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Highest respect for Paul Herman Motorcars

15 June 2004
South Florida
:) I just had to let everyone know my opinion about the guy posting negative remarks about Herman motor cars on this site. He's telling some grand nightmare story and it's clear it's fabricated in parts, exagerated in others, and done with with the intent to smear this fine family business.

I know this how? Well I'am the person who actually purchased the vehicle the guy wanted. The difference between me and him is that when I called and spoke with the owners, I listened. They were very clear the car was generating much interest and would not be held for anyone unless the deposit was secured. They even informed me of this guy who said he was very interested in the car and wanted to drive from hours away to get it!hmmmm
This made me realize I needed to act quickly seeing as I had missed out on a couple of others by sleepin on it.
I informed the owners of herman Motors that I would wire the funds and would follow up with a fax copy of the bank wire document. I then followed up with a phone call to herman motor cars to confirm they received the fax and if there was anything else they required. After that I booked my flight I faxed copies to them because they offered to pick me up at the airport and take me to their dealership!!! How helpful is that! They even opened the place up for me because I arrived off business hours! I flew all day to Buffalo from south florida and drove the 91 nsx 20hrs straight to south florida after closing the deal with them.It was a great experience and a dream come true to finally get the car! I thanked Chris and paul as I pulled out of their lot to start my trip south and told them I really apreciated the acurate description of the vehicled.I told them it exceeded my expectations and their proffessionalism as well. In closing, I would like to say I trust The Herman Motor Cars Company,family,and employees. I would not hesitate to purchase another car from them even based soley on their ebay listing description.
I can't wait to hear this guys response to my posting!
Whatever he says remember one thing. I was a stranger to Herman Motors before this transaction. Now I'am a very satisfied customer who will return. He isn't even anything but a guy who called about a car and expected the world to stop for him but it didn't. He's mad ,bitter, and spiteful all to deflect his frustration with himself onto others. Reflect on this sir and learn something about yourself in the process.
I too am a firm believer in "money talks, BS walks" When I am interested in a car, I put a deposit down immediately, and get there as fast as possible.

I too flew in to look at an NSX. I liked it, put a deposit hold on it, and flew back the next week to buy it. The guy picked me up at the airport with the NSX, we went to his bank, and then I called my bank with the routing #. We then walked across the street for a bite to eat, and on our return, his bank received the transfer, and I received the keys/title. I drove it home from Atlanta to Appleton (14+ hours)
Mine experience with the dealer wasn't that great like you guys’ well at least there wasn’t anything negative. I don't know a thing about both parties (buyer and the dealer) so I am not going to comment on either one them, but I do know this, no deposit no hold.
Hi detailzacuransx,

Can you please post pictures of your car, with the VIN number, and some proof of ownership / receipts?

It's easy for anyone to make up posts, and if you can back up your story, it will clarify the situation for all.

In reading the original posts, it seems like Paul Herman Motors did try to state their side of the story. The OP of that thread was acting a little like a spoiled brat.

But without proof it is impossible to take either side's story.

I can't express to you enough how much we all appreciate your kind words and our whole family thinks that you are an absolute class act - To everyone else that has been doubting us or our dealership, I'm not positive Steve will come back on here with proof of ownership ect...(Hopefully he will so we can end all this for good, but this guy should be out enjoying his NSX rather than wasting his time defending me!!) Here is the link to the Ebay auction I had up for the car in question -


It has plenty of pictures, a thorough description, the VIN, and shows Steve(detailzacuransx) as the winning bidder - Although he actually didn't bid, he used the Buy it now option as soon as we made a deal over the phone and he sent his DEPOSIT.

I sell a lot of hard to find vehicles over the internet, not always just NSX's or on Ebay, and I would really like to stress the fact that I prefer selling to true enthusiests, as I myself am and as most of the members of this site are. I'm not just a dealer, I am an absolute car nut and know exactly how you all feel. I hope I get to deal with more of you guys in the future and please feel free to give me a call or an email if you have any questions.

Thanks Again,

Chris Herman
Internet Sales
Paul Herman Motorcars - Family owned and operated for over 20 years!!!
350 Hinman Ave
Buffalo, NY 14216
[email protected]
cell (716)861-5588
office (716)874-2288
fax (716)874-9340
Thanks for clearing up the issue. However, I am just curios about your 97 silver listed as perfect. But a few people have mentioned about the frame damage on the rear. Would you clear this up as well?
I hope everyone takes these arguements / defenses with a grain of salt. Not a single party involved has posted even 10 times on here and has basically come out of no where.

I am not saying one is right and the other wrong but thought it was an interesting observation that I would share.
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this is a sticky situation. On one hand seeing as how some person with only 8 total posts as of now walked into our forums to piss and moan points to a serious troll factor, it may be somewhat hard to disprove it for the dealer.
On the other hand, that one post doesnt necessarily prove anything. it'd be interesting to trace the ip of that post....
I hope no one takes my post the wrong way.

I am just tired of seeing people bashing a particular vendor (not related to this post) who has always been good to me and fear that some take a little too much editorial privilege when depicting their experiences.
God you guys are mistrusting!! I'm going to keep putting any NSX I get up on here, but I just don't have enough time to continue this bantering. Come check us out and you'll know this isn't all a bunch of made up bs or check the ip address of the messages if that satisfies you. I even put up the link to the Ebay auction from months ago with the car and the guy who bought its name which is the same as his name on here and how could I make up a fake Ebay page that isn't even recent? And remember I always offer a 100% money back guarantee if the car isn't what we say it is so I don't see how that doesn't give you any peace of mind. I want to sell these cars to you guys, but it is becoming more hassle than it is worth - Just being honest. Not all dealers are scumbags and in all actuality, the majority of them aren't. I know everyone loves calling us the scum of the earth, but it's just not true anymore, maybe 30 years ago, but not anymore. We earn a living, but that doesn't mean we can't sell you great cars at a great price and treat you very well in the process...


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I myself have never had the misfortune of doing business with a scumbag, and the only person accusing you is that one person (who has since disappeared)

My comment was merely that because we hang out in an online community sometimes we we have to be a little wary or skeptical of what we read
Theres always 2 sides to a story
Anyone care to remember the whole evo fiasco from the nasoic forums? essentially someone posted on a wrx forum that they got ripped off by a dealer, and it spread to almost every automotive forum on the net
In hindsight most of those people probably feel pretty bad, having only heard the 1 side. The reputation of a dealer almost completely destroyed in a week all due to one transaction.
To see the aftermath, just check here

Just remember, arguing online is like running in the special olympics....
An aside in response to the assertion that probably the majority of dealers are not scumbags these days:

I have to say that of the, hmm, (*counts on fingers*) six dealerships I have actually done real business with in the last ten years, they have all done something scummy.

I have had a dealer lie to me outright about the paint/body quality of the car when they themselves sent it out for body work. I have been told at the last second that they can't do a lease after all, but could do a sale, yet, strangely, when I flat-out refused, they managed to get me a lease within five minutes. I was once counseled to commit credit fraud by having my fiancee cosign as if we already cohabited, which I said 'no' to, and then they ran credit reports on both of us without permission, screwing up her mortgage refinance. Let's not even go into details about the consistantly overpriced maintenance.

I have no real opinion about the ongoing thing with Paul Herman Motorsports, but I had to respond to that remark.
Chris -
yes (in general) auto consumers are mistrusting of dealers, or private parties for that matter - for good reason.

Aiken's dealer interaction is a good example. I have also had bad interactions from dealers who flat out lie.

I've been following this thread from the beginning. I wouldn't take any negative dealer dialog personally at this point unless you are directly mentioned. And so far only one person has made claims.

