Honda's Asimo Robot

28 April 2000
SF Bay Area / Boston MA
Man, that thing is just incredible.... I think Japanese government is encouraging companies to do R&D in robotics technology... Its a frontier that can only be capitalized by a country like Japan... The desire and motivation probably also comes from its long history of comics depicting humanoid robots etc. I wonder if Honda's robotics division will ever become as large as their automotive division... its possible that that is their future goal. I think the possibilities of having human sized humanoid robots to be endless... imagine if teams of robots can be programmed to build railways, tunnels, space-stations, star-ships... etc etc.

I wonder if American weapon's companies such as Lockheed Martin and Boeing has their own R&D for highly mobile humanoid robots. I guess I get a lot of these ideas from reading Japanese comics growing up. Anyways... its cool to know that Honda has the engineering expertise to develop something this complicated. I wonder if any technology learned can be applied toward their cars...
Lud, why do you move posts to forums no-one reads? If you want to create a larger more enjoyable community, you gotta allow some non-nsx related topics to stick in the high traffic forum.
check my site:
The Pit Stop is where 75% of the traffic is generated.

Anyways... this is the last time I post anything off-topic... its just a waste of my time

[This message has been edited by kenjiMR (edited 15 November 2001).]
I suppose, but Honda makes the NSX... its somewhat related.
Anyways... it appears that the forum system doesn't
encourage a more community feel... I only come to the forum
these days when I have questions about problems or modification parts.
I really have to disagree that Honda's robots have anything to do with the NSX.. Neither do Honda's motorcycles or marine products, etc. Of course that is just my opinion but it seems obvious to me. That is not to say it wouldn't be of INTEREST to many NSX owners, because I think it probably is.

I do intend to try to keep the "General NSX" forum limited to NSX-related posts. The NSX is the entire focus of this website, after all. The main forum gets so much NSX traffic that people who do not check it every day or two already have a hard time keeping up with just the NSX stuff.

To be honest, if I had to pick between being a place for people to just hang out and chat and being the place to go for NSX information, I would pick the latter. As I said the NSX is the entire reason for this site.

However, the whole reason I added an off-topic forum was so it could also be a more personal community and anyone is welcome to post just about any kind of discussion they want in the Off-Topic forum. And there have certainly been many good discussions in Off-Topic which I think do show a real sense of community. Even as we are discussing this, there is a thread with people offering suggestions on travel to Japan.

[This message has been edited by Lud (edited 15 November 2001).]
If there was another column that showed # of views to a post that may help. There are a lot of topics than can get hundreds of views, but very few replies. Sometimes people are reading (I read the post and thought it was cool), but don't have something to contribute. A counter would help show how many people viewed the page.
Lud, if you'd like to promote a more community feel, I suggest your rename
this section from "Off Topic" to something more friendly. That might get
more people chatting here... all in all, the site may not have the critical
mass necessary to make that happen either. who knows...
Originally posted by kenjiMR:
Lud, if you'd like to promote a more community feel, I suggest your rename
this section from "Off Topic" to something more friendly. That might get
more people chatting here... all in all, the site may not have the critical
mass necessary to make that happen either. who knows...

I'm sure that you are just trying to be helpful - constructive criticism as it were - but I vote for letting Lud run this forum and you stick to running yours - this is the best NSX spot on the web so let's not fix anything that's not broken.
BTW, your robot post had no place in the general NSX discussion IMO.

Andrew Henderson
The NSX Model List Page
Originally posted by Lud:
I am completely open to renaming the Off Topic forum. Any suggestions?

How about calling it "Off Topic"? Has a nice ring to it, easy to understand the purpose, etc.
Too simple? Ok, how about calling it "Put posts that have nothing to do with anything here and we promise people will still read them"?

Andrew Henderson
The NSX Model List Page
Originally posted by Lud:
I am completely open to renaming the Off Topic forum. Any suggestions?

I've seen other boards call it "Community". But I don't have a problem with it staying "Off Topic".
