Hit & Run on my NSX today - i'm crying - need some advice (paint accident dent)

My sympathies to you Huyduchoang - finding your NSX bent in a parking lot is a nightmare - I've always said total it but please don't just bend it !!!

IMO putting on a factory painted quarter panel would be the way to go.

Berlina black looks to me like it is just Pitch black which is what the paint store uses to start the formulation any of the variations of black that manufacturers use ( many black cars are just Pitch black ). If Berlina black is indeed Pitch black the odds are very good that the match between panels from various cars will be undetectable. I've had good luck with this on other cars, but I've never tried it with NSX panels. In the best possible world the small amount of paint knocked off the bolt heads would be the only evidence of anything being done to the car at all.

In a less perfect world you would have to paint the panel, but at least you would be painting a panel the doesn't have metal that has been stretched and then put back into shape and maybe even filled with a plastic filler. In my experience thin coats of quality paint put on top of factory paint ( with no filler ) lasts a long time even in relatively hot climates where the metal does a lot of expanding and contracting and the UV is intense.
Thanks for the support... at first I was heated but I just have to accept what happened. On the other hand if I had a 98 NSX that would be a different story.

yes indeed, nice avatar.
Guys I got a picture of the dent. What do you think. Looks awefull doesn't it.

Wow! that's nasty. It is sad to see it in this condition. It is not right when they don't even bother to leave contact information. That's what insurance is for.

Base on the amount of damage, I wouldn't repair it. Instead the entire panel should be replaced. If you choose to replace with a used one, you can paint it only if it aged differently than the rest of your car.
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Spiderman, How about a couple of close ups, one at a 45 degree angle and one down the side if the car?
Hey, that's not SOOOO bad... (blatant attempt to cheer you up, here.) I've been driving around with a couple of them almost that bad since I bought the car... Oh, did I mention I bought it after it had been keyed? And that my paint isn't nearly in as good condition as yours seems to be?

So, I have a long, deep key mark that starts at the driver's door and finishes at the hood emblem, where someone thought it would be cool to inscribe "GM" above the "H", and then it continues up the hood towards the passenger door. The driver's door has a dent about the size and depth of your palm, plus another small dent, my nose cone, entire front spoiler and leading edge of the rear spoiler are pretty well chipped up to the point where they look grey, and the paint all over needs attention.

I'm kind of "saving up" dents, dings, scratches, chips and oxidation to just get it all done at once...

Now where did I put that Krylon?

Sorry to hear huyduchoang...

Sorry to hear huyduchoang about what happened to your baby. From the pictures, I wonder what caused the dent? The rear wheels and tires seems to be unaffected. Could it be someone with a lifted 4X4 with a front metal grill, hit and run? Or maybe someone parked next to it and hit it with a baseball bat? It's horrible to see sh** like this happen to any NSX owner. Do you have full coverage on the vehicle? You should try to file a claim through your insurance company. Hope this helps! :D