Highest speed achieved and in what car?

Somewhere between 120 and 140 in my ITR. I didn't want to look down to see exactly, but the last time I checked it was passing 125.
Big_nate said:
Hmmmm, with me driving.........no comment :rolleyes:

With Hurley Haywood driving a Carrera GT, I'm guessing a buck-ten or so. Seemed much faster though after my seatbelt flew off braking for the first turn :eek:

Click here to see Video

The GT is sooooo quiet from the outside in person, but it sounds amazing from inside from your video!
140 in the NSX while being chased by an Audi TT
150+ in Ricky Rudds retired NASCAR race car
124 on RX1 Snowmobile on snow :eek: (Speedo miles)

155mph in an 98 awd eclipse
and 162 in the nsx. i had to clean up after that one.
i'll confess my sc'd '00 saw 2x upper posted speed limit (in ca), but some details are better left unsaid in a public forum.
I went 110 at Firebird with Velo CT (Thanks Frank) At NSXPO 05

My Defacto High Speed Driving feat-

I submit the following as proof that I can be stupid for long stretches of time-
I already know it was dumb- I wouldn't do it again, but I did pull it off without a single citation...

I once went Solo from Hoboken NJ to Dallas TX in 22 driving hours
For those who don't want to calculate- that is roughly 1600 miles averaging about 72 miles per hour. I crossed NJ,PA,OH,IN,IL,MO,OK into TX in a single day in my Integra GSR-

I did stop for fuel, and to evacuate waste- so you can guess how fast I needed to be going to maintain that average. Lets just say the little needle in my car spent a lot of time on the right side of the dial.

All things being fair- I DID stopped the driving clock when I stopped off at my parents house in Tulsa OK. to rest for a few hours after the all night stint through western IL, MO, and OK.

I have several short video clips of my speedo during the crossings of various state lines...

I don't advocate endeavoring a cannonball style road trip w/out a co-driver.

More correctly- I also don't advocate a Cannonball style road trip....
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I did a similar trip one time when I was young(er) and stupid(er). I drove from point A to point B, 302 miles, averaging 115 -120 mph. I maxed out at 143 mph for much of the trip. I even took a picture of the speedometer. (97 Prelude, bone stock & 3 people in the car)

Man was I stupid then. :rolleyes:
160 in the NSX
163 in the S2000
140+ in the Prelude
155 (limiter) in the Audi TT

Of course all on a 2 mile runway :)
150-155 on my first NSX on the freeway. It was stupid of me to do this but well I was 25 years old and thought that the world was in my hands. :smile:

it did feel good but scary.
Young, stupid and fearless:

-Buried speedo in '66 Pontiac Catalina 4 door hardtop with power drum brakes on PA turnpike (120+).

-Passenger in '69 Camaro. Not sure how fast exactly but the little needle was way down by the AC Delco logo in the 6 o'clock position on the speedo, on road (?) from Edinboro to Erie Mall (also 120+).

-135 in an '88 Ford Thunderbird Turbo Coupe on I79 coming home from Grove City College. Took about a month to get it up to that. What a pig.

Older, still stupid and scared to death:

-135 in '02 S2000. How the hell did you guys get to 160+? I could never find enough road or be comfortable enough with the turbulence.

-130+ in the NSX last Sunday. 5th gear at 5500 RPM and smooth as silk. Top out, windows down, hoodie slapping me in the side of the head. Ran outta straightaway. :smile:

was doing 198mph in my 2004 NSX
then i woke up in my dreams :biggrin:
265km/h in my Acura NSX and just a hair over 300km/h in my Buick GNX
Well it's not exactly a car but what the hell.............
