How Ferrari Spins

Re: Another reason not to want an F car!

Actually started not to comment, but I read the article with amusement and decided to comment anyway.<O:p></O:p>
My belief is all manufacturers cherry pick the cars they give for test reports, they would be fools not too! The more expensive it is the better the fit. This shouldn’t weigh in to making a decision unless something was changed that you couldn’t get done yourself. <O:p></O:p>
With this said I should say that I own a couple of Ferrari’s, a 91 Testarossa, and a 83 308 GTB. I’m not particularly popular on Ferrarichat because of my attitude towards modifications. It’s not that I don’t appreciate the cars heritage I just believe in the end it’s a car. I believe many on the site believe it’s an image first. <O:p></O:p>
My 91 Testarossa I did a small write up on removing the original electro/mechanical fuel injection and replacing it with a Motec full engine management system. Runs great, looks good, and easy to modify. Well you thought I had sprayed graffiti on the Mona Lisa. Gave me a good insight into who I was talking to. The 83 308 is a full ground up mod and I chose not to even mention it on Ferrarichat and decided to do the write up in the Ford GT forum since I was a former owner and new these guys were more than happy to see a well thought out cool mod. Had one of the guys in Ferrarichat tell me once why don’t I just buy the car I want and leave it alone. Hmm, I just haven’t found that one yet I guess.<O:p></O:p>

Sounds like you're having fun trying! Nothing like all these fun cars to drive. Love to hear stories like this.
Re: Another reason not to want an F car!

I want a Lexus LFA. Badly.

Paris Hilton has one and said (on Letterman) that it's very fast. A neighbor has one and it sounds wonderful.
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Re: Another reason not to want an F car!

I read the article - rules- smules- in the end the guy said "the cars are so great that they don't need to do that". If I had the fun bucks and could have a "Leno" stable - I'd surely have a Ferrari, Carrera GT, the new 918 when it comes out, a ......well you get the drift.

Cars are great - sports cars are even GREATER. What is it that makes us gear heads, enthusiasts, car guys, want a car of a certain manufacturer - is it the mystique, the idea that it's the fastest car in the world - not for me - for some that's the reason to buy a Veyron. To me it's the fact that they are HERE - here right now - built by Bugatti, Ferrari, Porsche, Mercedes - who ever builds it - really doesn't matter - the fact that it IS built and you can drive it - that's what matters - that there is a machine - lots of different machines all for our enjoyment - it's a candy store and I'm a kid - a not so rich kid - but I can surely dream what it's like and I can see em and hear em - what a great life and a great time to be alive - we've seen all that has gone before and they just keep coming.

AMAZING time we live in - enjoy every bit you can- if someone offers you a ride in an amazing car - GET IN and GO! If you can drive it or afford to own it - well so much the better and more power to ya!

I love this stuff ! How bout the rest of you? :wink:

Its not all about the numbers, but to openly cheat - bringing two cars? And Ferrari acting snobby if you say anything negative - premaddonas!

I often thought when watching shows like "top gear", are these really representative of the average car they make? Who knows. But to bring one car for straight line accel, and one for cornering?

I wouldnt pass up a ride, EVER. In fact I drove a 512TR, 355 F1, 456, 348 and have to admit that I loved the ride. But to know they are openly cheating an not allowing free-speech? I think thats BS.

Thanks for the link to the other thread, I missed that, seems people there didn't like that either. Sorry, I didn't intend on starting a similar thread.

Re: Another reason not to want an F car!

Its not all about the numbers, but to openly cheat - bringing two cars? And Ferrari acting snobby if you say anything negative - premaddonas!


Cheat? I guess I didn't read far enough to see the rules. If they wanted to have a representation of the everyman car they should have just bought one and tested it. This sounds like a big pissing contest to me. Whoever tested it were more than happy to get their hands on the car regardless, otherwise they would have refused stating their disdain for not following the unwritten rules of chivalry. :eek:

Re: Another reason not to want an F car!

Paris Hilton has one and said (on Letterman) that it's very fast. A neighbor has one and it sounds wonderful.

Damn Harry, you must be livin large man to have a neighbor with an LFA - geezy peazy dude. Or is your neighbor Paris??? Wow - there's one in my neighborhood but I claim a neighborhood area that is composed of several square miles....:biggrin:

They do sound awesome though - best sounding car I believe I've ever heard and I ain't kiddin!
Re: Another reason not to want an F car!

It is a shame to think that Ferrari is so desperate to "make" their cars win comparison contests. If they were so desperate to win, they should make better/faster cars and then they wouldn't have to worry about tuning their car in order to ensure their victory.

just sayin', it speaks to their insecurities acting the way that they do.
Re: Another reason not to want an F car!

Owning a Ferrari is like marrying a high maintenance girl. You have to spend lots of time, money and attention to every aspect of the partnership.

Some people tolerates it because the union looks good, and yes, they do often work out. Those who entered the union without the understanding of the personality of the partner will eventually, end the marriage with a high profile break up.

To be honest with you, if today I have a lots of money, the first thing I'm going to do is run out and buy a Ferrari F40 and I will drive that thing everyday. But for me to become a worthy millionaire is an unlikely scenario, so I'll drive my eight years old Honda with a dinky little V6 engine and be happy.
If I could own ANY car I wanted it would be a McLaren F1 -- a neighbor has one that I drool over every so often (though it has an ugly silver paint job, and I love silver). I live in a wonderful car neighborhood. Within eight blocks are: an F1, a Bugatti 110, a Veyron, a C-type Jag, two gullwings, a Porsche CGT, Porsche 904/6, a M-B/McLaren SLR, an LFA, several 458s, 430s and 360s, several Lambos (all flavors), a XJ-220 and three NSX :biggrin: All with different owners -- most too old to appreciate them.:frown:
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I've always heard Ferrari lies about their HP numbers.
Doesn't surprise me that much, but good to know all their numbers are basically BS.
380 Ferrari HP = 290 Honda HP

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If I could own ANY car I wanted it would be a McLaren F1 -- a neighbor has one that I drool over every so often (though it has an ugly silver paint job, and I love silver). I live in a wonderful car neighborhood. Within eight blocks are: an F1, a Bugatti 110, a Veyron, a C-type Jag, two gullwings, a Porsche CGT, Porsche 904/6, a M-B/McLaren SLR, an LFA, several 458s, 430s and 360s, several Lambos (all flavors), a XJ-220 and three NSX :biggrin: All with different owners -- most too old to appreciate them.:frown:

Damn.... :eek: