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    Caveat Emptor!

HKS shutting down US office

This is exactly what I have been talking about three years ago. Majority of the people in the US no longer care about real deals, they go after cheap knock offs, which hinders these companies from continue new and innovative producing parts for those who really want them. Every time these companies come up with something new, the counterfeits will flood the market before they can make the money back. We have all subject to a lower standard because of their actions.
Hks closing!

I just received this letter.


What a sad day.

April 28, 2011

HKS Dealers & Vendors:

Since its founding in 1982, HKS USA has been a leader in the aftermarket JDM performance parts industry with its high quality products, and leading edge technologies. We have enjoyed an outstanding history of success serving HKS customers in the United States with the support of our excellent dealer distribution network.
Today, our industry is besieged by relentless pressures and challenges. The market for aftermarket products has been shrinking globally, and continues to do so. Significant economic recovery is yet to be seen in the United States consumer market. The U.S. Dollar has been substantially weakened. In addition, the Japanese and world economies have been stricken further by the recent natural disasters in Japan.
Under the circumstances, HKS came to the decision to transfer all of the U.S. operations to Japan by this summer. Most likely by the end of August, HKS Co., Ltd. will serve the US market from Japan, at which time all the operation of HKS USA, Inc. will be closed.
While no final details have been set regarding the transition timing, and procedures, we would like to inform you, our important business partners who have supported us, of this decision. We will communicate more details as soon as HKS Co., Ltd. finalizes the details of the transition.
All team members at HKS USA appreciate your continuous support of the HKS Brand.

Jun Toyoda
Group Chairman HKS USA, Inc.

H K S U. S. A. , I n c.
1 3 4 0 1 S. M a i n S t r e e t , L o s A n g e l e s , C A 9 0 0 6 1
3 1 0 . 4 9 1 . 3 3 0 0 (t) 3 1 0 . 4 9 1 . 3 3 2 5 (f)
w w w . h k s u s a . c o m