Home Inventory & Barcodes

11 March 2000
Absolutely nothing to do with anything but so cool I just had to share it:

A year or so ago a company called Digital Convergence was distributing a free barcode scanner called a Cue Cat. The idea was that you scanned a barcode in magazines, coupons, advertising, etc. and the Cue Cat device, connected to your PC, took you directly to product information or discount offers or whatever. I never used the thing because of privacy concerns - it required some personal information to register the software and the scanner contains a unique serial number meaning that they can track what you look at so I just tossed it in a drawer.
Today, while looking for something else, I stumbled across some barcode software intended for cataloging your book, cdrom, or video collection and it supports the Cue Cat! So now, for absolutely no cost, I have the means to scan the barcodes on all of my cds and videos and pull the information off the web into a database which can be exported, printed, etc. Way cool! I've always wanted a means to document the music collection if only for the insurance and this is almost painless. Anyway, silly thing to get excited about but pretty cool. BTW, the Cue Cat scanners are available free at your local Radio "you have questions we have blank stares" Shack and the software has a 30 day trial.

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Originally posted by SNDSOUL:
Thanks for the heads up. I dont want the program, but I was in the market for a bar code scanner. now I got one for free, thanks Radio Shack!

You will find that the output of the cue cat is encoded - IOW - it spits out a string of gibberish and depends on software to decode it to get the UPC. If this is a problem let me know and I'll send you some links to software that decodes it if your app doesn't.
Or, search on google for cue cat and you should find plenty of hacking info.

The NSX Model List Page
I remember when the Cue Cat first came out for free a whole hacker cottage industry sprouted up around developing other uses for the device. There should be a bunch of free software out there for it.
Originally posted by Lud:
I remember when the Cue Cat first came out for free a whole hacker cottage industry sprouted up around developing other uses for the device. There should be a bunch of free software out there for it.

There is!

The NSX Model List Page
Originally posted by SNDSOUL:
You are right about the cue cat reading weird, what software do I use to be able to scan barcodes and have the product name come up, I am using Peachtree and My Deluxe Invoices. thanks for the help.

Best I can do is point you to this site or suggest searching on google. I think that the link will work for you.

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