How long do you plan on keeping your 'X'

12 March 2006
If I were to ever buy an NSX, I would keep it until the day I died. Truthfully. However, I'm curious to know how long you plan on keeping the NSX? I know life changes happen, and sometimes you're forced to give it up...But it seems this car is so timeless and perfect, I couldn't imagine letting it go
Unless I come across and huge sum of $ that would allow me to purchase any car (s) of my choice, I plan to keep mine until am no longer capable of driving it.:biggrin:
I am on my third. She's kinda like your first true love. You get complacent and think you do not need her anymore until she's gone. The second one I only sold because I needed to get some cash to buy out my partner in a business a few years ago, or I would still be on #2!
At the time I bought mine, I considered it a "once in a lifetime" purchase, and expected to keep it for twenty years. I figured, by then, I might no longer be interested in fast, great-looking cars, and/or might no longer be driving them around racetracks.

Now, almost sixteen years later, I think I may have underestimated... :D
Until the pry my cold hard fingers from the steering

NSXdream12 said:
If I were to ever buy an NSX, I would keep it until the day I died. Truthfully. However, I'm curious to know how long you plan on keeping the NSX? I know life changes happen, and sometimes you're forced to give it up...But it seems this car is so timeless and perfect, I couldn't imagine letting it go
My Lotto-garage would still include my current NSX!!!
I bought a red one and liked it so much I bought a 2nd black one as a project car. This project may take the rest of my life.:wink: OR I guess I could keep buying different colors until I have a full set/collection; then leave them to my heirs.:biggrin:
Initially I planned on just 2 years before moving on to something else.
I planned on a year when I bought my 05 6 months ago... I have since changed my mind. This car is a keeper.

mine's going to be passed down to my future (due;Nov 28' 06) daughter Kylie Noel. Hopefully shes a gear/motor head like her daddy. I plan on taking her to soo many events when she gets older, and then handing down the NSX to her.
btcog82 said:

mine's going to be passed down to my future (due;Nov 28' 06) daughter Kylie Noel. Hopefully shes a gear/motor head like her daddy. I plan on taking her to soo many events when she gets older, and then handing down the NSX to her.

I sincerely hope your wishes come true; how could she not be a gear-head, look at her dad.:cool:
You just need to assure she gets it right; its Gear-Head not Jar-Head.:eek:
Bob Kenney said:
I sincerely hope your wishes come true; how could she not be a gear-head, look at her dad.:cool:
You just need to assure she gets it right; its Gear-Head not Jar-Head.:eek:
Thanks, and definitely agreed about the jar head.:wink:
I can't see any reason to ever get rid of mine...If I had to actually "replace" it with something there's nothing under $200K that would really satisfy me, and I don't think I'll be spending that on a car soon.

Plus, all the mods I've done really make the car feel like "mine." It fits like a glove.

Ive said it many a times before and ill say it again, I WILL NEVER SELL THIS CAR:biggrin: I will buy other cars, maybe NSX or maybe something else but my current NSX will be with me till I die. Im actually trying to tear down an old shed in my backyard and install one of those aluminum garages. Its already pre-wired for electric and then I can put her away and start on something else.:wink:

I just renewed my NSXCA membership for 3 more years, where am I going?:redface:
nsxtasy said:

the check's in the mail, plane tickets are booked and hotel is reserved:biggrin:
My original plan is to drive it for 6 years, and put 100,000 miles on it.
That may change, who knows. As of 2006, theres not another car made I would rather have for a daily driver.
keeping mine forever...only thing that would make me sell is if I move to a place where I can't have her, europe etc...of course that would have to be one hell of a place to make me give up my car. Even then I might give it to my brother to keep it in the family
I Am selling my 91 and upgrading to a 97+:biggrin: , nothing I drive or have driven compares to the X. :biggrin: