Homemade NSX-R engine cover

15 November 2001
Richmond, British Columbia
I finally got some pictures hosted and here they are. Pics of my home made NSX-R engine cover that a friend Jay and I made last summer. First we took the factory cover, and sanded off all the carpeting. We then cut a hole in the middle and the rear of the cover. Our measurements were based off my NSX-R brochure and a couple of Hyper-Rev Mags. In otherwords, we basically eye-balled it. We used expanded metal for the mesh, and sandwiched with with ABS plastic and some fibreglass. It was then primered, painted and mounted. Paint and materials cost less than $100 CAD....and we bought way too much expanded metal...enough to do four engine covers....








Hey, thanks alot! It took about a week on and off....not too sure exactly how many hours it took. The air intake box is an ARC.
Hi Peter,
Very nice job you have done !
I'm going to do something similar. Have bought a second engine-lid (in case I screw up). But I'm still not sure wether to go for mesh wire of a lexan window. A friend of mine has made a mesh engine-lid but this rear windows fogs up much quicker now and the mesh starts to corroces on the underside.

Judging from you pictures, did you cut out the base of the engine-lid or is it just a two-piece part ??
We cut out the base of the lid, and creating a new one out of ABS plastic and fibreglass. The OEM lid has a rise in the middle that runs all the way to the base of the lid. This didn't work out because the NSX-R lid is completely flat from end to end. This project was a right pain in the arse but the end result was worth it...how much do these things cost from the factory? About $1500 or more? How much is the Groupe M carbon kevlar one? About $900? Anyway, I'm probably the poorest NSX owner here so I had to go budget.
Looks good. I did a similar one but did not go through the trouble of doing away with the bulged center section. I am curious, how does the hinge work and is there any rod that hold the cover up when working on the engine?

Overall looks great! Excellent work.

Thanks for your explanation. Hadn't though about the rise in the lid but you're right. It's my main concern also, especially if I decide to go the Lexan-way. I've never worked with fibreglass so I don't know if that's the way I want to go. But you're right doing it yourself, it's saves big bucks. And like you, apart from driving a NSX, I am just a very poor guy.
(But also very lucky in a NSX-way of course :) )
I think that looks great.

We need a step by step process so i can make one :)

What does a replacement lid cost if you screw up?
We used the factory hinges, but as far as a support rod to hold the engine cover up...we haven't come up with anything factory looking yet so we just left it out.....

I have two engine covers that cost me nothing so I have no idea how much one costs...one from my current car, and the other from my first NSX....
it's in the owner's gallery if you want to see my red car....I miss my red one.
Haha, yeah, the mesh does resemble BBQ mesh, but it was the closest pattern I could find that matches the pictures. I even lined up the "grain" (if you call it that) the exact same way as the original. I've seen other examples of mesh used and it just doesn't look factory. I didn't want to go for a custom look, I was trying real hard to replicate the factory lid.
Cantrell Concepts said:
There is already one available in carbon fiber here
By the way, nice job Peter!

Yeah, I've seen that one, it's pretty cool, but not exact to factory dimensions. It's more of a custom job. If you look closely, the rise is still there. They even put a rise in the mesh!

The best Carbon Kevlar one out there that pretty much matches the factory NSX-R cover has to be the Gruppe M one. Actually, I should say the best after-market lid that best represents the factory look has to be the Gruppe M one. I would even say mine looks closer to the factory one cause it's black!

I think the factory one is made of aluminum right?
NeoNSX said:
That looks incredible! Nice job!
How much does it weight compared to the original?

I never weighed it, but it defintely feels alot lighter. A good chunk of the glass-reinforced plastic was cut out, as well as the heat shielding....but then again, we added a lot of expanded metal (mesh) which isn't all that light. I dunno, defintely lighter....I'll take it off one of these days and weigh it....that's defintely an interesting question.