I've tightened the filter using the old three quarters of a turn after initial contact theory and it's worked well - no oil leaks, etc. Once the filter bottomed out before I thought it was tight enough and I got advice from the forum to torque the filter to the correct 16 ft/lb.
I got a nice small torque wrench from Griot's Garage that I'd like to use for this task, but I cannot get it to fit between the filter and the suspension piece immediately beneath the filter. I cannot use any of the adapters I have to make it work either.
How do you do it?
I got a nice small torque wrench from Griot's Garage that I'd like to use for this task, but I cannot get it to fit between the filter and the suspension piece immediately beneath the filter. I cannot use any of the adapters I have to make it work either.
How do you do it?