You have gone above and beyond to help clarify the negative situation. And as mentioned in an earlier thread - thank you for taking the time to do so.
If I were in the market - I would discuss doing business with you.
DocL said:
Acutally, there are three sides to a story. His and his/hers, and the truth. :D

Of course we both know that once an arguement arises truth goes out the window, and all that really matters is who makes the most believable story up
Well,I as a spectater of this thread think it has become an advertisement for PHM.I think it unusual for a dealer to spend as much ink on defense,or impassioned rebutle,as I have seen here.Whether nice or not,honest or not,the credo of sales is to sell.Following that logic this thread is more about publicity,imho.
It is my distinct pleasure to have had the opportunity to assist Herman Motor Cars in defending their actions surrounding this transaction. I do have other things I could be doing but it's worth the time.
I recently joined this site to take part in what seems like a healthy exchange of information, ideas, and opinions surrounding such an impressive automobile. I have no regrets thus far. I
I actually feel priviledged to go to bat for Herman Motor Cars.

Note to Chris and Paul:
I will be in the market for another nsx hopefully in the fall of this year and I will be seeking your establishments help. I intend on keeping the first one I purchased from you and will be looking for a white on black first year targa.I will contact you in a few months when my finances are arrange for a smooth transaction.

As for the people here wanting me to post my vin# as well as other documents pertaining to ownership; what I will do since I'm not so experienced with online security is leave my email ([email protected]) and my business phone (772)223-6373. In a few days I will have help posting my first pictures of my 91 triple black 5speed.

You can call me if there is clarification needed pertaining to this nsx transaction. I prefer it to be discussed here because every member should see this play out but I will take calls for a limited time.

One thing to remember is stereotyping really closes the door to some rare opportunities in life that could prove to be very fruitful. Experiencing purchasing my nsx from Herman Motors was one not missed.
Chris and Paul I will be here as long as needed to offer some counterbalance to the unfair and untrue comments made about you.

I wasn't involved in your dealing with the individual posting the negative comments but anyone can tell his story is full of holes.

Hey! Negative thread poster give me a call and I'll describe what a great ride I had driving it 20 hrs straight! I'm sure it was better than your ride back home that day with an empty flatbed in tow.
detailzacuransx said:
Hey! Negative thread poster give me a call and I'll describe what a great ride I had driving it 20 hrs straight! I'm sure it was better than your ride back home that day with an empty flatbed in tow.
= Funny!:D :D
Chris@Paul Herman said:
Not all dealers are scumbags and in all actuality, the majority of them aren't. I know everyone loves calling us the scum of the earth, but it's just not true anymore, maybe 30 years ago, but not anymore. We earn a living, but that doesn't mean we can't sell you great cars at a great price and treat you very well in the process...

Unfortunately, I find this to be false 99% of the time. The reputation of car dealers is well deserved. Perhaps Paul Herman is the exception, but definitely not the rule. In my dealings with dealers, from Volvo to Porsche to BMW, they are overwhelmingly dishonest and unhelpful. Thankfully, the limited positive experience I've had at the dealer has been with the local Acura shop, which is what I'm most interested in now anyway. I'm amazed at how quickly dealers determine that my trade-in has had paintwork, yet never know if the car they are selling has had anything done, usually insisting that it hasn't until I want to take it to a 3rd party body shop to check it out. The whole process is too adversarial, and the consumer usually ends up getting (or feeling) screwed.

The only way to change this perception is to change your (not you specifically) behavior, and I don't see too many dealers doing that.
paladin said:
this is a sticky situation. On one hand seeing as how some person with only 8 total posts as of now walked into our forums to piss and moan points to a serious troll factor,

You only had 65 posts by the time I read this on 7/4. How many had you had by only 6/22?
ChopsJazz said:
You only had 65 posts by the time I read this on 7/4. How many had you had by only 6/22?
Does it matter? i mean the whole post count thing really gets me some times. sure, i was basically just a lurker for a long time before i finally made an acct and start posting.
Does that make my opinions less valid?
paladin said:
Does it matter? i mean the whole post count thing really gets me some times. sure, i was basically just a lurker for a long time before i finally made an acct and start posting.
Does that make my opinions less valid?

Yes it does. You can't have it both ways. Either a low post count casts doubt on a person's arguement, as you pointed out on 6/22, or it doesn't, as you state on 7/5. Which is it?