home owners associations

My HOA fees are almost $500/month........... I love where I live but I don't see much of what I get back in return for my $500.
My HOA fees are almost $500/month........... I love where I live but I don't see much of what I get back in return for my $500.

Let me guess you live in a high rise? Even out here in norcal, it's unusual to find $500+ for HOA unless it's in the city at a high rise....ouch!
This is exactly why we own a smaller house in an older neighborhood than what most of my peers have. We could afford more, but don't want to give up the freedom.
This type of thing makes me glad I was too poor to buy in a "nice" neighborhood a few years ago. :biggrin:

I'd honestly rather deal with renters down the street letting a house go in the toilet than deal with an overbearing HOA. The house was crap when I moved in, and if it's still crap when I go to sell...I'm breaking even with that factor.


You clearly aren't from the south. :rolleyes: Give me an hour in a car with a camera and I can probably find a dozen or more examples of this within 5 miles of a major urban center (or what passes for a major urban center in TN and surrounding states).

It's really funny because you'll have an entrance to a $1million+ home neighborhood (which is like a 6000+ sqft house here), and less than a half mile later...a trailer park with at least three F-body chevys or pickup trucks on blocks out front.

Good luck to the OP with dealing all of this, otherwise, sell, take the equity from the deal you got and build somewhere a few miles up a nice twisty road....

Let me Clarify R13 -

1. I would rather have a douchebag with cars in his front yard that a socialist, overbearing group of powerhungry nobodies telling me what to do with my own property.

2. When you live in a very high end part of town you don't see that where I am from. The cars on blocks are 15 miles from here (except one here and there- and I seriously couldnt name a single area within a 10 mile radius with one)

3. Out of everything I said, all the unamerican things HOA's do to people all over this country - you find a problem with the "cars on blocks" accuracy?

There is a bigger picture here - a bunch of hall-monitor types want to impose their way on unsuspecting people. And for those who wouldn't even think about it being a problem when they buy a house - they are blindsided by an HOA and their truely amazing power over a homeowner.

I want to be liked by everyone here, but seriously, if you back the HOA model - your on my shi*t -list. Let me make something crystal clear - a neighbors car on blocks may look offensive if you stare at it, but does not bother you inside your home. An HOA reaches into your home and actually impacts your quality of life. Id rather have the cinderblocks.

As for home values - they are in the toilet anyway. But I am sure local ordinances could fix these problems just as well. There is no need for a power hungry entity to tell you what you can and cant do with your home. PERIOD
Let me Clarify R13 -

1. I would rather have a douchebag with cars in his front yard that a socialist, overbearing group of powerhungry nobodies telling me what to do with my own property.

2. When you live in a very high end part of town you don't see that where I am from. The cars on blocks are 15 miles from here (except one here and there- and I seriously couldnt name a single area within a 10 mile radius with one)

3. Out of everything I said, all the unamerican things HOA's do to people all over this country - you find a problem with the "cars on blocks" accuracy?

There is a bigger picture here - a bunch of hall-monitor types want to impose their way on unsuspecting people. And for those who wouldn't even think about it being a problem when they buy a house - they are blindsided by an HOA and their truely amazing power over a homeowner.

I want to be liked by everyone here, but seriously, if you back the HOA model - your on my shi*t -list. Let me make something crystal clear - a neighbors car on blocks may look offensive if you stare at it, but does not bother you inside your home. An HOA reaches into your home and actually impacts your quality of life. Id rather have the cinderblocks.

As for home values - they are in the toilet anyway. But I am sure local ordinances could fix these problems just as well. There is no need for a power hungry entity to tell you what you can and cant do with your home. PERIOD

+1000, every man deserves to come home and think he's in charge of every aspect of his house, his driveway, his lawn etc. Hoa's are only around to keep the neighborhood looking nice, to keep home values up. This sounds stupid but socialists/communists are the first to volunteer in any volunteer position. Trust me I know. Look at the facts. Im not saying all hoas are communists, they should only be worried if your grass isn't 3 feet long, and there isn't 6 llamas grazing on it. My iho.
Yeah, I was cured of any desire to want to deal with an HOA after hearing some big stink about how someone was forced to take down some decorative lights around the holidays because they were multi-colored instead of clear.

Some old geyser that was a leader in the HOA where my parents live tried to gain control of an out building on my folks property with some kind of tax technicality...that he had set in motion himself by not paying out of the HOA's coffers for the tax.....

Even if they are set up with good intentions, the slope is too slippery. One nutjob in the mix and you go straight from benign to Fascist.
I'm also on the board of HOA's in one of the houses I own and they have their good / bad points. Always 2 sides to every story right?

Tobasco: I noticed you are in the east coast (MD) and people there are very different than people in the west coast (CA). Whenever I'm out in the Durham/RTP area it reminds me of how polite most people are! :)

The OP is here on the west coast and over here things are totally different. A lot of jealous haters and people who want a lot but financially may not be capable.

I've been on the short end of a few HOA's prior to joining one for our townhouse community. The end goal is to help keep your neighborhood clean but the method on how to go about this is different with each group. How long have you lived there before these things started happening? My only hunch is that you pissed someone off without knowing it.

A lot of people do not like LARGE pickup trucks but it's true. Especially ones with loud exhausts, big wheels, etc. Are the other neighborhood cars smaller ones in the driveway? Do they complain when you park your nsx or other car on the driveway?

Use the process of elimination but in the end if all else fails just move, why bother with this kind of headache.

i was talking to a neighbor last night. i told him what happened. he has a white tundra always parked on his driveway. he gave me a funny look and said "you mean we can't park on the driveways"? he is doing the same thing with the same vehicle and no one has even mentioned it to him.
i am beginning to think it is not the tundra. when i asked the board for the name of who complained, they tell my KOCAL (the HOA company) does twice monthly sweeps, that no one homeowner complained. i asked why all the rest of the homes with cars on the driveways did not get tagged, they tell me maybe they did and it is none of my business. i asked about the home ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE BOARD MEMBER that has a commercial vehicle (complete with painted advertisements on the side - a white van) always on the driveway , showed them a picture, and the board member across the street says he does not know him or talk to him. then another board member says that person is a good friend of his. so i asked him why did he not mention the ban on commercial vehicles parked on driveways to his friend and he says that he never drives down that street so he would not know about his driveway!
when i told him that did not make sense he stood up, and yelled at me "you are calling me a liar" then he muttered something about how he could get me!
he is an attorney and i have been in plenty of depositions so i knew what he was doing - he was trying to provoke me. they were trying to get me to do something like yell back so that they could prove ? who knows? i just very calmly told him he was over reacting and then i never thought he was lying. an apparent misunderstanding. he sat down.
the funny thing is i just want to park my tundra on my driveway.
some of these guys have completely forgotten we are supposed to be neighbors.
BTW i have a completely stock 2008 tundra
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i was talking to a neighbor last night. i told him what happened. he has a white tundra always parked on his driveway. he gave me a funny look and said "you mean we can't park on the driveways"? he is doing the same thing with the same vehicle and no one has even mentioned it to him.
i am beginning to think it is not the tundra. when i asked the board for the name of who complained, they tell my KOCAL (the HOA company) does twice monthly sweeps, that no one homeowner complained. i asked why all the rest of the homes with cars on the driveways did not get tagged, they tell me maybe they did and it is none of my business. i asked about the home ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE BOARD MEMBER that has a commercial vehicle (complete with painted advertisements on the side - a white van) always on the driveway , showed them a picture, and the board member across the street says he does not know him or talk to him. then another board member says that person is a good friend of his. so i asked him why did he not mention the ban on commercial vehicles parked on driveways to his friend and he says that he never drives down that street so he would not know about his driveway!
when i told him that did not make sense he stood up, and yelled at me "you are calling me a liar" then he muttered something about how he could get me!
he is an attorney and i have been in plenty of depositions so i knew what he was doing - he was trying to provoke me. they were trying to get me to do something like yell back so that they could prove ? who knows? i just very calmly told him he was over reacting and then i never thought he was lying. an apparent misunderstanding. he sat down.
the funny thing is i just want to park my tundra on my driveway.
some of these guys have completely forgotten we are supposed to be neighbors.
BTW i have a completely stock 2008 tundra

thanks for the explanation, I know 2 sides to every story but I'm pretty sure the HOA is not going to post here and you sound like a fair guy.

Wow you are really screwed - it seems with all the evidence you told us so far they really are there to get you. I would seriously think about moving....
thanks for the explanation, I know 2 sides to every story but I'm pretty sure the HOA is not going to post here and you sound like a fair guy.

Wow you are really screwed - it seems with all the evidence you told us so far they really are there to get you. I would seriously think about moving....

i was thinking...
what if i go to every home with a vehicle parked on the driveway, leave a flyer that says elect me (and some similar people) on to HOA board and we will change the rule...
even if i did not win it might be interesting. i think it would be the biggest voting block. we could replace the entire board. :smile:
great idea...fuck your current board. run for president and change the rule. only NSX in the drive way!!

i was thinking...
what if i go to every home with a vehicle parked on the driveway, leave a flyer that says elect me (and some similar people) on to HOA board and we will change the rule...
even if i did not win it might be interesting. i think it would be the biggest voting block. we could replace the entire board. :smile:
I am so happy to see so many like minded people. I kinda felt like I would check on this post and see 1000's of replies how I am wrong for hating HOA's. You all seriously made me smile - thank you!

As for moving - no it isn't easy. In fact, depending on what part of the country you live in, it may be impossible. Some area's like Phoenix it is nearly impossible to find homes without an HOA or other CCR's that control you.

Truth be told, its the best advice - move. If you got the house for 50% off, maybe you can sell it for 75% the going rate, make a chunk of change and find another home for 50% off again! Its not easy, but lets face it, if the HOA is out to get you, they have so much power over your, they will get you.

No, not every HOA is the same, but like another post its a slippery slope. Somebody who no one respects will get on a board and make people respect him through intimidation - what I like to call "hall monitor syndrome".

In contrast, my father lives in Hilton Head and in an HOA, but they keep to themselves - FOR NOW! But when the board is re-elected there is no telling who will take control.

On a different note - there are ways to protect your investment other than an HOA. In our town we have aldermen that work with local homeowners to fix issues like "houses painted hot pink" or "cars on blocks on front lawn" etc. You can pass local ordinances that make sense.

Owning a home and not being able to use your own driveway is 100 percent ridiculous!
Moses I was just gonna post that that is so funny, they cant say sh_t about that Now.

HOA is for the birds.

GO BOLTS security
I really disliked the HOA at my old condo despite them never really doing anything to us. I ended up buying a house in a neighborhood with an HOA, but it is 25 years old, so it seems that the HOA hardly does anything from what I can tell. I read all the rules before I bought the house and the worst thing I found was the same bit about not working on cars with the garage door open. That was really the only thing I didn't like. They also have rules like you can't change the ground cover surface in your front yard without approval.. Well for the last 5 days I've been ripping up all the grass next to my driveway to make it wider with gravel. Right now it is all dirt and so far nobody has said anything to me, and I didn't ask for permission. :cool:
Folsom sucks most of it al least move down to sac HOA is a wack job i have had issues beyond issues! go buy some 300 dollar junk cars and leave them in their driveway lol give some morons some authority and they abuse it!
Sounds to me like this is a typical example of an HOA run by a clique board...bunch of friends who are mostly in it for the joy of exercising authority over others and who will back each-other even when one of them goes off on a hair-brained campaign of some kind.

What enforcement power do they actually have? Find out. Talk to an attorney. You may be able to simply ignore them and their silly power games.
Having lived in a home that had HOA dues and a BOD, and, close friends who have/live in a HOA subdivision, I am of the opinion to avoid living in a subdivision that has HOA dues and a BOD.

My experience tells me that about the best opportunity to fix a problem like what is being described in this thread, is to become a board member and try to change the by-laws and change the egos of the BOD.

HOA are of benefit mostly when a BOD acts in a responsible manner...obviously not the case in this thread.
I've also had and continue to have run-ins with my HOA (now my rental home). I moved to older community, closer to work, smaller house etc. As others have said.....buy the lift. You're not going to change anything by arguing with them, joining the HOA (waste more of your time), etc. A good friend of mine hired a lawyer, spent thousands fighting them, still lost and had to pay their court costs as well as his.

Love the lift!!! See avatar

+1 on the jackscrew door openers.....Liftmaster 3800