How do you let the NSX just sit???

17 June 2009
Chino ;)
Ok, like I said, how can you just let the car sit in a garage?? I can understand physically there is bad weather but i mean mentally. I got the car back from the body shop after getting the front bumper fixed from the little scuffs a few weeks back. I get the car back, drive it home, get complements there and near home so I felt good getting it back. Park the car, next day it rains on sat, then sunday it rains. I go to school m-th and work s-th so drive my prelude. The weekend comes up again last week and rain!!!! only on friday and saturday. I havent really driven the car going on week 3 and i was tempted just to start it and roll back in my garage and move forward lol. How can you guys that let the car sit over a few months contain yourselves lol? Im borderline considering taking it to work just to drive it since it isn't raining this week :rolleyes:
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I drive mine wether it is raining or not.What is the point of having a car as good as an NSX if you don't drive it?
It is not a musuem piece.
Get it out of the garage and use it:smile:
Mine been in the garage on 4 jack stand since September. My reason: I don't like to drive it in the winter season, I want to keep the milage low('93 with 44k on the odo), plus the road kinda suck around here.. I'm OCD about people dinging and denting my car, so wont drive it to work. Plus it only take me 5 mins to drive to work, y drive the X ?

I look at the X every night after coming home from work, it's under cover but I still ran my fingers over it on the way in the house.

It's hard to fight the urge but it can be done..
Mine been in the garage on 4 jack stand since September. My reason: I don't like to drive it in the winter season, I want to keep the milage low('93 with 44k on the odo), plus the road kinda suck around here.. I'm OCD about people dinging and denting my car, so wont drive it to work. Plus it only take me 5 mins to drive to work, y drive the X ?

I look at the X every night after coming home from work, it's under cover but I still ran my fingers over it on the way in the house.

It's hard to fight the urge but it can be done..
I can't see the point in owning a car if you don't use it.What is the point of keeping the mileage low?
Did you buy it as an investment?
The less I drive my car the more enjoyable the next ride is. I don't like to hold myself from driving but I usually take it for a quick spin around once a week. My car is 2004 and it only has 9k miles on the odo. Recentry I came to a conclusion that if i take her for a 25 mile trip once a week I will be putting less that 1000 miles per season since I will not be driving it during winter.
It's been almost 5 months since I pulled my car out of the garage. I can't wait to free up some time and spend a full day detailing and driving:biggrin:
well a 1993 with 44k miles is still gonna be almost the same price as a 93 with 80K miles give or take a few hundred dollars. in good shape they both have the same price. so letting it sit cuz I dont wanna put any miles on it is well like you said OCD. LOL

now dings and dents, I feel ya on that one, I park my NSX like 2 miles back in the parking lot. its by itself not one car around her. then some Jack ass will park their kids mini van next to it with 3000 parking spaces around he wants the one next to mine, f-K ,,, One day I might be in a bad mood and I just might KICK THE SHIT outta that mini van's door. thats only wishful thinking. you never know though. LOL

I drive mine rain, hail, no snow in Florida, heat wave, smog, oil spills,
My NSX loves me. she gets to see the world with me.

now the Poor old NSX stored away for half their life or intill the owner sells her is terrible. its like locking up your pet for 6 months and smiling at her thru the cage. but its your car everyone can treat their car how they want to.

as to the snowed in half the year kinda owners well thats understandable.

the best way to get out of Garge queen stereotype, start projecting human characteristics onto the car.

funny Idle/ shutter = "oh did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?"

bumpy road = "oh you dont like this road do you "

the truck in front of you throws a rock from its tire and hits your windsheild
" that bastard, dont worry you look better"

raining = " dont worry you get a full soap bath when you get home "

night time driving = " let me see those pretty Eyes you have cutey "

and I hope people on Prime dont think Im a f-ing crazy for treating my NSX like a member of the family.

I say treat everyone including you Property with respect and dignity and a slice of class.

but in the end you cant take it with you.

one day a long time from now and on your death bed, your gonna think I should have spent more time driving my beloved NSX and not worring about how many miles she has, or if its gonna rain.

and when your gone, whom ever gets the car will probably drive the shit out of it, and take it to shows, prom, etc. so that could have been you.

drive your NSX every chance you get. remember its cockpit was designed/inspired after An F-16 Fighter Jet.

I rant often it makes me feel better sorry guys. LOL
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I can't see the point in owning a car if you don't use it.What is the point of keeping the mileage low?
Did you buy it as an investment?

Let me ask you a question: If you picked up a 7 year old car that only has 7500 miles are you going to put 10 000 miles on it the first season ? :)
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well i put 3K on 2 months i had her since i been in reck now waiting to get her fix so i can enjoy the x again miles don;t realy matter to me i look for every chance to drive her anywhere rain on shine like everyone says it;s drivers car so drive it damit..
it;s like my Bike it had little less then 2k for 2004 i got it about 6 months ago now somewhere around 7K i would to put more but since i got the x not as mcuh.
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well i put 3K on 2 months i had her since i been in reck now waiting to get her fix so i can enjoy the x again miles don;t realy matter to me i look for every chance to drive her anywhere rain on shine like everyone says it;s drivers car so drive it damit..
it;s like my Bike it had little less then 2k for 2004 i got it about 6 months ago now somewhere around 7K i would to put more but since i got the x not as mcuh.

your amount of driving inspires me lol. I agree that the car must be driven. Maybe not in the snow but letting it sit for 6 months in a garage. I finally cracked and took the car to school. Sun was out, air was cool, it was 46 degrees (cold as hell in socal), but it felt soooo goood. Plus i set off 2-3 car alarms driving up the parking structure so that made me laugh as well......Now i want to leave class early just to go drive it some more lol. I wont put 100k miles on it in a year but seeing how these aren't made anymore its not like there will be more made with no miles. There was one on ebay with like 200k wasnt there for 25k? Realistically he will get around 21 prob but still, he got his enjoyment out of it im sure. My car has 53k miles now. I like the fact the previouse 4 owners drove it cause I dont like the oil and fluids sitting for months at a time. I think the car should be driven, no ferrari, lambo, m3,pretty much any bad ass fast car should just sit.

.....Plus, it feels great when everyone seems to compliment your car. A true enthuasist can appreciate the feeling of someone striking up a convo with you just to discuss your car.
To me the car in itself is some kind of investment. I want to own it as long as possible, I love driving it. Especially after it's been sitting a long while, make the ride so much more enjoyable, reminds me of the reason y I love this car in the first place..

Everyone feels differently about driving it or not, I just prefer NOT to drive in winter season.. Also, I'm paying my car off slowly so in the mean time I don't want anything to happen to it. I would never want something to happen to it, but preference are preference.

My 2004 came to me with 40K on the odo I managed to put 11K on from Apr-Nov ........I love to drive.

Well, I have to work on that then. What pulls me away is the fact that Honda will not make them anymore, I own a "virgin" and i want to keep her this way.

To me my car is something I admire the most out of all the materialistic things i own. Every time I drive her it makes my day special.
I drive it as much as I can, I hated putting it away for the winter. I do look forward to when spring arrives though. It is like finding an old toy.

Plus, you never know never know when your time is up.
Well, I have to work on that then. What pulls me away is the fact that Honda will not make them anymore, I own a "virgin" and i want to keep her this way.

To me my car is something I admire the most out of all the materialistic things i own. Every time I drive her it makes my day special.

Perhaps I look at it a little differently. I never want to drive "NEXIE" for transportation from point A to point B. But, when I have an opportunity for a fun drive, that's when I take her out of the garage. I put about 3K miles on her since April. Unfortunately, she got winterized last week <sniff>. No fun until next April.

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Based on previous owner comments, my 96 NSX most likely has never been driven in the rain. Why start now!! Living in California does afford me many months of great weather to which I take advantage, driving the car 2-3 times per week. Problem is, I have not taken advantage of local club events and long cruises, something I really should do. Having said that, its a tremendous joy to drive even on short trips. The GN on the other hand has been driven maybe half dozen times this year for a grand total of 300 miles. Looking to sell her at some point, just sitting doesn't make sense.
i don't let it sit, i definitely drive it. I don't drive it in the rain though, i don't trust other drivers and also have gone through a set of rear coil packs that i don't want to have to replace again.
I work M-F and use my DD, but when I get home and go hang out with friend, I take the NSX. Sitting in the garage is a waste. Let others appreciate the car by driving it around.
For those that live in California and have plenty of nice dry days to take your perspective NSXs out for drives-I'd say you have no excuse to NOT take it out. I realize that some buy cars for investment purposes. For me, the NSX has been my dream car since I was 10 and to have finally gotten mine, I do understand those that want to keep low miles on it, but at the same time...I didn't wait this long to have my dream car sit in the garage. I bought it to enjoy and I'm never selling it. :biggrin: I'll admit that I didn't want to drive her in the rain and I took a trip to the OC one weekend and it ended up raining. It was a fun ride regardless b/c the NSX is (simply stated) an awesome car to drive regardless of the weather.

Take your baby out...she was made to be driven! :tongue: