how do you get the wrist pin out of the piston?

2 August 2003
I have a spare nsx piston/ rod assembly that i want to take the piston off so that i can polish the rod for use as a titanium paper weight.

Can someone please tell me the proper way to get the pin out of the rod. It lookes like it is simply pressed into the rod, but i tried briefly with a vise to "drive" the pin out, but it looks like either something is holding it in place that i can't see, or that it will need a serious press to get it out. What gives???

You were right, it is pressed onto the rod and "floating" on the piston. It takes a real press to do it properly, but you may find it helpful to heat the rod end quickly so it expands. Of course the pin will also expand once it gets hot. That technique is better for assembly than disassembly where you also freeze the pin.