Honda Insight...anyone have one??

1 May 2001
Point of No Return
So the wife and I are looking into getting a Honda Insight to complement our collection of Honda and Acura vehicles. I was wondering if anyone on here owns one, or has had experience with one. What are the ups and downs of ownership? What are the 'real world' MPG figures on that car? Any help is appreciated. :)
i've only ever seen one Insight on the road here in Australia, and i have to admit i got a little excited (like when i see an NSX :p ). Not many around that's for sure.

I must also admit i'm not fond of the enclosed rear wheels. I realize it has function, but reminds me of some hideous old 1960-70's cars.

<IMG SRC="">

I've always thought of the Insight as the CRX replacement. is that a fair judgement?
I think the styling of the toyota Prius looked a little nicer... although I don't think the mileage was as high as you get with the Honda. Honda really looks likes a eco box though, lol. I heard califorinia was trying to create new laws concerning hybrids like giving them HOV rights with one person, parking, etc. I think the main problem was availability.. just aren't enough hybrids to go around. I think there was like a year waiting list to get the Toyota Prius.
It's really disturbing to see insight

I mean on a race track at an opening track day.

I went to one as passenger a month ago, and seeing the instrutor was dirfting that poor thru the series of right left right corners... It's disturbing/ and at the same time, amazing, I'm telling you... I still have pic at home I took, I will post it tonight.
Meeyatch1 said:
So the wife and I are looking into getting a Honda Insight to complement our collection of Honda and Acura vehicles. I was wondering if anyone on here owns one, or has had experience with one. What are the ups and downs of ownership? What are the 'real world' MPG figures on that car? Any help is appreciated. :)


What are you going to do when you find the 300K + NSX in Atlanta?

Build a Bigger garage?:confused: