... I sent an e-mail confirming the vendor's receipt of the items, but I received no response.
I'm not going to name any names at this point (with the hope that it gets resolved in a timely manner).

I've had very few occasions where I've had to return goods to a small scale vender, so I'm not sure how much time to allow for.

I know if I return something to Lands End, I'll get the credit in due course.
If they are crediting it back to a credit card then yes it does take severals day sometimes longer to go through.
Depends how they process returns and their reputation. In my warehouse returns are usually prcoessed within a few days. The Paypal procedure is the easy part. Proicessing the return in the warehouse is where the time is spent. Returns are always issues and they get put on "the back burner" alot. Just keep on them and if they are responding to your calls and/or acknowledging that they received the return I would just hold tight for a few more days.

My .02
The vendor has not returned any of my e-mails asking for a status report. I don't have a good feeling about this situation.
You can file with PayPal that the product has been returned and they will open a case to refund your money (I hope you used tracking numbers when returning the product).
By way of an update.......I resolved the issue with the vendor (i.e. I got my refund). Unfortunately, now that the issue is behind us (i.e., the vendor and I), the vendor won't sell his products to me. Hey, it's a free market, so I suppose it's his choice not to do it. My view is that he screwed up, it's been resolved, he's got stuff I want to buy, so he should sell to me (and follow through with the sale). However, he's blocked (or pretended to anyway) block my e-mails. It's funny in a not particularly "ha ha" kind of way. I'll find another vendor..........
By way of an update.......I resolved the issue with the vendor (i.e. I got my refund). Unfortunately, now that the issue is behind us (i.e., the vendor and I), the vendor won't sell his products to me. Hey, it's a free market, so I suppose it's his choice not to do it. My view is that he screwed up, it's been resolved, he's got stuff I want to buy, so he should sell to me (and follow through with the sale). However, he's blocked (or pretended to anyway) block my e-mails. It's funny in a not particularly "ha ha" kind of way. I'll find another vendor..........

Who is the vendor?

I can't believe that they blocked you like that. That's B.S. You did not even disclose the vendor name and you were being very respectful. I would not want to deal with a vendor like that. I hope I don't find out who it was. Good way to lose business.

In terms of payments, I always use Am Exp. If there are any issues I have 30-60 days to dispute the charges if I'm not satisfied with vendors. Just my .02 .
I can't believe that they blocked you like that. That's B.S. You did not even disclose the vendor name and you were being very respectful. We'll I would not want to deal with a vendor like that. I hope I don't find out who it was. Good way to lose business.

In terms of payments, I always use Am Exp. If there are any issues I have 30-60 days to dispute the charges if I'm not satisfied with vendors. Just my .02 .
You definitely should post this under "buyer's experience" to let other know, so someone does not get screwed.
I'm sorry but this post really doesn't help anyone if you have to be so secretive about who it is. How come its always cool on this forum to post good experience but bad is such a taboo? I would post both. That's the point of a forum to share information. I can judge when a consumer is being unreasonable.
I'm sorry but this post really doesn't help anyone if you have to be so secretive about who it is. How come its always cool on this forum to post good experience but bad is such a taboo? I would post both. That's the point of a forum to share information. I can judge when a consumer is being unreasonable.

Turbo, I wasn't looking to blast the vendor by posting this. Initially, I was seeking the collective guidance of the Prime members. The post evolved into the story/saga of what happened. The facts are the facts.

That said... drumroll please.................. The vendor that I have referenced above is Dali Racing.