Hooters meet in Dublin

What date is best for a Hooters meet?

  • Total voters
21 January 2005
Bay Area, CA
The sun's coming out more and more lately and so are the NSXs! What better way to spend lunch-time than at a Hooters restaurant!

Let's all vote on an upcoming Sunday and when we decide on a date that will accommodate the majority of us, I'll see what they might be able to do for us as far as reserving parking and getting the waitresses to come out to take pics with us and our cars.

cool but why Sunday? May 11th is Mother's Day so I dont think many people will choose that day. I'll go for 5/18 or a Saturday.
As Racer-ex has seen, this poll allows you to vote for multiple dates. This lets everyone know which days the most of us can make it. I don't know if members can vote again, though.

I picked Sunday because Blury, my homie, works on Saturdays. :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: He ruins every NSX weekend I ever plan because of it:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: , but what can I say? He's my homie.

As Racer-ex has seen, this poll allows you to vote for multiple dates. This lets everyone know which days the most of us can make it. I don't know if members can vote again, though.

I picked Sunday because Blury, my homie, works on Saturdays. :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: He ruins every NSX weekend I ever plan because of it:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: , but what can I say? He's my homie.


GEEE THX for blaming me for everything lol... you gonna expect a courtesy reach around when I see you next time??!?!?! lol
J, I voted for all three dates:biggrin: :biggrin:
i'd be dead if i went to a car meet at hooters on mother's day

Yeah.....I can get away with a lot of shit but a Hooters meet on Mother's Day just isn't goint to fly...........

You guys voting for all 3 dates do have mothers or wives right???
The Hooters guy never got back to me in time for a Apr 27 meet and there isn't much response to this so I'm going to just postpone a hooters meet until some other time. Thanks anyways for trying to get together. I'm not sure if they'd be willing to set aside parking for 5 or so cars...

there isn't much response to this so I'm going to just postpone a hooters meet until some other time.

Dam......I didn't realize there were so many gay NSX owners..............not that there is anything wrong with that...........
I'm only couple of blocks away. I can see Hooters' roof from my backyard. I saw multiple cars gathering there, lots of corvettes and motorcycles, but none NSX except mine of course cause I stopped by there time to time for dinner. Let me know when you guys are in Dublin, pretty sure Bill (Racer-x) and I can be good hosts........:biggrin:
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