How do you like the "new look" for BMW?

What do you think of the new BMW designs?

  • Ugly. Hideous. Awful.

    Votes: 26 43.3%
  • They don't do anything for me.

    Votes: 12 20.0%
  • They're okay, just because they're different.

    Votes: 16 26.7%
  • They're the most beautiful cars on the road.

    Votes: 6 10.0%

  • Total voters
4 February 2000
Chicago IL
I'm referring to the new designs created by BMW's design chief, Chris Bangle.

They include the 745i and its trunk lid:


What do you think? Does it look like the body panels are mismatched, or is that a rad new wave in car design?

Also, the new 5 Series and its Dame Edna headlights:


Again - is this Beauty or the Beast? Your chance to decide!
I am 38 and I absolutely hate all of the new BMW designs.
7 series cars are nice up until that rear trunk lid.
5 series cars are just plain ugly from front to back.
6 series What a way to screw up a sport coupe.
I hope a drwaing of the M3, posted on the forum a couple of months ago or so was true. It looked nice.
I loved the 850/840 CSI and the current M3.
At first glance, they are some of the ugliest cars on the road. Then you start to realize that they have some of the best drivetrain and chassis' around and at least the "inside" starts to look attractive. But something deep inside tells you that you just couldn't wake up to that hideousness in the garage every morning. There are as good cars out there that are much better looking. That being said...I have seen spy shots of the new 3 series and it doesn't look bad at all. I don't think they can afford to mess that model up.

I signed up for a local BMW ride and drive (some breast cancer awareness charity) so I'll get to see first hand how good these cars are. Maybe enough to get past the ugly duckling looks?
There really need to be a choice between

They're okay, just because they're different.

They're the most beautiful cars on the road.

While I don't feel they are the the best car on the road in many senses I also feel they are more than ok.
I personally like them, but I can't vote because it goes from ok to the most beautiful car on the road and I too am in between those two.
The new 5, 6, and 7 series look like they were designed by someone smoking some serious ganja.
Don't know how it is in U.S. but here in Germany I see one of those ugly cars at least once a minute. The only new Bimmer you can look at without getting a stomach disease is the 5-series Station Wagon - no bangle-d back.

And of course: If you ever saw an interview with chief designer Chris Bangle you're more than convinced that he must sniff some weired stuff.
Yeah, what's the big idea with that huge jump between the bottom two choices?

Put an extra fifth choice between the last two choices

and save this thrad for the next generation to read in amazement
At least they finally demoted the worst designer since the gremlin, Aztec, Pinto, etc.

He was so arrogant in interviews too - that if people objected to his designs it was somehow their fault and they needed to change - not him.

Between that and the i-Drive they have put BMW back 15 years IMO.
The only good thing about this latest batch of Bimmers is that these make the competition look good.
Ponyboy said:
so I'll get to see first hand how good these cars are. Maybe enough to get past the ugly duckling looks?

If it were my child yes. For my car, NO.:D I guess if it were my track race car I wouldn't care how the car looks as long as it performds. But for my everyday street car it has to at least appeal to me aesthetically.
I loved the 850's. Those captured my attention almost as much as an NSX. They had lines that were as seductive as the SC400, which I considered a beautiful car.

The current crop of BMW's only leaves me lukewarm, however.
Depends on WHICH new design:

7 Series is HORRIBLE
6 Series is equally fugly
5 Series is not pretty, but not as bad as the above. M5 shows signs of beauty.
4 series that I have seen spy shots are Gorgeous. I want one BAD.
3 series are still the old design. I love them (own one too). Haven't seen the new ones.
1 series is fugly.

P.S. I agree, the 850 is very gorgeous.
Have to admit that not very long ago, I would have voted for hideous, but I now I have voted for doesn't do it for me. The new body styles are growing on me, but I really doubt that I will ever get to the point where I LIKE them! Ugh, have you seen the interior??? Even worse. This is really astounding to me, because in this market segment, I think that aesthetics MATTER.

Like a couple people mentioned, I think cars should be something that you are taken by the instant you see it. Some of the BMW examples were mentioned that I whole heartedly agree with: 850i, 635i and the E39. Clearly the NSX is in this same category, where I lusted after it since its inception.

How do I judge whether I have purchased the right car?
When I park: I can't help but to turn back over my shoulder and take "one last glance".
When I return to my car: I can't wait for the long walk to secretly admire it as I am heading in its direction (not so obvious as when walking away . . .)
I can't see this happening with ANY of the current BMW models . . . Fire Chris Bangle. Kevin
The 'boot' (i think you guys call it the 'trunk' in the USA) looks too small; Like it was squeezed in.

I used to love BMW's, but lately they don't do anything for me. They're no NSX that's for sure.