Hot trunk: Common? Bad for Amps?

7 May 2006
While recently looking for an NSX to buy, I noticed that the trunk got very hot after several miles of around town driving. Being that its a mid-engine design, I expected it to be warm, but let me say, the trunk was hot. I can't imagine putting anything in there...... Trip to the market? Forgetaboutit! But then I thought maybe the excessive heat was created from the large stereo amp that was installed on the trunk floor. Could this be the case? But if not, and the car really does heat up that much due to the engine/exhaust, wouldn't that be total torture on the stereo amps?
i put my laptop and grocery stuffs in the back all the time. heat was not a problem for me. you might want to check the insulator in your trunk and see if you are not missing any.

do you have after market amps installed? that might be the case.
Amps usually have thermal protection which means they will shut off when it gets too hot. Still, stress from heat is not good for amps. Yes it is fairly common, especially for aftermarket exhausts. One thing you can do to help it is add some thermotec heat insulation on the underside of the tool tray to protect heat from radiating into the trunk.
My Cd changer ooozed out some green stuff because of the heat. Made a mess on my nice trunk carpet:mad:
I noticed my trunk became hot after I installed the Taitec Parallel exhaust. This isn't necessarily bad because it makes the NSX great for picking up pizza or chinese food. :biggrin:
My stock 05 is suprisingly cool. Even on hot days... I am not sure if they changed anything. I think there is some heat sheild above the factory exhaust.
KooLaid said:
Hot trunk sucks on LONG drives, like hours and hours. Makes my hair gel and car waxes, etc expand and goo all over!

Squeese the air out before you put them in as you do before you travel in Airplanes... It's the air in the container that expands with heat not the fluids! :wink:
Yeah, I know. But sometimes I forget, lol.

But I always do it for the airplane trips though.

Oh and I also noticed, it made the new unopened antifreeze bottle I put in there on my last 1500 mile road trip ooze out too though. Good thing I had it in a BIG plastic bag. Hate for the half bottle of Mobil 1 I keep in there to do that also.

Oh yeah.... and also makes my freaking Old Spice High Endurance deodorant sweat out all the water in it, getting everything in my overnight bag wet. That's just like a SHORT drive too. If it's a couple hours or more, like the road trips, it melts and either gets on everything or congels when it cools into the shape of the cap. Doesn't help the chap stick or condoms I keep in there either.