Dad is that you??
Just kidding.
Although you do sound like my dad.Which is a good thing
Originally posted by ilikeNSx:
I drive an 86 prelude with a busted out front left headlight.. my locks are broken from the inside and sometimes my moon roof dumps water on me when I open it. my right window doesnt go down either. but it has a good stereo so I can turn it up loud so I dont have to hear the squeeks and rattles
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
I would think you'd be better off saving up for a downpayment on a home. Worry about the NSX after you've got that accomplished.
nice cars but how do you afford it.. what do you do?
Why do I have to have patients? I don't want to be a doctor.
There are exceptions. I bought an NSX in high school using money I made from my web design company.Originally posted by NSXY:
Five step program: get educated, get job, make money, save money, buy the car. There are NO SHORTCUTS!