Highest miles you have seen on an nsx?

300k ---- speaks volumes about this car. I'm at 54k and just decided that I'm gonna drive it a heck of a lot more than I've been doing :smile: Jay
I'm over 100,000.
I seriously think it gains power with age.
It seems faster than it did at 40,000 miles.
400+K miles wow they said its a rare thing to see that. in a few years they will see most of these nsx's with similar miles.

203K miles and I continue to get compliments on the car daily, glad to know only half the life of this vehicle has been reached lol.

Feels good to know Ill be boosting a vehicle that has just been broken in haha :tongue:

your glad only half the life has been reached???? whos to say that these cars can't go 1,000,000 miles? then you could safely say half might have been reached. keep racking then up guys.. lets show the world what these cars can really do..