How big a geek are YOU?

My results: 32.74162% - Total Geek (phew... not in 1st position)

...this quiz was totally biased ... i'm a total geek yet i did not check the following boxes! :D
* dumped at a Star Trek convention
* Geek of the Year
* taken notes in more than one color

I sent this to a guy i work with... he got 45.36489% - Super Geek (no joking! i wasn't surprised either!)
This is embarassing - 56.08473 - Extreme Geek. I guess I should have told my friends at school that I couldn't meet up for gaming nights. :)

Wow, and I thought myself less geeky than most; guess it takes one to know one. Ssh - don't tell anyone... :D
41.61736% - Major Geek

W00t! <--- Look, more geekiness!

If you are even remotely aware of "l33t speak" and even vaguely recognize references to common online gaming slang, then you should award yourself extra points!
24.26036% - Geek

Check out the Top Ten list. If burbel submitted his score @ 56.08473, then he would rank #8 on the list!!!!!!
I already closed the window, so i don't remember the decimal points but it was 23.something. Funny, I don't think of myself as a geek. I also have many traits in common with rednecks and I don't consider myself a redneck either. In High School, I was known as the stoner with brains. Get high during lunch out in the creek and then go Ace a math test in the advanced math class. I remember my first semester at a university. Taking 18 units, 3 were GE, and the rest were science,math,& engineering courses. Someone asked me why I didn't take more fun classes. My answer was the science, math & engineering were the fun courses. The GE stuff sucked. Ever shoot pool? It's a game of physics whether the rednecks realize it or not. I just like to understand the world I live in and how the cause & effect work.
I collect antique slide rules.
I still have pocket protectors...but don't wear them...anymore...
good thing I am already married...what was she thinking?
JPS Europa,

What do you consider "antique" for a slide rule? The reason I ask, is I have a circular slide rule, with "Property of the Government" on it. Somehow, I doubt they want it back. I believe it is a late 50's to early 60's design. The Periodic chart is quite detailed (electron configuration info & boiling & melting points listed). A table of useful constants has Pi out to about 25 decimal places. It does have sentimental value to me, so I doubt it's "value" on the market would be enough for me to part with it, but one never knows. What do you think it is worth?
Took the test again...

After hearing how my obviously-more-geeky-than-me friends scored on this test, I decided to re-take it to see why I might have scored higher. I think I may have misread some of the questions initially as this time I only scored:

22.28797% - Geek

I probably should add a few percent for taking this test again...