How can you determine the build date?

Bart Geerts said:
sorry for my english... what is the 'door jamb' ?

Open the driver side door, look at the plaque on the body side of the car, below where the lock would latch, you will see the info that Ken refers to, HTH :biggrin:
Bart Geerts said:
sorry for my english... what is the 'door jamb' ?
According to the dictionary:

Main Entry: jamb
Pronunciation: 'jam
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English jambe, from Middle French, literally, leg, from Late Latin gamba -- more at GAMBIT
1 : an upright piece or surface forming the side of an opening (as for a door, window, or fireplace)
2 : a projecting columnar part or mass
I shouldn't have been so lazy and taken the dictionary myself... but the seat in front of my comp is sooo cozy...
Bart Geerts said:
the seat in front of my comp is sooo cozy...
...especially compared with your seat at work!
