Hit and Run on my car MOFO's

Sorry to hear about the hit and run. People who do things like that always get theirs in the end. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but eventually and somehow they end up worse than the good people. Karma is a b!tch and she will visit them. :biggrin:
They already got theirs as far as I'm concerned. They are losers in the first place. So they probably have lived their life as losers. For some reason people like this (hit and run over some minor isht) piss me off so much! These people should get mandatory FYITA prison sentences.
They already got theirs as far as I'm concerned. They are losers in the first place. So they probably have lived their life as losers. For some reason people like this (hit and run over some minor isht) piss me off so much! These people should get mandatory FYITA prison sentences.

F*ck Your Inconsiderate Tiny As*hole?
Sounds right enough to me.

Sorry to hear about the vehicle. They were probably admiring your car and hit it on accident.
Could have been an OAP driving.
I'm waiting for the day a soccer mom bashes in the hood, bumper and both headlights so I can bust her @ss. That way an 02 conversion will be in the works lol.
so now you have reason to get the skirts since you can spray them at the same time. :biggrin: Tell the wifey you have to take of your other baby (NSX) also :smile:
had that happen to me. A small incident was reason for me to upgrade to an 02+ setup>

Man I was so sorry to read about your hit and run!! Ive been following your car and her adventures!! Im glad its not totalled or anything and I hope you get her fixed up soon!