How about them Lakers?

I agree, that was an amazing finish to a pivotal game. I knew from the start of this round that the Lakers/Spurs matchup would be exciting to watch.

I wanted the Spurs to win last night, though. :(
Simply incredible game! I'm still excited over it - especially with Fish being one of my favorite players. I watched the post game, every Sportscenter till 1am and two this morning.

Go Lakes!!!!
The most ridiculous rule in basketball is that you can advance the ball to half court by calling a time-out. Why should you be rewarded for calling a time-out? Lakers lose without this stupid rule.

Yes, I'm in San Antonio, and yes, I'm overlooking the fact that this same rule helped the Spurs minutes earlier. :D

Go saints - beat the sinners! BTW, Ken, is it "rapers" or "rapists"? ;)
Wah wah waaaaah.......instead of questioning the rules behind the game that all teams including the spurs play by you should question the players for the lack of performance.

Laker haters............come see sat and bye bye spurs!
I was saying it half tongue in cheek, but you have to admit it is a stupid rule. And I don't think you can question the Spurs for a lack of performance when they lose by 1 point on a buzzer beater shot that was basically a hail mary.

I guess all the bandwagon Laker fans are coming back out in force - and for anyone to say that D Fish is one of their favorite players? Give me a break. That guy sucks, and hasn't done jack in the entire series. I'm sure you probably cheer for every team that wins, after the fact.

I would love to see the Spurs smack those punks down.
Actually I don't think it is a stupid rule. Taking the ball up to half court has helped many teams (including the Spurs) in last minute situations. It makes the game more exciting and keeps the defense on their toes. If you don't like it....take it up with the NBA as I'm sure they are already dealing with the cry babies that complained the shot clock wasn't started in time.

And while D Fish is not my favorite player he did contribute alot defensively during the Houston playoffs against Steve Francis. D Fish has taken his roll from a starter to bench very well and doesn't b*tch and complain like some players do.

As far as your wish for the Spurs putting the smack down on the will most likely stay only your wish.:p
LeftLane said:
I guess all the bandwagon Laker fans are coming back out in force - and for anyone to say that D Fish is one of their favorite players? Give me a break. That guy sucks, and hasn't done jack in the entire series. I'm sure you probably cheer for every team that wins, after the fact.

I would love to see the Spurs smack those punks down.

I'll take those remarks knowing that you are in mourning and coming out of shock and now into anger. Let me know when you start crying, I'll email you a hankie. Call me whatever you want. "The Fish" is a class act in the NBA ranks - ever since he came out of Arkansas. And if you still think he hasn't done anything, I can show a clip of a game winning shot he made last night. :p

I wish you displayed as much tact and class in losing as your beloved Spurs.:(




and so when you start crying again...

Damn - how do you guys know how to do all this cool computer stuff?

Of course I'm a homer - SA is a one-sport town, and that's all we have to cheer for. And I do agree that D Fish handles himself with class (which really sets him apart on the Lakers).

Ponyboy - where in Tulsa are you? I moved here from Tulsa, lived at 111th and Yale. I thought that was a great town to live in.

Here is a list of my grievances from the game:

1. Tim was fouled! :D
2. The shot clock should have been at zero! :D
3. The shot clock was started too late! :D
4. D Fish didn't beat the clock! :D
5. The scoreboard had the wrong score! :D
6. Spurs planned for Kobe to take last shot - not fair to have D Fish take it! :D
7. Refs and NBA need LA in Finals for TV! :D

Okay, I'm done. I enjoyed the game, just wished for a different outcome. You still can't convince me that moving the ball to halfcourt is a good rule, though.

anybody have a link to the video link to maybe the last minute or so of the game? i unforunately missed it due to work; but i hear it was unbelievable....
LeftLane said:
Damn - how do you guys know how to do all this cool computer stuff?

Too much time in front of the computer and slacking at work or home. For example, I should be doing some yardwork right now.

Originally posted by LeftLane Of course I'm a homer - SA is a one-sport town, and that's all we have to cheer for. And I do agree that D Fish handles himself with class (which really sets him apart on the Lakers).

Haha...I'm glad we can agree on that point. And I'm not even going to acknowledge the covert insult. ;)

Originally posted by LeftLane
Ponyboy - where in Tulsa are you? I moved here from Tulsa, lived at 111th and Yale. I thought that was a great town to live in.

Wow! I live at 111th and Aspen. Just a few streets down. Talk about a small world?! I have grown to really like Tulsa too. I call it the exact opposite of New York: a terrible place to visit but a great place to live. :)

Well, the Spurs can't be counted out of it yet BUT the road ahead is all uphill and at an extreme angle.
Doesn't anybody sleeps any more on this board????

Bye Bye SPURS:D :D :D
nsxtasy said:
Speaking of "class act" - or lack thereof - let's talk about Kobe Bryant...

Hmmm...this is the second time you've alluded to Kobe as a "raper" who has "lack of class."

I can understand why you're upset. Everyone is.
Yes, he cheated on his wife. As far as I know, that's not illegal (morally wrong, but not illegal). But it seems you've already casted judgment on him.

I thought you're supposed to be innocent until proven otherwise?

If he is proven guilty, fine. Take him to jail because he would deserve it. Otherwise, calling him what he's not [yet] is totally uncalled for, IMO.
bye bye queens!

Another last second buzzer beater in last nights game sac/min.....only difference between this game and a Laker game as that the buzzer beater was a miss. Maybe next year sac town......or not!!!!!

Bring on the wolves!!!!!!
Joel said:
Hmmm...this is the second time you've alluded to Kobe as a "raper" who has "lack of class."

I can understand why you're upset. Everyone is.
Yes, he cheated on his wife. As far as I know, that's not illegal (morally wrong, but not illegal). But it seems you've already casted judgment on him.

I thought you're supposed to be innocent until proven otherwise?

If he is proven guilty, fine. Take him to jail because he would deserve it. Otherwise, calling him what he's not [yet] is totally uncalled for, IMO.

I too agree with Joel... I don't care much for the Lakers and I don't think pulling judgment on someone (unless proven) is appropriate. But with the law nowadays work, I wouldn't care much of the fact. Look at OJ Simpsons, clearly guilty but then he got out of it.
IMHO, this is something has to do with race...(black and white thing) and because Kobe is African American that makes him guilty in the first place. Look at the victim (the woman), I don't know how you can call her a (victim)...hmmmmmm maybe because she is white? I don't know...
Don't toss racial accusations into a discussion that is NOT about race.

The simple fact is, professional athletes and other celebrities get a free pass on a lot of wrongdoing. Often the police will give them a pass, or they will pressure their victims not to come forward. When they actually do go to trial, they usually get off; whether it's because of their celebrity, or because they have the money to hire the best attorneys, I don't know - probably both. The instances where they are actually punished for their misbehavior are few and far between. And I find their impunity to be disgusting and shameful as well - just like anyone else who seems to live above the law.

We can call the Lakers vs the Timberwolves the battle of the "rapist versus the strangler". Let me ask you this: If you had tried choking your boss, would you still have a job? Case closed.

Ennesssex said:
bye bye queens!

Haha! No, no.... you're dizzy and confused. It's pronounced KINGS.
Speaking of the Lakers, I noticed the following photo from tonight's game in the Times. I find it amazing for its artistry (that of the photographer, not just the players):


Ben Wallace blocking a Derek Fisher shot from behind with Rasheed Wallace waiting for a rebound during the fourth quarter.

And no, I'm not trying to diss the Lakers by posting it; I just thought it was an amazing photograph, for its unusual angle as well as for catching the very instant of the blocked shot.