How do I celebrate

Actually, since you constantly flip flop on things you post about you only get credit for a total of 5000 posts so I hate to say it but you seem to be afflicted with premature celebration......
Actually, since you constantly flip flop on things you post about you only get credit for a total of 5000 posts so I hate to say it but you seem to be afflicted with premature celebration......

I had to delete a post just to reply to you because I was not about to waste my 10,000th post on you. Better to celebrate prematurely than to not be able to do it at all, because you can't get your post count up high enough.
You better believe we have lots to do. You think its easy here? it takes WORK Les, I don't just walk out my door like you do, look around, yawn, and say "oh what a nice sunny day, oh look another hot jogger".

This is what I see:



Another reason to move to SoCal.:wink:
OK, HERE IT IS. POST # 10,000.

I would like to thank Shigeru Uehara , Ayrton senna, and Lud, for making this all possible.

I would like to thank all of my many fans on prime who admire and adore me.... I couldn't have done it without you. :wink:

I would like to thank all my girlfriends and ex girlfriends who tried to wedge themselves between me and my NSX only to make our bond stronger than ever. This is for you. And here she is, I present to you one more time the most beautiful thing in the world.

Thank you thank you. I'll now leave the stage and let others have the spotlight for a bit.

Congrats you post whore.:biggrin: Now go have a beer.
Lmao.. That sure is alot of posting. You been around here for quite sometime huh Turbo2Go? lol! Congratulation on your 10,000 post. What do you want? :biggrin:
Nice going Dave, I like how you memorialized the post in a screen shot :)

How many of us are left that still recall when this was a maillist rather than a forum? I remember when Lud posted about starting the forum on the maillist and I thought to myself, I'm not joining, that will never take off :)

I think Ken Sax had 25,000 emails to that maillist too.
Yep, I remember the mailing list...

I remember when Lud posted about starting the forum on the maillist and I thought to myself, I'm not joining, that will never take off

That's ok Rob. I remember when a friend showed me a very early development version of Mosaic.. might have been 1992 or something, and I recall thinking "This worldwide web thing is never going to take off -- there's just not enough bandwidth for embedded images" (in my defense, most people were still running 2400baud and downloading images was excruciatingly slow)
Yep, I remember the mailing list...

That's ok Rob. I remember when a friend showed me a very early development version of Mosaic.. might have been 1992 or something, and I recall thinking "This worldwide web thing is never going to take off -- there's just not enough bandwidth for embedded images" (in my defense, most people were still running 2400baud and downloading images was excruciatingly slow)

I was right there with you browsing with Lynx on VMS and reading usenet feeds while connected to DECs internal network via 2400 baud modem (when I wasn't having to drop down to the 1200 baud lines because the 2400s were all busy!) I'm sure you also remember acoustic couplers as well.

Nothing like hijacking Dave's thread eh? :)
You are really ruining my glory Rob...
Really, if you take away all your posts on which wheels you should buy and if you should sell your car you would only be at 6,000 posts. :biggrin:

I made one thread where I was considering selling. ONE. Why does everyone bring that up? I had a temporary lapse in judgment after driving an R8. Then I had a post on the weds sa60 or RSII. ONE. There was a poll was on ride height which is not a wheel thing at all.
How about you and your coilovers? That was worth like 300 posts... LOLOL
How about you and your coilovers? That was worth like 300 posts... LOLOL

hmmmmm you started a contest for hottest looking nsx thread in which you knew you would be posting every 10 posts trying to moderate the banter:wink: you have gotten about 300 posts from your cage/suspension threads alone:tongue: then you introduce a random young attractive female to this sad group and well...another 30 adds up.
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